Commit a493348c by muhammad-ammar

Remove ability to add new ORA 1 problems to courses

parent 7b36645e
......@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
import copy
import mock
from mock import patch
import shutil
import lxml
......@@ -536,6 +537,7 @@ class MiscCourseTests(ContentStoreTestCase):
for expected in expected_types:
self.assertIn(expected, resp.content)
@patch('django.conf.settings.DEPRECATED_ADVANCED_COMPONENT_TYPES', [])
def test_advanced_components_in_edit_unit(self):
# This could be made better, but for now let's just assert that we see the advanced modules mentioned in the page
# response HTML
......@@ -56,6 +56,13 @@ ADVANCED_COMPONENT_POLICY_KEY = 'advanced_modules'
def _advanced_component_types():
Return advanced component types which can be created.
return [c_type for c_type in ADVANCED_COMPONENT_TYPES if c_type not in settings.DEPRECATED_ADVANCED_COMPONENT_TYPES]
def subsection_handler(request, usage_key_string):
......@@ -292,10 +299,11 @@ def get_component_templates(course):
# enabled for the course.
course_advanced_keys = course.advanced_modules
advanced_component_templates = {"type": "advanced", "templates": [], "display_name": _("Advanced")}
advanced_component_types = _advanced_component_types()
# Set component types according to course policy file
if isinstance(course_advanced_keys, list):
for category in course_advanced_keys:
if category in ADVANCED_COMPONENT_TYPES and not category in categories:
if category in advanced_component_types and not category in categories:
# boilerplates not supported for advanced components
component_display_name = xblock_type_display_name(category, default_display_name=category)
......@@ -1203,6 +1203,43 @@ class TestComponentTemplates(CourseTestCase):
self.assertEqual(ora_template.get('category'), 'openassessment')
self.assertIsNone(ora_template.get('boilerplate_name', None))
@patch('django.conf.settings.DEPRECATED_ADVANCED_COMPONENT_TYPES', ["combinedopenended", "peergrading"])
def test_ora1_no_advance_component_button(self):
Test that there will be no `Advanced` button on unit page if `combinedopenended` and `peergrading` are
deprecated provided that there are only 'combinedopenended', 'peergrading' modules in `Advanced Module List`
self.course.advanced_modules.extend(['combinedopenended', 'peergrading'])
templates = get_component_templates(self.course)
button_names = [template['display_name'] for template in templates]
self.assertNotIn('Advanced', button_names)
@patch('django.conf.settings.DEPRECATED_ADVANCED_COMPONENT_TYPES', ["combinedopenended", "peergrading"])
def test_cannot_create_ora1_problems(self):
Test that we can't create ORA1 problems if `combinedopenended` and `peergrading` are deprecated
self.course.advanced_modules.extend(['annotatable', 'combinedopenended', 'peergrading'])
templates = get_component_templates(self.course)
button_names = [template['display_name'] for template in templates]
self.assertIn('Advanced', button_names)
self.assertEqual(len(templates[0]['templates']), 1)
template_display_names = [template['display_name'] for template in templates[0]['templates']]
self.assertEqual(template_display_names, ['Annotation'])
@patch('django.conf.settings.DEPRECATED_ADVANCED_COMPONENT_TYPES', [])
def test_create_ora1_problems(self):
Test that we can create ORA1 problems if `combinedopenended` and `peergrading` are not deprecated
self.course.advanced_modules.extend(['annotatable', 'combinedopenended', 'peergrading'])
templates = get_component_templates(self.course)
button_names = [template['display_name'] for template in templates]
self.assertIn('Advanced', button_names)
self.assertEqual(len(templates[0]['templates']), 3)
template_display_names = [template['display_name'] for template in templates[0]['templates']]
self.assertEqual(template_display_names, ['Annotation', 'Open Response Assessment', 'Peer Grading Interface'])
class TestXBlockInfo(ItemTest):
......@@ -743,6 +743,10 @@ ADVANCED_COMPONENT_TYPES = [
# Adding components in this list will disable the creation of new problem for those
# compoenents in studio. Existing problems will work fine and one can edit them in studio
# Specify xblocks that should be treated as advanced problems. Each entry is a tuple
# specifying the xblock name and an optional YAML template to be used.
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