@@ -418,6 +418,10 @@ If you want to customize the courseware tabs displayed for your course, specify
* "external_link". Parameters "name", "link".
* "textbooks". No parameters--generates tab names from book titles.
* "progress". Parameter "name".
* "static_tab". Parameters "name", 'url_slug'--will look for tab contents in
'tabs/{course_url_name}/{tab url_slug}.html'
* "staff_grading". No parameters. If specified, displays the staff grading tab for instructors.
# Tips for content developers
@@ -429,9 +433,7 @@ before the week 1 material to make it easy to find in the file.
* Come up with a consistent pattern for url_names, so that it's easy to know where to look for any piece of content. It will also help to come up with a standard way of splitting your content files. As a point of departure, we suggest splitting chapters, sequences, html, and problems into separate files.
* A heads up: our content management system will allow you to develop content through a web browser, but will be backed by this same xml at first. Once that happens, every element will be in its own file to make access and updates faster.
* Prefer the most "semantic" name for containers: e.g., use problemset rather than vertical for a problem set. That way, if we decide to display problem sets differently, we don't have to change the xml.
* Prefer the most "semantic" name for containers: e.g., use problemset rather than sequential for a problem set. That way, if we decide to display problem sets differently, we don't have to change the xml.