Commit a0b63d39 by Muddasser

Merge pull request #11828 from edx/muddasser/cms/textbooks

Partially covered in bokchoy at lms/
parents 801bb288 cfdaae9d
@shard_2 @shard_2
Feature: CMS.Textbooks Feature: CMS.Textbooks
Scenario: No textbooks
Given I have opened a new course in Studio
When I go to the textbooks page
Then I should see a message telling me to create a new textbook
# Flaky test, disabled 03/13/2015. TNL-1679.
# Scenario: Create a textbook
# Given I have opened a new course in Studio
# And I go to the textbooks page
# When I click on the New Textbook button
# And I name my textbook "Economics"
# And I name the first chapter "Chapter 1"
# And I click the Upload Asset link for the first chapter
# And I upload the textbook "textbook.pdf"
# And I save the textbook
# Then I should see a textbook named "Economics" with a chapter path containing "/static/textbook.pdf"
# And I reload the page
# Then I should see a textbook named "Economics" with a chapter path containing "/static/textbook.pdf"
Scenario: Create a textbook with multiple chapters Scenario: Create a textbook with multiple chapters
Given I have opened a new course in Studio Given I have opened a new course in Studio
And I go to the textbooks page And I go to the textbooks page
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