Commit a454502b by Andy Armstrong

Merge pull request #3666 from edx/andya/fix-translation-string

Improve the translatability of Studio's paging header
parents 74578cd7 e75f2733
......@@ -245,7 +245,6 @@ define([ "jquery", "js/spec_helpers/create_sinon", "URI",
it('should be disabled on an empty page', function () {
var requests = create_sinon.requests(this);
......@@ -301,6 +300,31 @@ define([ "jquery", "js/spec_helpers/create_sinon", "URI",
describe("Page metadata section", function() {
it('shows the correct metadata for the current page', function () {
var requests = create_sinon.requests(this),
message = pagingHeader.$('.meta').html().trim();
expect(message).toBe('<p>Showing <span class="count-current-shown">1-3</span>' +
' out of <span class="count-total">4 total</span>, ' +
'sorted by <span class="sort-order">Date</span> descending</p>');
it('shows the correct metadata when sorted ascending', function () {
var requests = create_sinon.requests(this),
message = pagingHeader.$('.meta').html().trim();
expect(message).toBe('<p>Showing <span class="count-current-shown">1-3</span>' +
' out of <span class="count-total">4 total</span>, ' +
'sorted by <span class="sort-order">Name</span> ascending</p>');
describe("Asset count label", function () {
it('should show correct count on first page', function () {
var requests = create_sinon.requests(this);
......@@ -87,12 +87,6 @@ define(["underscore", "js/views/baseview", "js/views/feedback_alert", "gettext"]
return sortInfo.displayName;
sortDirectionName: function() {
var collection = this.collection,
ascending = collection.sortDirection === 'asc';
return ascending ? gettext("ascending") : gettext("descending");
setInitialSortColumn: function(sortColumn) {
var collection = this.collection,
sortInfo = this.sortableColumns[sortColumn];
......@@ -31,27 +31,48 @@ define(["underscore", "gettext", "js/views/baseview"], function(_, gettext, Base
messageHtml: function() {
var message;
if (this.view.collection.sortDirection === 'asc') {
// Translators: sample result: "Showing 0-9 out of 25 total, sorted by Date Added ascending"
message = gettext('Showing %(current_item_range)s out of %(total_items_count)s, sorted by %(sort_name)s ascending');
} else {
// Translators: sample result: "Showing 0-9 out of 25 total, sorted by Date Added descending"
message = gettext('Showing %(current_item_range)s out of %(total_items_count)s, sorted by %(sort_name)s descending');
return '<p>' + interpolate(message, {
current_item_range: this.currentItemRangeLabel(),
total_items_count: this.totalItemsCountLabel(),
sort_name: this.sortNameLabel()
}, true) + "</p>";
currentItemRangeLabel: function() {
var view = this.view,
collection = view.collection,
start = collection.start,
count = collection.size(),
sortName = view.sortDisplayName(),
sortDirectionName = view.sortDirectionName(),
end = start + count,
total = collection.totalCount,
fmts = gettext('Showing %(current_span)s%(start)s-%(end)s%(end_span)s out of %(total_span)s%(total)s total%(end_span)s, sorted by %(order_span)s%(sort_order)s%(end_span)s %(sort_direction)s');
return '<p>' + interpolate(fmts, {
end = start + count;
return interpolate('<span class="count-current-shown">%(start)s-%(end)s</span>', {
start: Math.min(start + 1, end),
end: end,
total: total,
sort_order: sortName,
sort_direction: sortDirectionName,
current_span: '<span class="count-current-shown">',
total_span: '<span class="count-total">',
order_span: '<span class="sort-order">',
end_span: '</span>'
}, true) + "</p>";
end: end
}, true);
totalItemsCountLabel: function() {
var totalItemsLabel;
// Translators: turns into "25 total" to be used in other sentences, e.g. "Showing 0-9 out of 25 total".
totalItemsLabel = interpolate(gettext('%(total_items)s total'), {
total_items: this.view.collection.totalCount
}, true);
return interpolate('<span class="count-total">%(total_items_label)s</span>', {
total_items_label: totalItemsLabel
}, true);
sortNameLabel: function() {
return interpolate('<span class="sort-order">%(sort_name)s</span>', {
sort_name: this.view.sortDisplayName()
}, true);
nextPage: function() {
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