Commit a1bc5a11 by Jay Zoldak

Add synchronization logic to fill, check, and select

parent a16c567b
......@@ -408,28 +408,34 @@ def css_click(css_selector, index=0, wait_time=30):
def css_check(css_selector, index=0, wait_time=30):
def css_check(css_selector, wait_time=30):
Checks a check box based on a CSS selector, first waiting for the element
to be present and clickable. This is just a wrapper for calling "click"
because that's how selenium interacts with check boxes and radio buttons.
Then for synchronization purposes, wait for the element to be checked.
This method will return True if the check worked.
return css_click(css_selector=css_selector, index=index, wait_time=wait_time)
css_click(css_selector=css_selector, wait_time=wait_time)
wait_for(lambda _: css_find(css_selector).selected)
return True
def select_option(name, value, index=0, wait_time=30):
def select_option(name, value, wait_time=30):
A method to select an option
Then for synchronization purposes, wait for the option to be selected.
This method will return True if the selection worked.
select_css = "select[name='{}']".format(name)
option_css = "option[value='{}']".format(value)
css_selector = "{} {}".format(select_css, option_css)
return css_click(css_selector=css_selector, index=index, wait_time=wait_time)
css_click(css_selector=css_selector, wait_time=wait_time)
wait_for(lambda _: css_has_value(select_css, value))
return True
......@@ -442,7 +448,14 @@ def id_click(elem_id):
def css_fill(css_selector, text, index=0):
Set the value of the element to the specified text.
Note that this will replace the current value completely.
Then for synchronization purposes, wait for the value on the page.
retry_on_exception(lambda: css_find(css_selector)[index].fill(text))
wait_for(lambda _: css_has_value(css_selector, text, index=index))
return True
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