Commit a2bb5f29 by Victor Shnayder

Merge pull request #3556 from edx/victor/give-audit-certs

Issue certificates to all students who earn them, even if they are in an audit track
parents b580f60f 821d5874
......@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ else:
% if cert_status['show_disabled_download_button']:
<li class="action"><span class="disabled">
${_("Your {cert_name_short} is Generating").format(cert_name_short=cert_name_short)}</span></li>
% elif cert_status['show_download_url'] and enrollment.mode == 'honor':
% elif cert_status['show_download_url'] and (enrollment.mode == 'honor' or enrollment.mode == 'audit'):
<li class="action action-certificate">
<a class="btn" href="${cert_status['download_url']}"
title="${_('This link will open/download a PDF document')}">
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