Commit a3a7d1d5 by Jonah Stanley

Merge pull request #77 from edx/jonahstanley/fix-alert-tests

Jonahstanley/fix alert tests
parents 228b5014 477f29d5
......@@ -26,11 +26,9 @@ Feature: Create Section
And I save a new section release date
Then the section release date is updated
# Skipped because Ubuntu ChromeDriver hangs on alert
Scenario: Delete section
Given I have opened a new course in Studio
And I have added a new section
When I press the "section" delete icon
And I confirm the alert
When I will confirm all alerts
And I press the "section" delete icon
Then the section does not exist
......@@ -69,8 +69,8 @@ def i_see_complete_section_name_with_quote_in_editor(step):
@step('the section does not exist$')
def section_does_not_exist(step):
css = 'span.section-name-span'
assert world.browser.is_element_not_present_by_css(css)
css = 'h3[data-name="My Section"]'
assert world.is_css_not_present(css)
@step('I see a release date for my section$')
Feature: Overview Toggle Section
In order to quickly view the details of a course's section or to scan the inventory of sections
In order to quickly view the details of a course's section or to scan the inventory of sections
As a course author
I want to toggle the visibility of each section's subsection details in the overview listing
Scenario: The default layout for the overview page is to show sections in expanded view
Given I have a course with multiple sections
When I navigate to the course overview page
Then I see the "Collapse All Sections" link
And all sections are expanded
Scenario: Expand /collapse for a course with no sections
Given I have a course with no sections
When I navigate to the course overview page
Then I do not see the "Collapse All Sections" link
Scenario: Collapse link appears after creating first section of a course
Given I have a course with no sections
When I navigate to the course overview page
And I add a section
Then I see the "Collapse All Sections" link
And all sections are expanded
# Skipped because Ubuntu ChromeDriver hangs on alert
Scenario: Collapse link is not removed after last section of a course is deleted
Given I have a course with 1 section
And I navigate to the course overview page
When I press the "section" delete icon
And I confirm the alert
Then I see the "Collapse All Sections" link
Scenario: Collapsing all sections when all sections are expanded
Given I navigate to the courseware page of a course with multiple sections
And all sections are expanded
When I click the "Collapse All Sections" link
Then I see the "Expand All Sections" link
And all sections are collapsed
Scenario: Collapsing all sections when 1 or more sections are already collapsed
Given I navigate to the courseware page of a course with multiple sections
And all sections are expanded
When I collapse the first section
And I click the "Collapse All Sections" link
Then I see the "Expand All Sections" link
And all sections are collapsed
Scenario: Expanding all sections when all sections are collapsed
Given I navigate to the courseware page of a course with multiple sections
And I click the "Collapse All Sections" link
When I click the "Expand All Sections" link
Then I see the "Collapse All Sections" link
And all sections are expanded
Scenario: Expanding all sections when 1 or more sections are already expanded
Given I navigate to the courseware page of a course with multiple sections
And I click the "Collapse All Sections" link
When I expand the first section
And I click the "Expand All Sections" link
Then I see the "Collapse All Sections" link
And all sections are expanded
Scenario: The default layout for the overview page is to show sections in expanded view
Given I have a course with multiple sections
When I navigate to the course overview page
Then I see the "Collapse All Sections" link
And all sections are expanded
Scenario: Expand /collapse for a course with no sections
Given I have a course with no sections
When I navigate to the course overview page
Then I do not see the "Collapse All Sections" link
Scenario: Collapse link appears after creating first section of a course
Given I have a course with no sections
When I navigate to the course overview page
And I add a section
Then I see the "Collapse All Sections" link
And all sections are expanded
Scenario: Collapse link is not removed after last section of a course is deleted
Given I have a course with 1 section
And I navigate to the course overview page
When I will confirm all alerts
And I press the "section" delete icon
Then I see the "Collapse All Sections" link
Scenario: Collapsing all sections when all sections are expanded
Given I navigate to the courseware page of a course with multiple sections
And all sections are expanded
When I click the "Collapse All Sections" link
Then I see the "Expand All Sections" link
And all sections are collapsed
Scenario: Collapsing all sections when 1 or more sections are already collapsed
Given I navigate to the courseware page of a course with multiple sections
And all sections are expanded
When I collapse the first section
And I click the "Collapse All Sections" link
Then I see the "Expand All Sections" link
And all sections are collapsed
Scenario: Expanding all sections when all sections are collapsed
Given I navigate to the courseware page of a course with multiple sections
And I click the "Collapse All Sections" link
When I click the "Expand All Sections" link
Then I see the "Collapse All Sections" link
And all sections are expanded
Scenario: Expanding all sections when 1 or more sections are already expanded
Given I navigate to the courseware page of a course with multiple sections
And I click the "Collapse All Sections" link
When I expand the first section
And I click the "Expand All Sections" link
Then I see the "Collapse All Sections" link
And all sections are expanded
......@@ -32,12 +32,10 @@ Feature: Create Subsection
And I reload the page
Then I see the correct dates
# Skipped because Ubuntu ChromeDriver hangs on alert
Scenario: Delete a subsection
Given I have opened a new course section in Studio
And I have added a new subsection
And I see my subsection on the Courseware page
When I press the "subsection" delete icon
And I confirm the alert
When I will confirm all alerts
And I press the "subsection" delete icon
Then the subsection does not exist
......@@ -159,3 +159,33 @@ def registered_edx_user(step, uname):
@step(u'All dialogs should be closed$')
def dialogs_are_closed(step):
assert world.dialogs_closed()
@step('I will confirm all alerts')
def i_confirm_all_alerts(step):
Please note: This method must be called RIGHT BEFORE an expected alert
Window variables are page local and thus all changes are removed upon navigating to a new page
In addition, this method changes the functionality of ONLY future alerts
world.browser.execute_script('window.confirm = function(){return true;} ; window.alert = function(){return;}')
@step('I will cancel all alerts')
def i_cancel_all_alerts(step):
Please note: This method must be called RIGHT BEFORE an expected alert
Window variables are page local and thus all changes are removed upon navigating to a new page
In addition, this method changes the functionality of ONLY future alerts
world.browser.execute_script('window.confirm = function(){return false;} ; window.alert = function(){return;}')
@step('I will answer all prompts with "([^"]*)"')
def i_answer_prompts_with(step, prompt):
Please note: This method must be called RIGHT BEFORE an expected alert
Window variables are page local and thus all changes are removed upon navigating to a new page
In addition, this method changes the functionality of ONLY future alerts
world.browser.execute_script('window.prompt = function(){return %s;}') % prompt
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