Commit a45f1f03 by Calen Pennington

Set OAUTH2_PROVIDER_APPLICATION_MODEL for tests so that migrations can run in verbose mode

parent 226da7d3
......@@ -326,3 +326,7 @@ FEATURES['CUSTOM_COURSES_EDX'] = True
# API access management -- needed for simple-history to run.
INSTALLED_APPS += ('openedx.core.djangoapps.api_admin',)
# Set the default Oauth2 Provider Model so that migrations can run in
# verbose mode
OAUTH2_PROVIDER_APPLICATION_MODEL = 'oauth2_provider.Application'
......@@ -577,3 +577,7 @@ JWT_AUTH.update({
# better performant unit tests.
from openedx.core.lib.block_structure.transformer_registry import TransformerRegistry
TransformerRegistry.USE_PLUGIN_MANAGER = False
# Set the default Oauth2 Provider Model so that migrations can run in
# verbose mode
OAUTH2_PROVIDER_APPLICATION_MODEL = 'oauth2_provider.Application'
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