Commit a28fd30b by Mark Hoeber

Enrollment API Doc

parent 20220dc3
......@@ -21,7 +21,45 @@ class EnrollmentUserThrottle(UserRateThrottle):
class EnrollmentView(APIView):
""" Enrollment API View for creating, updating, and viewing course enrollments. """
**Use Cases**
Get the user's enrollment status for a course.
**Example Requests**:
GET /api/enrollment/v1/enrollment/{user_id},{course_id}
**Response Values**
* created: The date the user account was created.
* mode: The enrollment mode of the user in this course.
* is_active: Whether the enrollment is currently active.
* course_details: A collection that includes:
* course_id: The unique identifier for the course.
* enrollment_end: The date and time after which users cannot enroll for the course.
* course_modes: An array of data about the enrollment modes supported for the course. Each enrollment mode collection includes:
* slug: The short name for the enrollment mode.
* name: The full name of the enrollment mode.
* min_price: The minimum price for which a user can enroll in this mode.
* suggested_prices: A list of suggested prices for this enrollment mode.
* currency: The currency of the listed prices.
* expiration_datetime: The date and time after which users cannot enroll in the course in this mode.
* description: A description of this mode.
* enrollment_start: The date and time that users can begin enrolling in the course.
* invite_only: Whether students must be invited to enroll in the course; true or false.
* user: The ID of the user.
authentication_classes = OAuth2Authentication, SessionAuthenticationAllowInactiveUser
permission_classes = permissions.IsAuthenticated,
......@@ -63,7 +101,40 @@ class EnrollmentView(APIView):
class EnrollmentCourseDetailView(APIView):
""" Enrollment API View for viewing course enrollment details. """
**Use Cases**
Get enrollment details for a course.
**Note:** Getting enrollment details for a course does not require authentication.
**Example Requests**:
GET /api/enrollment/v1/course/{course_id}
**Response Values**
A collection of course enrollments for the user, or for the newly created enrollment. Each course enrollment contains:
* course_id: The unique identifier of the course.
* enrollment_end: The date and time after which users cannot enroll for the course.
* course_modes: An array of data about the enrollment modes supported for the course. Each enrollment mode collection includes:
* slug: The short name for the enrollment mode.
* name: The full name of the enrollment mode.
* min_price: The minimum price for which a user can enroll in this mode.
* suggested_prices: A list of suggested prices for this enrollment mode.
* currency: The currency of the listed prices.
* expiration_datetime: The date and time after which users cannot enroll in the course in this mode.
* description: A description of this mode.
* enrollment_start: The date and time that users can begin enrolling in the course.
* invite_only: Whether students must be invited to enroll in the course; true or false.
authentication_classes = []
permission_classes = []
......@@ -98,24 +169,71 @@ class EnrollmentCourseDetailView(APIView):
class EnrollmentListView(APIView):
""" Enrollment API List View for viewing all course enrollments for a user. """
**Use Cases**
authentication_classes = OAuth2Authentication, SessionAuthenticationAllowInactiveUser
permission_classes = permissions.IsAuthenticated,
throttle_classes = EnrollmentUserThrottle,
1. Get a list of all course enrollments for the currently logged in user.
def get(self, request):
"""List out all the enrollments for the current user
2. Enroll the currently logged in user in a course.
Returns a JSON response with all the course enrollments for the current user.
Currently you can use this command only to enroll the user in "honor" mode.
request (Request): The GET request for course enrollment listings.
user (str): Get all enrollments for the specified user's username.
If honor mode is not supported for the course, the request fails and returns the available modes.
A JSON serialized representation of the user's course enrollments.
**Example Requests**:
GET /api/enrollment/v1/enrollment
POST /api/enrollment/v1/enrollment{"course_details":{"course_id": "edX/DemoX/Demo_Course"}}
**Post Parameters**
* user: The user ID of the currently logged in user. Optional. You cannot use the command to enroll a different user.
* course details: A collection that contains:
* course_id: The unique identifier for the course.
**Response Values**
A collection of course enrollments for the user, or for the newly created enrollment. Each course enrollment contains:
* created: The date the user account was created.
* mode: The enrollment mode of the user in this course.
* is_active: Whether the enrollment is currently active.
* course_details: A collection that includes:
* course_id: The unique identifier for the course.
* enrollment_end: The date and time after which users cannot enroll for the course.
* course_modes: An array of data about the enrollment modes supported for the course. Each enrollment mode collection includes:
* slug: The short name for the enrollment mode.
* name: The full name of the enrollment mode.
* min_price: The minimum price for which a user can enroll in this mode.
* suggested_prices: A list of suggested prices for this enrollment mode.
* currency: The currency of the listed prices.
* expiration_datetime: The date and time after which users cannot enroll in the course in this mode.
* description: A description of this mode.
* enrollment_start: The date and time that users can begin enrolling in the course.
* invite_only: Whether students must be invited to enroll in the course; true or false.
* user: The ID of the user.
authentication_classes = OAuth2Authentication, SessionAuthenticationAllowInactiveUser
permission_classes = permissions.IsAuthenticated,
throttle_classes = EnrollmentUserThrottle,
def get(self, request):
Gets a list of all course enrollments for the currently logged in user.
user = request.GET.get('user', request.user.username)
if request.user.username != user:
......@@ -135,25 +253,8 @@ class EnrollmentListView(APIView):
def post(self, request):
"""Create a new enrollment
Creates a new enrollment based on the data posted. Currently all that can be specified is
the course id. All other attributes will be determined by the server, and cannot be updated
through this endpoint.
By default, this will attempt to create the enrollment with course mode 'honor'. If the course
does not have an 'honor' course mode, it will fail as a bad request and list the available
course modes.
request (Request): The POST request to create a new enrollment. POST DATA should contain
'course_details' with an attribute 'course_id' to identify which course to enroll in.
'user' may be specified as well, but must match the username of the authenticated user.
Ex. {'user': 'Bob', 'course_details': { 'course_id': 'edx/demo/T2014' } }
A JSON serialized representation of the user's new course enrollment.
Enrolls the currently logged in user in a course.
user = request.DATA.get('user', request.user.username)
if not user:
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Django >=1.4,<1.5
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.. _edX API Authentication:
edX Enrollment API Authentication
You have two options for authentication when using the edX Enrollment API:
* `OAuth 2.0`_
* `Session Authentication`_
.. note::
You do not need to authenticate to :ref:`get enrollment details for a course
<Get Enrollment Details for a Course>`.
OAuth 2.0
The edX Enrollment API uses OAuth 2.0 for authentication. OAuth 2.0 is an open
standard used by many systems that require secure user authentication. See the
`OAuth 2.0 Standard`_ standard for more information.
Registering with Your Open edX Instance
To use the edX Enrollment API with courses on you instance of Open edX, you
must register your application with the Open edX server. See the OAuth 2.0
specification for details.
Session Authentication
To use the edX Enrollment API, you can use session authentication in your
You must authenticate as a registred edX user.
.. include:: links.rst
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project = u'edX Enrollment API Version 1'
copyright = u'2015, edX'
.. _edX Enrollment API Endpoints:
edX Enrollment API Endpoints
The edX Platform API allows you to view information about users and their course enrollments, course information, and videos and transcripts.
The following tasks and endpoints are currently supported.
.. list-table::
:widths: 10 70
:header-rows: 1
* - To:
- Use this endpoint:
* - :ref:`Get the user's enrollment status in a course <Get the Users Enrollment Status in a Course>`
- /api/enrollment/v1/enrollment/{user_id},{course_id}
* - :ref:`Get enrollment details for a course<Get Enrollment Details for a Course>`
- /api/enrollment/v1/course/{course_id}
* - :ref:`View a user's enrollments <View and add to a Users Course Enrollments>`
- /api/enrollment/v1/enrollment
* - :ref:`Enroll a user in a course <View and add to a Users Course Enrollments>`
- /api/enrollment/v1/enrollment{“course_details”:{“course_id”:“*course_id*”}}
\ No newline at end of file
Enrollment API Module
.. module:: enrollment
This page contains information on using the Enrollment API to:
* :ref:`Get the user's enrollment status in a course <Get the Users Enrollment Status in a Course>`
* :ref:`Get enrollment details for a course<Get Enrollment Details for a Course>`
* :ref:`View a user's enrollments <View and add to a Users Course Enrollments>`
* :ref:`Enroll a user in a course <View and add to a Users Course Enrollments>`
.. _Get the Users Enrollment Status in a Course:
Get the User's Enrollment Status in a Course
.. autoclass:: enrollment.views.EnrollmentView
**Example response showing the user's enrollment status in a course**
.. code-block:: json
Content-Type: application/json
Vary: Accept
"created": "2014-11-19T04:06:55Z",
"mode": "honor",
"is_active": true,
"course_details": {
"course_id": "edX/DemoX/Demo_Course",
"enrollment_end": null,
"course_modes": [
"slug": "honor",
"name": "Honor Code Certificate",
"min_price": 0,
"suggested_prices": [],
"currency": "usd",
"expiration_datetime": null,
"description": null
"enrollment_start": null,
"invite_only": false
"user": "staff"
.. _Get Enrollment Details for a Course:
Get Enrollment Details for a Course
.. autoclass:: enrollment.views.EnrollmentCourseDetailView
**Example response showing a user's course enrollments**
.. code-block:: json
Content-Type: application/json
Vary: Accept
"course_id": "edX/DemoX/Demo_Course",
"enrollment_end": null,
"course_modes": [
"slug": "honor",
"name": "Honor Code Certificate",
"min_price": 0,
"suggested_prices": [],
"currency": "usd",
"expiration_datetime": null,
"description": null
"enrollment_start": null,
"invite_only": false
.. _View and add to a Users Course Enrollments:
View and Add to a User's Course Enrollments
.. autoclass:: enrollment.views.EnrollmentListView
**Example response showing a user's course enrollments**
.. code-block:: json
Content-Type: application/json
Vary: Accept
"created": "2014-09-19T18:08:37Z",
"mode": "honor",
"is_active": true,
"course_details": {
"course_id": "edX/DemoX/Demo_Course",
"enrollment_end": null,
"course_modes": [
"slug": "honor",
"name": "Honor Code Certificate",
"min_price": 0,
"suggested_prices": [],
"currency": "usd",
"expiration_datetime": null,
"description": null
"enrollment_start": null,
"invite_only": false
"user": "honor"
"created": "2014-09-19T18:09:35Z",
"mode": "honor",
"is_active": true,
"course_details": {
"course_id": "ArbisoftX/BulkyEmail101/2014-15",
"enrollment_end": null,
"course_modes": [
"slug": "honor",
"name": "Honor Code Certificate",
"min_price": 0,
"suggested_prices": [],
"currency": "usd",
"expiration_datetime": null,
"description": null
"enrollment_start": "2014-05-01T04:00:00Z",
"invite_only": false
"user": "honor"
**Example post request to enroll the user in a new course**
.. code-block:: json
“course_details”: {
“course_id”: “edX/DemoX/Demo_Course”
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edX Enrollment API Version 1
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 2
.. _OAuth 2.0 Standard:
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.. _edX Enrollment API Overview:
edX Enrollment API Overview
The edX Enrollment API enables you to view user and course enrollment
information, and to enroll a user in a course.
The edX Platform API uses Representational State Transfer (REST) design
principles and supports the JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) data-interchange
format. Our REST API is simple, lightweight and optimized.
You can use the edX Enrollment API for web, desktop, and mobile applications.
edX Enrollment API Version 1
The edX Enrollment API is currently at version 1.0. We plan on making
significant enhancements to this API.
edX Enrollment API Capabilities
With the edX Enrollment API, you can:
* :ref:`Get the user's enrollment status in a Course <Get the Users Enrollment
Status in a Course>`
* :ref:`Get enrollment details for a course<Get Enrollment Details for a
* :ref:`View a user's enrollments <View and add to a Users Course Enrollments>`
* :ref:`Enroll a user in a course <View and add to a Users Course Enrollments>`
.. include:: ../../shared/preface.rst
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Read Me
The edX Enrollment API documentation is created using RST_
files and Sphinx_. You, the user community, can help update and revise this
documentation project on GitHub:
To suggest a revision, fork the project, make changes in your fork, and submit
a pull request back to the original project: this is known as the `GitHub Flow`_.
.. _Sphinx:
.. _LaTeX:
.. _`GitHub Flow`:
.. _RST:
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