Commit a228c163 by Alexander Kryklia

added test for alternative answer notation

parent 5457f35f
......@@ -505,6 +505,17 @@ class Test_DragAndDrop_Grade(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertFalse(draganddrop.grade(user_input, correct_answer))
def test_alternative_correct_answer(self):
user_input = '{"draggables":[{"name_with_icon":"t1"},\
{"name_with_icon":"t1"},{"name_with_icon":"t1"},{"name4":"t1"}, \
correct_answer = [
{'draggables': ['name4'], 'targets': ['t1', 't1'], 'rule': 'exact'},
{'draggables': ['name_with_icon'], 'targets': ['t1', 't1', 't1'],
'rule': 'exact'}
self.assertTrue(draganddrop.grade(user_input, correct_answer))
class Test_DragAndDrop_Populate(unittest.TestCase):
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