Commit a44eacd4 by Vik Paruchuri

Make fields stringy, remove false dict

parent 21f7e222
......@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ from .x_module import XModule
from xblock.core import Integer, Scope, String, Boolean, List
from xmodule.open_ended_grading_classes.combined_open_ended_modulev1 import CombinedOpenEndedV1Module, CombinedOpenEndedV1Descriptor
from collections import namedtuple
from .fields import Date, StringyFloat
from .fields import Date, StringyFloat, StringyInteger, StringyBoolean
log = logging.getLogger("mitx.courseware")
......@@ -49,19 +49,19 @@ class VersionInteger(Integer):
class CombinedOpenEndedFields(object):
display_name = String(help="Display name for this module", default="Open Ended Grading", scope=Scope.settings)
current_task_number = Integer(help="Current task that the student is on.", default=0, scope=Scope.user_state)
current_task_number = StringyInteger(help="Current task that the student is on.", default=0, scope=Scope.user_state)
task_states = List(help="List of state dictionaries of each task within this module.", scope=Scope.user_state)
state = String(help="Which step within the current task that the student is on.", default="initial",
student_attempts = Integer(help="Number of attempts taken by the student on this problem", default=0,
student_attempts = StringyInteger(help="Number of attempts taken by the student on this problem", default=0,
ready_to_reset = Boolean(help="If the problem is ready to be reset or not.", default=False,
ready_to_reset = StringyBoolean(help="If the problem is ready to be reset or not.", default=False,
attempts = Integer(help="Maximum number of attempts that a student is allowed.", default=1, scope=Scope.settings)
is_graded = Boolean(help="Whether or not the problem is graded.", default=False, scope=Scope.settings)
accept_file_upload = Boolean(help="Whether or not the problem accepts file uploads.", default=False,
attempts = StringyInteger(help="Maximum number of attempts that a student is allowed.", default=1, scope=Scope.settings)
is_graded = StringyBoolean(help="Whether or not the problem is graded.", default=False, scope=Scope.settings)
accept_file_upload = StringyBoolean(help="Whether or not the problem accepts file uploads.", default=False,
skip_spelling_checks = Boolean(help="Whether or not to skip initial spelling checks.", default=True,
skip_spelling_checks = StringyBoolean(help="Whether or not to skip initial spelling checks.", default=True,
due = Date(help="Date that this problem is due by", default=None, scope=Scope.settings)
graceperiod = String(help="Amount of time after the due date that submissions will be accepted", default=None,
......@@ -103,13 +103,12 @@ def find_peer_grading_module(course):
#Get the course id and split it
course_id_parts ="/")
false_dict = [False, "False", "false", "FALSE"]
#TODO: This will not work with multiple runs of a course. Make it work. The last key in the Location passed
#to get_items is called revision. Is this the same as run?
#Get the peer grading modules currently in the course
items = modulestore().get_items(['i4x', None, course_id_parts[1], 'peergrading', None])
#See if any of the modules are centralized modules (ie display info from multiple problems)
items = [i for i in items if getattr(i,"use_for_single_location", True) in false_dict]
items = [i for i in items if not getattr(i,"use_for_single_location", True)]
#Get the first one
if len(items)>0:
item_location = items[0].location
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