Commit a34a9dd0 by Diana Huang

Merge branch 'master' into diana/open-ended-ui-updates

parents c7421f04 5d6c5de8
......@@ -34,6 +34,8 @@ import chem
import chem.chemcalc
import chem.chemtools
import chem.miller
import verifiers
import verifiers.draganddrop
import calc
from correctmap import CorrectMap
......@@ -69,7 +71,8 @@ global_context = {'random': random,
'eia': eia,
'chemcalc': chem.chemcalc,
'chemtools': chem.chemtools,
'miller': chem.miller}
'miller': chem.miller,
'draganddrop': verifiers.draganddrop}
# These should be removed from HTML output, including all subelements
html_problem_semantics = ["codeparam", "responseparam", "answer", "script", "hintgroup", "openendedparam","openendedrubric"]
......@@ -13,6 +13,9 @@ Module containing the problem elements which render into input objects
- imageinput (for clickable image)
- optioninput (for option list)
- filesubmission (upload a file)
- crystallography
- vsepr_input
- drag_and_drop
These are matched by *.html files templates/*.html which are mako templates with the
actual html.
......@@ -41,6 +44,7 @@ from lxml import etree
import re
import shlex # for splitting quoted strings
import sys
import os
from registry import TagRegistry
......@@ -692,7 +696,7 @@ class VseprInput(InputTypeBase):
def get_attributes(cls):
Note: height, width are required.
Note: height, width, molecules and geometries are required.
return [Attribute('height'),
......@@ -735,3 +739,93 @@ class ChemicalEquationInput(InputTypeBase):
class DragAndDropInput(InputTypeBase):
Input for drag and drop problems. Allows student to drag and drop images and
labels to base image.
template = 'drag_and_drop_input.html'
tags = ['drag_and_drop_input']
def setup(self):
def parse(tag, tag_type):
"""Parses <tag ... /> xml element to dictionary. Stores
'draggable' and 'target' tags with attributes to dictionary and
returns last.
tag: xml etree element <tag...> with attributes
tag_type: 'draggable' or 'target'.
If tag_type is 'draggable' : all attributes except id
(name or label or icon or can_reuse) are optional
If tag_type is 'target' all attributes (name, x, y, w, h)
are required. (x, y) - coordinates of center of target,
w, h - weight and height of target.
Dictionary of vaues of attributes:
dict{'name': smth, 'label': smth, 'icon': smth,
'can_reuse': smth}.
tag_attrs = dict()
tag_attrs['draggable'] = {'id': Attribute._sentinel,
'label': "", 'icon': "",
'can_reuse': ""}
tag_attrs['target'] = {'id': Attribute._sentinel,
'x': Attribute._sentinel,
'y': Attribute._sentinel,
'w': Attribute._sentinel,
'h': Attribute._sentinel}
dic = dict()
for attr_name in tag_attrs[tag_type].keys():
dic[attr_name] = Attribute(attr_name,
if tag_type == 'draggable' and not self.no_labels:
dic['label'] = dic['label'] or dic['id']
return dic
# add labels to images?:
self.no_labels = Attribute('no_labels',
to_js = dict()
# image drag and drop onto
to_js['base_image'] = Attribute('img').parse_from_xml(self.xml)
# outline places on image where to drag adn drop
to_js['target_outline'] = Attribute('target_outline',
# one draggable per target?
to_js['one_per_target'] = Attribute('one_per_target',
# list of draggables
to_js['draggables'] = [parse(draggable, 'draggable') for draggable in
# list of targets
to_js['targets'] = [parse(target, 'target') for target in
# custom background color for labels:
label_bg_color = Attribute('label_bg_color',
if label_bg_color:
to_js['label_bg_color'] = label_bg_color
self.loaded_attributes['drag_and_drop_json'] = json.dumps(to_js)
......@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ from correctmap import CorrectMap
from datetime import datetime
from util import *
from lxml import etree
from lxml.html.soupparser import fromstring as fromstring_bs # uses Beautiful Soup!!! FIXME?
from lxml.html.soupparser import fromstring as fromstring_bs # uses Beautiful Soup!!! FIXME?
import xqueue_interface
log = logging.getLogger('mitx.' + __name__)
......@@ -869,7 +869,9 @@ def sympy_check2():
response_tag = 'customresponse'
allowed_inputfields = ['textline', 'textbox', 'crystallography', 'chemicalequationinput', 'vsepr_input']
allowed_inputfields = ['textline', 'textbox', 'crystallography',
'chemicalequationinput', 'vsepr_input',
def setup_response(self):
xml = self.xml
......@@ -1044,7 +1046,7 @@ def sympy_check2():
#msg = etree.tostring(fromstring_bs(msg),pretty_print=True)
msg = msg.replace('&#13;', '')
#msg = re.sub('<html>(.*)</html>','\\1',msg,flags=re.M|re.DOTALL) # python 2.7
#msg = re.sub('<html>(.*)</html>','\\1',msg,flags=re.M|re.DOTALL) # python 2.7
msg = re.sub('(?ms)<html>(.*)</html>', '\\1', msg)
messages[0] = msg
......@@ -1763,7 +1765,7 @@ class ImageResponse(LoncapaResponse):
def get_score(self, student_answers):
correct_map = CorrectMap()
expectedset = self.get_answers()
for aid in self.answer_ids: # loop through IDs of <imageinput>
for aid in self.answer_ids: # loop through IDs of <imageinput>
# fields in our stanza
given = student_answers[aid] # this should be a string of the form '[x,y]'
correct_map.set(aid, 'incorrect')
<section id="inputtype_${id}" class="capa_inputtype" >
<div class="drag_and_drop_problem_div" id="drag_and_drop_div_${id}"
<div class="drag_and_drop_problem_json" id="drag_and_drop_json_${id}"
<div class="script_placeholder" data-src="/static/js/capa/drag_and_drop.js"></div>
% if status == 'unsubmitted':
<div class="unanswered" id="status_${id}">
% elif status == 'correct':
<div class="correct" id="status_${id}">
% elif status == 'incorrect':
<div class="incorrect" id="status_${id}">
% elif status == 'incomplete':
<div class="incorrect" id="status_${id}">
% endif
<input type="text" name="input_${id}" id="input_${id}" value="${value|h}"
<p class="status">
% if status == 'unsubmitted':
% elif status == 'correct':
% elif status == 'incorrect':
% elif status == 'incomplete':
% endif
<p id="answer_${id}" class="answer"></p>
% if msg:
<span class="message">${msg|n}</span>
% endif
% if status in ['unsubmitted', 'correct', 'incorrect', 'incomplete']:
% endif
......@@ -9,13 +9,14 @@ TODO:
- check rendering -- e.g. msg should appear in the rendered output. If possible, test that
templates are escaping things properly.
- test unicode in values, parameters, etc.
- test various html escapes
- test funny xml chars -- should never get xml parse error if things are escaped properly.
import json
from lxml import etree
import unittest
import xml.sax.saxutils as saxutils
......@@ -501,3 +502,70 @@ class ChemicalEquationTest(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertEqual(context, expected)
class DragAndDropTest(unittest.TestCase):
Check that drag and drop inputs work
def test_rendering(self):
path_to_images = '/static/images/'
xml_str = """
<drag_and_drop_input id="prob_1_2" img="{path}about_1.png" target_outline="false">
<draggable id="1" label="Label 1"/>
<draggable id="name_with_icon" label="cc" icon="{path}cc.jpg"/>
<draggable id="with_icon" label="arrow-left" icon="{path}arrow-left.png" />
<draggable id="5" label="Label2" />
<draggable id="2" label="Mute" icon="{path}mute.png" />
<draggable id="name_label_icon3" label="spinner" icon="{path}spinner.gif" />
<draggable id="name4" label="Star" icon="{path}volume.png" />
<draggable id="7" label="Label3" />
<target id="t1" x="210" y="90" w="90" h="90"/>
<target id="t2" x="370" y="160" w="90" h="90"/>
element = etree.fromstring(xml_str)
value = 'abc'
state = {'value': value,
'status': 'unsubmitted'}
user_input = { # order matters, for string comparison
"target_outline": "false",
"base_image": "/static/images/about_1.png",
"draggables": [
{"can_reuse": "", "label": "Label 1", "id": "1", "icon": ""},
{"can_reuse": "", "label": "cc", "id": "name_with_icon", "icon": "/static/images/cc.jpg", },
{"can_reuse": "", "label": "arrow-left", "id": "with_icon", "icon": "/static/images/arrow-left.png", "can_reuse": ""},
{"can_reuse": "", "label": "Label2", "id": "5", "icon": "", "can_reuse": ""},
{"can_reuse": "", "label": "Mute", "id": "2", "icon": "/static/images/mute.png", "can_reuse": ""},
{"can_reuse": "", "label": "spinner", "id": "name_label_icon3", "icon": "/static/images/spinner.gif", "can_reuse": ""},
{"can_reuse": "", "label": "Star", "id": "name4", "icon": "/static/images/volume.png", "can_reuse": ""},
{"can_reuse": "", "label": "Label3", "id": "7", "icon": "", "can_reuse": ""}],
"one_per_target": "True",
"targets": [
{"y": "90", "x": "210", "id": "t1", "w": "90", "h": "90"},
{"y": "160", "x": "370", "id": "t2", "w": "90", "h": "90"}
the_input = lookup_tag('drag_and_drop_input')(test_system, element, state)
context = the_input._get_render_context()
expected = {'id': 'prob_1_2',
'value': value,
'status': 'unsubmitted',
'msg': '',
'drag_and_drop_json': json.dumps(user_input)
# as we are dumping 'draggables' dicts while dumping user_input, string
# comparison will fail, as order of keys is random.
self.assertEqual(json.loads(context['drag_and_drop_json']), user_input)
self.assertEqual(context, expected)
......@@ -83,7 +83,8 @@ class CapaModule(XModule):
resource_string(__name__, 'js/src/'),
'js': [resource_string(__name__, 'js/src/capa/imageinput.js'),
resource_string(__name__, 'js/src/capa/schematic.js')]}
resource_string(__name__, 'js/src/capa/schematic.js')
js_module_name = "Problem"
css = {'scss': [resource_string(__name__, 'css/capa/display.scss')]}
var SequenceNav = function($element) {
var _this = this;
var $element = $element;
......@@ -44,7 +41,7 @@ var SequenceNav = function($element) {
var leftPercent = clamp(-left / padding, 0, 1);
$leftShadow.css('opacity', leftPercent);
var rightPercent = clamp((maxScroll + left) / padding, 0, 1);
$rightShadow.css('opacity', rightPercent);
......@@ -95,5 +92,5 @@ var SequenceNav = function($element) {
$(window).bind('resize', updateWidths);
setTimeout(function() {
}, 200);
\ No newline at end of file
}, 200);
// Wrapper for RequireJS. It will make the standard requirejs(), require(), and
// define() functions from Require JS available inside the anonymous function.
// See
(function (requirejs, require, define) {
'baseUrl': '/static/js/capa/drag_and_drop/'
// The current JS file will be loaded and run each time. It will require a
// single dependency which will be loaded and stored by RequireJS. On
// subsequent runs, RequireJS will return the dependency from memory, rather
// than loading it again from the server. For that reason, it is a good idea to
// keep the current JS file as small as possible, and move everything else into
// RequireJS module dependencies.
requirejs(['main'], function (Main) {
// End of wrapper for RequireJS. As you can see, we are passing
// namespaced Require JS variables to an anonymous function. Within
// it, you can use the standard requirejs(), require(), and define()
// functions as if they were in the global namespace.
}(RequireJS.requirejs, RequireJS.require, RequireJS.define)); // End-of: (function (requirejs, require, define)
// Wrapper for RequireJS. It will make the standard requirejs(), require(), and
// define() functions from Require JS available inside the anonymous function.
// See
(function (requirejs, require, define) {
define(['logme'], function (logme) {
return BaseImage;
function BaseImage(state) {
var baseImageElContainer;
baseImageElContainer = $(
'<div ' +
'class="base_image_container" ' +
'style=" ' +
'position: relative; ' +
'margin-bottom: 25px; ' +
'margin-left: auto; ' +
'margin-right: auto; ' +
'" ' +
state.baseImageEl = $('<img />');
state.baseImageEl.attr('src', state.config.baseImage);
state.baseImageEl.load(function () {
'width': this.width,
'height': this.height
state.baseImageEl.mousedown(function (event) {
state.baseImageLoaded = true;
state.baseImageEl.error(function () {
logme('ERROR: Image "' + state.config.baseImage + '" was not found!');
'<span style="color: red;">' +
'ERROR: Image "' + state.config.baseImage + '" was not found!' +
// End of wrapper for RequireJS. As you can see, we are passing
// namespaced Require JS variables to an anonymous function. Within
// it, you can use the standard requirejs(), require(), and define()
// functions as if they were in the global namespace.
}(RequireJS.requirejs, RequireJS.require, RequireJS.define)); // End-of: (function (requirejs, require, define)
// Wrapper for RequireJS. It will make the standard requirejs(), require(), and
// define() functions from Require JS available inside the anonymous function.
// See
(function (requirejs, require, define) {
define(['logme'], function (logme) {
return configParser;
function configParser(state, config) {
state.config = {
'draggables': [],
'baseImage': '',
'targets': [],
'onePerTarget': null, // Specified by user. No default.
'targetOutline': true,
'labelBgColor': '#d6d6d6',
'individualTargets': null, // Depends on 'targets'.
'errors': 0 // Number of errors found while parsing config.
getDraggables(state, config);
getBaseImage(state, config);
getTargets(state, config);
getOnePerTarget(state, config);
getTargetOutline(state, config);
getLabelBgColor(state, config);
if (state.config.errors !== 0) {
return false;
return true;
function getDraggables(state, config) {
if (config.hasOwnProperty('draggables') === false) {
logme('ERROR: "config" does not have a property "draggables".');
state.config.errors += 1;
} else if ($.isArray(config.draggables) === true) {
(function (i) {
while (i < config.draggables.length) {
if (processDraggable(state, config.draggables[i]) !== true) {
state.config.errors += 1;
i += 1;
} else if ($.isPlainObject(config.draggables) === true) {
if (processDraggable(state, config.draggables) !== true) {
state.config.errors += 1;
} else {
logme('ERROR: The type of config.draggables is no supported.');
state.config.errors += 1;
function getBaseImage(state, config) {
if (config.hasOwnProperty('base_image') === false) {
logme('ERROR: "config" does not have a property "base_image".');
state.config.errors += 1;
} else if (typeof config.base_image === 'string') {
state.config.baseImage = config.base_image;
} else {
logme('ERROR: Property config.base_image is not of type "string".');
state.config.errors += 1;
function getTargets(state, config) {
if (config.hasOwnProperty('targets') === false) {
// It is possible that no "targets" were specified. This is not an error.
// In this case the default value of "[]" (empty array) will be used.
// Draggables can be positioned anywhere on the image, and the server will
// get an answer in the form of (x, y) coordinates for each draggable.
} else if ($.isArray(config.targets) === true) {
(function (i) {
while (i < config.targets.length) {
if (processTarget(state, config.targets[i]) !== true) {
state.config.errors += 1;
i += 1;
} else if ($.isPlainObject(config.targets) === true) {
if (processTarget(state, config.targets) !== true) {
state.config.errors += 1;
} else {
logme('ERROR: Property config.targets is not of a supported type.');
state.config.errors += 1;
function getOnePerTarget(state, config) {
if (config.hasOwnProperty('one_per_target') === false) {
logme('ERROR: "config" does not have a property "one_per_target".');
state.config.errors += 1;
} else if (typeof config.one_per_target === 'string') {
if (config.one_per_target.toLowerCase() === 'true') {
state.config.onePerTarget = true;
} else if (config.one_per_target.toLowerCase() === 'false') {
state.config.onePerTarget = false;
} else {
logme('ERROR: Property config.one_per_target can either be "true", or "false".');
state.config.errors += 1;
} else {
logme('ERROR: Property config.one_per_target is not of a supported type.');
state.config.errors += 1;
function getTargetOutline(state, config) {
if (config.hasOwnProperty('target_outline') === false) {
// It is possible that no "target_outline" was specified. This is not an error.
// In this case the default value of 'true' (boolean) will be used.
} else if (typeof config.target_outline === 'string') {
if (config.target_outline.toLowerCase() === 'true') {
state.config.targetOutline = true;
} else if (config.target_outline.toLowerCase() === 'false') {
state.config.targetOutline = false;
} else {
logme('ERROR: Property config.target_outline can either be "true", or "false".');
state.config.errors += 1;
} else {
logme('ERROR: Property config.target_outline is not of a supported type.');
state.config.errors += 1;
function getLabelBgColor(state, config) {
if (config.hasOwnProperty('label_bg_color') === false) {
// It is possible that no "label_bg_color" was specified. This is not an error.
// In this case the default value of '#d6d6d6' (string) will be used.
} else if (typeof config.label_bg_color === 'string') {
state.config.labelBgColor = config.label_bg_color;
} else {
logme('ERROR: Property config.label_bg_color is not of a supported type.');
returnStatus = false;
function setIndividualTargets(state) {
if (state.config.targets.length === 0) {
state.config.individualTargets = false;
} else {
state.config.individualTargets = true;
function processDraggable(state, obj) {
if (
(attrIsString(obj, 'id') === false) ||
(attrIsString(obj, 'icon') === false) ||
(attrIsString(obj, 'label') === false) ||
(attrIsBoolean(obj, 'can_reuse', false) === false)
) {
return false;
return true;
function processTarget(state, obj) {
if (
(attrIsString(obj, 'id') === false) ||
(attrIsInteger(obj, 'w') === false) ||
(attrIsInteger(obj, 'h') === false) ||
(attrIsInteger(obj, 'x') === false) ||
(attrIsInteger(obj, 'y') === false)
) {
return false;
return true;
function attrIsString(obj, attr) {
if (obj.hasOwnProperty(attr) === false) {
logme('ERROR: Attribute "obj.' + attr + '" is not present.');
return false;
} else if (typeof obj[attr] !== 'string') {
logme('ERROR: Attribute "obj.' + attr + '" is not a string.');
return false;
return true;
function attrIsInteger(obj, attr) {
var tempInt;
if (obj.hasOwnProperty(attr) === false) {
logme('ERROR: Attribute "obj.' + attr + '" is not present.');
return false;
tempInt = parseInt(obj[attr], 10);
if (isFinite(tempInt) === false) {
logme('ERROR: Attribute "obj.' + attr + '" is not an integer.');
return false;
obj[attr] = tempInt;
return true;
function attrIsBoolean(obj, attr, defaultVal) {
if (obj.hasOwnProperty(attr) === false) {
if (defaultVal === undefined) {
logme('ERROR: Attribute "obj.' + attr + '" is not present.');
return false;
} else {
obj[attr] = defaultVal;
return true;
if (obj[attr] === '') {
obj[attr] = defaultVal;
} else if ((obj[attr] === 'false') || (obj[attr] === false)) {
obj[attr] = false;
} else if ((obj[attr] === 'true') || (obj[attr] === true)) {
obj[attr] = true;
} else {
logme('ERROR: Attribute "obj.' + attr + '" is not a boolean.');
return false;
return true;
// End of wrapper for RequireJS. As you can see, we are passing
// namespaced Require JS variables to an anonymous function. Within
// it, you can use the standard requirejs(), require(), and define()
// functions as if they were in the global namespace.
}(RequireJS.requirejs, RequireJS.require, RequireJS.define)); // End-of: (function (requirejs, require, define)
// Wrapper for RequireJS. It will make the standard requirejs(), require(), and
// define() functions from Require JS available inside the anonymous function.
// See
(function (requirejs, require, define) {
define(['logme'], function (logme) {
return Container;
function Container(state) {
state.containerEl = $(
'<div ' +
'style=" ' +
'clear: both; ' +
'width: 665px; ' +
'margin-left: auto; ' +
'margin-right: auto; ' +
'" ' +
$('#inputtype_' + state.problemId).before(state.containerEl);
// End of wrapper for RequireJS. As you can see, we are passing
// namespaced Require JS variables to an anonymous function. Within
// it, you can use the standard requirejs(), require(), and define()
// functions as if they were in the global namespace.
}(RequireJS.requirejs, RequireJS.require, RequireJS.define)); // End-of: (function (requirejs, require, define)
// Wrapper for RequireJS. It will make the standard requirejs(), require(), and
// define() functions from Require JS available inside the anonymous function.
// See
(function (requirejs, require, define) {
define([], function () {
var debugMode;
debugMode = true;
return logme;
function logme() {
var i;
if (
(debugMode !== true) ||
(typeof window.console === 'undefined')
) {
i = 0;
while (i < arguments.length) {
i += 1;
// End of wrapper for RequireJS. As you can see, we are passing
// namespaced Require JS variables to an anonymous function. Within
// it, you can use the standard requirejs(), require(), and define()
// functions as if they were in the global namespace.
}(RequireJS.requirejs, RequireJS.require, RequireJS.define)); // End-of: (function (requirejs, require, define)
// Wrapper for RequireJS. It will make the standard requirejs(), require(), and
// define() functions from Require JS available inside the anonymous function.
// See
(function (requirejs, require, define) {
['logme', 'state', 'config_parser', 'container', 'base_image', 'scroller', 'draggables', 'targets', 'update_input'],
function (logme, State, configParser, Container, BaseImage, Scroller, Draggables, Targets, updateInput) {
return Main;
function Main() {
// $(value) - get the element of the entire problem
function processProblem(index, value) {
var problemId, config, state;
if ($(value).attr('data-problem-processed') === 'true') {
// This problem was already processed by us before, so we will
// skip it.
$(value).attr('data-problem-processed', 'true');
problemId = $(value).attr('data-plain-id');
if (typeof problemId !== 'string') {
logme('ERROR: Could not find the ID of the problem DOM element.');
try {
config = JSON.parse($('#drag_and_drop_json_' + problemId).html());
} catch (err) {
logme('ERROR: Could not parse the JSON configuration options.');
logme('Error message: "' + err.message + '".');
state = State(problemId);
if (configParser(state, config) !== true) {
logme('ERROR: Could not make sense of the JSON configuration options.');
(function addContent() {
if (state.baseImageLoaded !== true) {
setTimeout(addContent, 50);
// Update the input element, checking first that it is not filled with
// an answer from the server.
if (updateInput.check(state) === false) {
// End of wrapper for RequireJS. As you can see, we are passing
// namespaced Require JS variables to an anonymous function. Within
// it, you can use the standard requirejs(), require(), and define()
// functions as if they were in the global namespace.
}(RequireJS.requirejs, RequireJS.require, RequireJS.define)); // End-of: (function (requirejs, require, define)
// Wrapper for RequireJS. It will make the standard requirejs(), require(), and
// define() functions from Require JS available inside the anonymous function.
// See
(function (requirejs, require, define) {
define(['logme'], function (logme) {
return Scroller;
function Scroller(state) {
var parentEl, moveLeftEl, showEl, moveRightEl, showElLeftMargin;
parentEl = $(
'<div ' +
'style=" ' +
'width: 665px; ' +
'height: 102px; ' +
'margin-left: auto; ' +
'margin-right: auto; ' +
'" ' +
moveLeftEl = $(
'<div ' +
'style=" ' +
'width: 40px; ' +
'height: 102px; ' +
'display: inline; ' +
'float: left; ' +
'" ' +
'>' +
'<div ' +
'style=" ' +
'width: 38px; ' +
'height: 100px; '+
'border: 1px solid #CCC; ' +
'background-color: #EEE; ' +
'background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #EEE, #DDD); ' +
'background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #EEE, #DDD); ' +
'background-image: -ms-linear-gradient(top, #EEE, #DDD); ' +
'background-image: -o-linear-gradient(top, #EEE, #DDD); ' +
'background-image: linear-gradient(top, #EEE, #DDD); ' +
'-webkit-box-shadow: 0 1px 0 rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.7) inset; ' +
'box-shadow: 0 1px 0 rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.7) inset; ' +
'background-image: url(\'/static/images/arrow-left.png\'); ' +
'background-position: center center; ' +
'background-repeat: no-repeat; ' +
'" ' +
'></div>' +
// The below is necessary to prevent the browser thinking that we want
// to perform a drag operation, or a highlight operation. If we don't
// do this, the browser will then highlight with a gray shade the
// element.
moveLeftEl.mousemove(function (event) { event.preventDefault(); });
moveLeftEl.mousedown(function (event) { event.preventDefault(); });
// This event will be responsible for moving the scroller left.
// Hidden draggables will be shown.
moveLeftEl.mouseup(function (event) {
// When there are no more hidden draggables, prevent from
// scrolling infinitely.
if (showElLeftMargin > -102) {
showElLeftMargin += 102;
// We scroll by changing the 'margin-left' CSS property smoothly.
'margin-left': showElLeftMargin + 'px'
}, 100, function () {
showEl = $(
'<div ' +
'style=" ' +
'width: 585px; ' +
'height: 102px; ' +
'overflow: hidden; ' +
'display: inline; ' +
'float: left; ' +
'" ' +
showElLeftMargin = 0;
// Element where the draggables will be contained. It is very long
// so that any SANE number of draggables will fit in a single row. It
// will be contained in a parent element whose 'overflow' CSS value
// will be hidden, preventing the long row from fully being visible.
state.sliderEl = $(
'<div ' +
'style=" ' +
'width: 20000px; ' +
'height: 100px; ' +
'border-top: 1px solid #CCC; ' +
'border-bottom: 1px solid #CCC; ' +
'" ' +
state.sliderEl.mousedown(function (event) {
moveRightEl = $(
'<div ' +
'style=" ' +
'width: 40px; ' +
'height: 102px; ' +
'display: inline; ' +
'float: left; ' +
'" ' +
'>' +
'<div ' +
'style=" ' +
'width: 38px; ' +
'height: 100px; '+
'border: 1px solid #CCC; ' +
'background-color: #EEE; ' +
'background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #EEE, #DDD); ' +
'background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #EEE, #DDD); ' +
'background-image: -ms-linear-gradient(top, #EEE, #DDD); ' +
'background-image: -o-linear-gradient(top, #EEE, #DDD); ' +
'background-image: linear-gradient(top, #EEE, #DDD); ' +
'-webkit-box-shadow: 0 1px 0 rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.7) inset; ' +
'box-shadow: 0 1px 0 rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.7) inset; ' +
'background-image: url(\'/static/images/arrow-right.png\'); ' +
'background-position: center center; ' +
'background-repeat: no-repeat; ' +
'" ' +
'></div>' +
// The below is necessary to prevent the browser thinking that we want
// to perform a drag operation, or a highlight operation. If we don't
// do this, the browser will then highlight with a gray shade the
// element.
moveRightEl.mousemove(function (event) { event.preventDefault(); });
moveRightEl.mousedown(function (event) { event.preventDefault(); });
// This event will be responsible for moving the scroller right.
// Hidden draggables will be shown.
moveRightEl.mouseup(function (event) {
// When there are no more hidden draggables, prevent from
// scrolling infinitely.
if (showElLeftMargin < -102 * (state.numDraggablesInSlider - 6)) {
showElLeftMargin -= 102;
// We scroll by changing the 'margin-left' CSS property smoothly.
'margin-left': showElLeftMargin + 'px'
}, 100, function () {
// Make the function available throughout the application. We need to
// call it in several places:
// 1.) When initially reading answer from server, if draggables will be
// positioned on the base image, the scroller's right and left arrows
// opacity must be updated.
// 2.) When creating draggable elements, the scroller's right and left
// arrows opacity must be updated according to the number of
// draggables.
state.updateArrowOpacity = updateArrowOpacity;
function updateArrowOpacity() {
moveLeftEl.children('div').css('opacity', '1');
moveRightEl.children('div').css('opacity', '1');
if (showElLeftMargin < -102 * (state.numDraggablesInSlider - 6)) {
moveRightEl.children('div').css('opacity', '.4');
if (showElLeftMargin > -102) {
moveLeftEl.children('div').css('opacity', '.4');
} // End-of: function Scroller(state)
// End of wrapper for RequireJS. As you can see, we are passing
// namespaced Require JS variables to an anonymous function. Within
// it, you can use the standard requirejs(), require(), and define()
// functions as if they were in the global namespace.
}(RequireJS.requirejs, RequireJS.require, RequireJS.define)); // End-of: (function (requirejs, require, define)
// Wrapper for RequireJS. It will make the standard requirejs(), require(), and
// define() functions from Require JS available inside the anonymous function.
// See
(function (requirejs, require, define) {
define([], function () {
return State;
function State(problemId) {
var state;
state = {
'config': null,
'baseImageEl': null,
'baseImageLoaded': false,
'containerEl': null,
'sliderEl': null,
'problemId': problemId,
'draggables': [],
'numDraggablesInSlider': 0,
'currentMovingDraggable': null,
'targets': [],
'updateArrowOpacity': null,
'uniqueId': 0,
'salt': makeSalt(),
'getUniqueId': getUniqueId
$(document).mousemove(function (event) {
documentMouseMove(state, event);
return state;
function getUniqueId() {
this.uniqueId += 1;
return this.salt + '_' + this.uniqueId.toFixed(0);
function makeSalt() {
var text, possible, i;
text = '';
possible = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789';
for(i = 0; i < 5; i += 1) {
text += possible.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * possible.length));
return text;
function documentMouseMove(state, event) {
if (state.currentMovingDraggable !== null) {
event.pageX -
state.baseImageEl.offset().left -
state.currentMovingDraggable.iconWidth * 0.5
- state.currentMovingDraggable.iconElLeftOffset
event.pageY -
state.baseImageEl.offset().top -
state.currentMovingDraggable.iconHeight * 0.5
if (state.currentMovingDraggable.labelEl !== null) {
event.pageX -
state.baseImageEl.offset().left -
state.currentMovingDraggable.labelWidth * 0.5
- 9 // Account for padding, border.
event.pageY -
state.baseImageEl.offset().top +
state.currentMovingDraggable.iconHeight * 0.5 +
// End of wrapper for RequireJS. As you can see, we are passing
// namespaced Require JS variables to an anonymous function. Within
// it, you can use the standard requirejs(), require(), and define()
// functions as if they were in the global namespace.
}(RequireJS.requirejs, RequireJS.require, RequireJS.define)); // End-of: (function (requirejs, require, define)
// Wrapper for RequireJS. It will make the standard requirejs(), require(), and
// define() functions from Require JS available inside the anonymous function.
// See
(function (requirejs, require, define) {
define(['logme'], function (logme) {
return Targets;
function Targets(state) {
(function (c1) {
while (c1 < state.config.targets.length) {
processTarget(state, state.config.targets[c1]);
c1 += 1;
function processTarget(state, obj) {
var targetEl, borderCss, numTextEl, targetObj;
borderCss = '';
if (state.config.targetOutline === true) {
borderCss = 'border: 1px dashed gray; ';
targetEl = $(
'<div ' +
'style=" ' +
'display: block; ' +
'position: absolute; ' +
'width: ' + obj.w + 'px; ' +
'height: ' + obj.h + 'px; ' +
'top: ' + obj.y + 'px; ' +
'left: ' + obj.x + 'px; ' +
borderCss +
'" ' +
targetEl.mousedown(function (event) {
if (state.config.onePerTarget === false) {
numTextEl = $(
'<div ' +
'style=" ' +
'display: block; ' +
'position: absolute; ' +
'width: 24px; ' +
'height: 24px; ' +
'top: ' + obj.y + 'px; ' +
'left: ' + (obj.x + obj.w - 24) + 'px; ' +
'border: 1px solid black; ' +
'text-align: center; ' +
'z-index: 500; ' +
'background-color: white; ' +
'font-size: 0.95em; ' +
'color: #009fe2; ' +
'cursor: pointer; ' +
'" ' +
} else {
numTextEl = null;
targetObj = {
'w': obj.w,
'h': obj.h,
'el': targetEl,
'offset': targetEl.position(),
'draggableList': [],
'state': state,
'targetEl': targetEl,
'numTextEl': numTextEl,
'updateNumTextEl': updateNumTextEl,
'removeDraggable': removeDraggable,
'addDraggable': addDraggable
if (state.config.onePerTarget === false) {
numTextEl.mousedown(function (event) {
numTextEl.mouseup(function () {
function removeDraggable(draggable) {
var c1;
this.draggableList.splice(draggable.onTargetIndex, 1);
// An item from the array was removed. We need to updated all indexes accordingly.
// Shift all indexes down by one if they are higher than the index of the removed item.
c1 = 0;
while (c1 < this.draggableList.length) {
if (this.draggableList[c1].onTargetIndex > draggable.onTargetIndex) {
this.draggableList[c1].onTargetIndex -= 1;
c1 += 1;
draggable.onTarget = null;
draggable.onTargetIndex = null;
function addDraggable(draggable) {
draggable.onTarget = this;
draggable.onTargetIndex = this.draggableList.push(draggable) - 1;
* function cycleDraggableOrder
* Parameters:
* none - This function does not expect any parameters.
* Returns:
* undefined - The return value of this function is not used.
* Description:
* Go through all draggables that are on the current target, and decrease their
* z-index by 1, making sure that the bottom-most draggable ends up on the top.
function cycleDraggableOrder() {
var c1, lowestZIndex, highestZIndex;
if (this.draggableList.length < 2) {
highestZIndex = -10000;
lowestZIndex = 10000;
for (c1 = 0; c1 < this.draggableList.length; c1 += 1) {
if (this.draggableList[c1].zIndex < lowestZIndex) {
lowestZIndex = this.draggableList[c1].zIndex;
if (this.draggableList[c1].zIndex > highestZIndex) {
highestZIndex = this.draggableList[c1].zIndex;
for (c1 = 0; c1 < this.draggableList.length; c1 += 1) {
if (this.draggableList[c1].zIndex === lowestZIndex) {
this.draggableList[c1].zIndex = highestZIndex;
} else {
this.draggableList[c1].zIndex -= 1;
this.draggableList[c1].iconEl.css('z-index', this.draggableList[c1].zIndex);
if (this.draggableList[c1].labelEl !== null) {
this.draggableList[c1].labelEl.css('z-index', this.draggableList[c1].zIndex);
function updateNumTextEl() {
if (this.numTextEl !== null) {
// End of wrapper for RequireJS. As you can see, we are passing
// namespaced Require JS variables to an anonymous function. Within
// it, you can use the standard requirejs(), require(), and define()
// functions as if they were in the global namespace.
}(RequireJS.requirejs, RequireJS.require, RequireJS.define)); // End-of: (function (requirejs, require, define)
// Wrapper for RequireJS. It will make the standard requirejs(), require(), and
// define() functions from Require JS available inside the anonymous function.
// See
(function (requirejs, require, define) {
define(['logme'], function (logme) {
return {
'check': check,
'update': update
function update(state) {
var draggables, tempObj;
draggables = [];
if (state.config.individualTargets === false) {
(function (c1) {
while (c1 < state.draggables.length) {
if (state.draggables[c1].x !== -1) {
tempObj = {};
tempObj[state.draggables[c1].id] = [
tempObj = null;
c1 += 1;
} else {
(function (c1) {
while (c1 < state.targets.length) {
(function (c2) {
while (c2 < state.targets[c1].draggableList.length) {
tempObj = {};
tempObj[state.targets[c1].draggableList[c2].id] = state.targets[c1].id;
tempObj = null;
c2 += 1;
c1 += 1;
$('#input_' + state.problemId).val(JSON.stringify({'draggables': draggables}));
// Check if input has an answer from server. If yes, then position
// all draggables according to answer.
function check(state) {
var inputElVal;
inputElVal = $('#input_' + state.problemId).val();
if (inputElVal.length === 0) {
return false;
repositionDraggables(state, JSON.parse(inputElVal));
return true;
function getUseTargets(answer) {
if ($.isArray(answer.draggables) === false) {
logme('ERROR: answer.draggables is not an array.');
} else if (answer.draggables.length === 0) {
if ($.isPlainObject(answer.draggables[0]) === false) {
logme('ERROR: answer.draggables array does not contain objects.');
for (c1 in answer.draggables[0]) {
if (answer.draggables[0].hasOwnProperty(c1) === false) {
if (typeof answer.draggables[0][c1] === 'string') {
// use_targets = true;
return true;
} else if (
($.isArray(answer.draggables[0][c1]) === true) &&
(answer.draggables[0][c1].length === 2)
) {
// use_targets = false;
return false;
} else {
logme('ERROR: answer.draggables[0] is inconsidtent.');
logme('ERROR: answer.draggables[0] is an empty object.');
function processAnswerTargets(state, answer) {
var draggableId, draggable, targetId, target;
(function (c1) {
while (c1 < answer.draggables.length) {
for (draggableId in answer.draggables[c1]) {
if (answer.draggables[c1].hasOwnProperty(draggableId) === false) {
if ((draggable = getById(state, 'draggables', draggableId)) === null) {
'ERROR: In answer there exists a ' +
'draggable ID "' + draggableId + '". No ' +
'draggable with this ID could be found.'
targetId = answer.draggables[c1][draggableId];
if ((target = getById(state, 'targets', targetId)) === null) {
'ERROR: In answer there exists a target ' +
'ID "' + targetId + '". No target with this ' +
'ID could be found.'
draggable.moveDraggableTo('target', target);
c1 += 1;
function processAnswerPositions(state, answer) {
var draggableId, draggable;
(function (c1) {
while (c1 < answer.draggables.length) {
for (draggableId in answer.draggables[c1]) {
if (answer.draggables[c1].hasOwnProperty(draggableId) === false) {
if ((draggable = getById(state, 'draggables', draggableId)) === null) {
'ERROR: In answer there exists a ' +
'draggable ID "' + draggableId + '". No ' +
'draggable with this ID could be found.'
draggable.moveDraggableTo('XY', {
'x': answer.draggables[c1][draggableId][0],
'y': answer.draggables[c1][draggableId][1]
c1 += 1;
function repositionDraggables(state, answer) {
if (answer.draggables.length === 0) {
if (state.config.individualTargets !== getUseTargets(answer)) {
logme('ERROR: JSON config is not consistent with server response.');
if (state.config.individualTargets === true) {
processAnswerTargets(state, answer);
} else if (state.config.individualTargets === false) {
processAnswerPositions(state, answer);
function getById(state, type, id) {
return (function (c1) {
while (c1 < state[type].length) {
if (type === 'draggables') {
if ((state[type][c1].id === id) && (state[type][c1].isOriginal === true)) {
return state[type][c1];
} else { // 'targets'
if (state[type][c1].id === id) {
return state[type][c1];
c1 += 1;
return null;
// End of wrapper for RequireJS. As you can see, we are passing
// namespaced Require JS variables to an anonymous function. Within
// it, you can use the standard requirejs(), require(), and define()
// functions as if they were in the global namespace.
}(RequireJS.requirejs, RequireJS.require, RequireJS.define)); // End-of: (function (requirejs, require, define)
......@@ -5,4 +5,5 @@ Contents:
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 2
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -432,10 +432,11 @@ courseware_only_js += [
in glob2.glob(PROJECT_ROOT / 'static/coffee/src/modules/**/*.coffee')
# 'js/vendor/RequireJS.js' - Require JS wrapper.
# See
main_vendor_js = [
......@@ -154,8 +154,9 @@ def my_sympify(expr, normphase=False, matrix=False, abcsym=False, do_qubit=False
class formula(object):
Representation of a mathematical formula object. Accepts mathml math expression for constructing,
and can produce sympy translation. The formula may or may not include an assignment (=).
Representation of a mathematical formula object. Accepts mathml math expression
for constructing, and can produce sympy translation. The formula may or may not
include an assignment (=).
def __init__(self, expr, asciimath='', options=None):
self.expr = expr.strip()
......@@ -194,8 +195,12 @@ class formula(object):
def preprocess_pmathml(self, xml):
Pre-process presentation MathML from ASCIIMathML to make it more acceptable for SnuggleTeX, and also
to accomodate some sympy conventions (eg hat(i) for \hat{i}).
Pre-process presentation MathML from ASCIIMathML to make it more
acceptable for SnuggleTeX, and also to accomodate some sympy
conventions (eg hat(i) for \hat{i}).
This method would be a good spot to look for an integral and convert
it, if possible...
if type(xml) == str or type(xml) == unicode:
......@@ -266,6 +271,9 @@ class formula(object):
Return sympy expression for the math formula.
The math formula is converted to Content MathML then that is parsed.
This is a recursive function, called on every CMML node. Support for
more functions can be added by modifying opdict, abould halfway down
if self.the_sympy: return self.the_sympy
......@@ -157,13 +157,33 @@ def symmath_check(expect, ans, dynamath=None, options=None, debug=None, xml=None
Check a symbolic mathematical expression using sympy.
The input may be presentation MathML. Uses formula.
This is the default Symbolic Response checking function
Desc of args:
expect is a sympy string representing the correct answer. It is interpreted
using my_sympify (from, which reads strings as sympy input
(e.g. 'integrate(x^2, (x,1,2))' would be valid, and evaluate to give 1.5)
ans is student-typed answer. It is expected to be ascii math, but the code
below would support a sympy string.
dynamath is the PMathML string converted by MathJax. It is used if
evaluation with ans is not sufficient.
options is a string with these possible substrings, set as an xml property
of the problem:
-matrix - make a sympy matrix, rather than a list of lists, if possible
-qubit - passed to my_sympify
-imaginary - used in formla, presumably to signal to use i as sqrt(-1)?
-numerical - force numerical comparison.
msg = ''
# msg += '<p/>abname=%s' % abname
# msg += '<p/>adict=%s' % (repr(adict).replace('<','&lt;'))
threshold = 1.0e-3
threshold = 1.0e-3 # for numerical comparison (also with matrices)
DEBUG = debug
if xml is not None:
......@@ -184,13 +204,17 @@ def symmath_check(expect, ans, dynamath=None, options=None, debug=None, xml=None
msg += '<p>Error %s in parsing OUR expected answer "%s"</p>' % (err, expect)
return {'ok': False, 'msg': make_error_message(msg)}
###### Sympy input #######
# if expected answer is a number, try parsing provided answer as a number also
fans = my_sympify(str(ans), matrix=do_matrix, do_qubit=do_qubit)
except Exception, err:
fans = None
if hasattr(fexpect, 'is_number') and fexpect.is_number and fans and hasattr(fans, 'is_number') and fans.is_number:
# do a numerical comparison if both expected and answer are numbers
if (hasattr(fexpect, 'is_number') and fexpect.is_number and fans
and hasattr(fans, 'is_number') and fans.is_number):
if abs(abs(fans - fexpect) / fexpect) < threshold:
return {'ok': True, 'msg': msg}
......@@ -208,6 +232,8 @@ def symmath_check(expect, ans, dynamath=None, options=None, debug=None, xml=None
msg += '<p>You entered: %s</p>' % to_latex(fans)
return {'ok': True, 'msg': msg}
###### PMathML input ######
# convert mathml answer to formula
if dynamath:
......@@ -216,6 +242,7 @@ def symmath_check(expect, ans, dynamath=None, options=None, debug=None, xml=None
mmlans = None
if not mmlans:
return {'ok': False, 'msg': '[symmath_check] failed to get MathML for input; dynamath=%s' % dynamath}
f = formula(mmlans, options=options)
# get sympy representation of the formula
......@@ -238,7 +265,7 @@ def symmath_check(expect, ans, dynamath=None, options=None, debug=None, xml=None
msg += '<hr>'
return {'ok': False, 'msg': make_error_message(msg)}
# compare with expected
# do numerical comparison with expected
if hasattr(fexpect, 'is_number') and fexpect.is_number:
if hasattr(fsym, 'is_number') and fsym.is_number:
if abs(abs(fsym - fexpect) / fexpect) < threshold:
......@@ -250,6 +277,10 @@ def symmath_check(expect, ans, dynamath=None, options=None, debug=None, xml=None
# msg += "<p>cmathml = <pre>%s</pre></p>" % str(f.cmathml).replace('<','&lt;')
return {'ok': False, 'msg': make_error_message(msg)}
# Here is a good spot for adding calls to X.simplify() or X.expand(),
# allowing equivalence over binomial expansion or trig identities
# exactly the same?
if fexpect == fsym:
return {'ok': True, 'msg': msg}
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -6,16 +6,25 @@
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<link type="text/html" rel="alternate" href="${reverse('press/lewin-course-announcement')}"/>
<title>New course from legendary MIT physics professor Walter Lewin</title>
<content type="html">&lt;img src=&quot;${static.url('images/press/releases/dr-lewin-316_240x180.jpg')}&quot; /&gt;
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......@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@
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<img src="${static.url('images/press-kit/3.091x_x200.jpg')}"/>
<figcaption>Screenshot of 6.00x: Introduction to Computer Science and Programming.</figcaption>
<figcaption>Screenshot of 3.091x: Introduction to Solid State Chemistry.</figcaption>
<span class="note">Download (High Resolution Photo)</span>
......@@ -108,4 +108,4 @@
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\ No newline at end of file
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<section class="pressrelease">
<section class="container">
<h1>Afraid of physics? Do you hate it?<br/>Walter Lewin will make you love physics whether you like it or not</h1>
<hr class="horizontal-divider">
<h2>MIT physics professor and online web star brings his renowned Electricity and Magnetism course to edX</h2>
<a href="${static.url('images/press/releases/dr-lewin-276_2400x1600.jpg')}"><img src="${static.url('images/press/releases/dr-lewin-276_240x180.jpg')}" /></a>
<p>Walter Lewin, legendary MIT physics professor, demonstrates, in his inimitable fashion, one of the many laws of physics covered in his new course on edX.</p>
<p>Credit: Dominick Reuter</p>
<a href="${static.url('images/press/releases/dr-lewin-276_2400x1600.jpg')}">High Resolution Image</a></p>
<p><strong>CAMBRIDGE, MA &ndash; January 22, 2013 &ndash;</strong> <a href="">EdX</a>, the not-for-profit online learning initiative founded by Harvard University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), announced today a new course from the legendary Professor Walter Lewin who, for 47 years, has provided generations of MIT students – and millions watching online – with his inspiring and unconventional lectures. Now, with this edX version of Professor Lewin’s famous course Electricity and Magnetism (Physics), people around the world can experience it just like his students on the MIT campus. MITx <a href="">8.02x Electricity and Magnetism</a> is now open for enrollment and classes will begin on February 18, 2013.</p>
<p>“I have taught this course to tens of thousands and many tell me it changed their lives,” said Walter Lewin, Professor of Physics at MIT. “Teaching is my passion: I want to open peoples’ eyes and minds to the beauty of physics so they will begin to see the world in a new way.”</p>
<p>In <a href="">8.02x Electricity and Magnetism</a>, Professor Lewin will teach students to “see” the world instead of just “looking at” it. He will make them “see” natural phenomena such as rainbows in a way they never imagined before. Through his dynamic teaching, enthusiasm and great sense of humor, Professor Lewin has an innate ability to make difficult concepts easy. The New York Times has crowned him a “Web Star” and noted how his lectures, with their engaging physics demonstrations, have won him devotees around the world. While this course is MIT level, edX and Professor Lewin encourage even senior high school students from around the world to watch his lectures and take the course.</p>
<p>“Walter Lewin is an international treasure,” said Anant Agarwal, President of edX. “His physics lectures on the MIT campus were already legendary before he put them online and they became an international sensation. We know edX learners will be awestruck by his provocative and enlightening course.”</p>
<p>In addition to the basic concepts of Electromagnetism, a vast variety of interesting topics are covered, including Lightning, Pacemakers, Electric Shock Treatment, Electrocardiograms, Metal Detectors, Musical Instruments, Magnetic Levitation, Bullet Trains, Electric Motors, Radios, TV, Car Coils, Superconductivity, Aurora Borealis, Rainbows, Radio Telescopes, Interferometers, Particle Accelerators such as the Large Hadron Collider, Mass Spectrometers, Red Sunsets, Blue Skies, Haloes around Sun and Moon, Color Perception, Doppler Effect and Big-Bang Cosmology.</p>
<p>Professor Lewin received his PhD in Nuclear Physics at the Technical University in Delft, the Netherlands in 1965. He joined the Physics faculty at MIT in 1966 and became a pioneer in the new field of X-ray Astronomy. His 105 online lectures are world-renowned and are viewed by nearly 2 million people annually. Professor Lewin has received five teaching awards and is the only MIT professor featured in "The Best 300 Professors" by The Princeton Review. He has co-authored with Warren Goldstein the book "For the Love of Physics" (Free Press, Simon & Schuster), which has been translated into 9 languages.</p>
<p>Previously announced new 2013 courses include: <a href="">Justice from Michael Sandel</a>; <a href="">Introduction to Statistics from Ani Adhikari</a>; <a href="">The Challenges of Global Poverty from Esther Duflo</a>; <a href="">The Ancient Greek Hero from Gregory Nagy</a>; <a href="">Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Computation from Umesh Vazirani</a>; <a href="">Human Health and Global Environmental Change, from Aaron Bernstein and Jack Spengler</a>.</p>
<p>In addition to these new courses, edX is bringing back several courses from the popular fall 2012 semester: <a href="">Introduction to Computer Science and Programming</a>; <a href="">Introduction to Solid State Chemistry</a>; <a href="">Introduction to Artificial Intelligence</a>; <a href="">Software as a Service I</a>; <a href="">Software as a Service II</a>; <a href="">Foundations of Computer Graphics</a>.</p>
<h2>About edX</h2>
<p><a href="">EdX</a> is a not-for-profit enterprise of its founding partners <a href="">Harvard University</a> and the <a href="">Massachusetts Institute of Technology</a> focused on transforming online and on-campus learning through groundbreaking methodologies, game-like experiences and cutting-edge research. EdX provides inspirational and transformative knowledge to students of all ages, social status, and income who form worldwide communities of learners. EdX uses its open source technology to transcend physical and social borders. We’re focused on people, not profit. EdX is based in Cambridge, Massachusetts in the USA.</p>
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<p>Brad Baker, Weber Shandwick for edX</p>
<p>(617) 520-7043</p>
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