Commit 801bb288 by Robert Raposa

Merge pull request #11945 from edx/robrap/linter

Add check for multiple page tags
parents 6bbcbbf0 0707e0dd
......@@ -150,7 +150,8 @@ class Rules(Enum):
An Enum of each rule which the linter will check.
mako_missing_default = ('mako-missing-default', 'The default page directive with h filter is missing.')
mako_missing_default = ('mako-missing-default', 'Missing default <%page expression_filter="h"/>.')
mako_multiple_page_tags = ('mako-multiple-page-tags', 'A Mako template can only have one <%page> tag.')
mako_unparsable_expression = ('mako-unparsable-expression', 'The expression could not be properly parsed.')
mako_unwanted_html_filter = ('mako-unwanted-html-filter', 'Remove explicit h filters when it is provided by the page directive.')
mako_invalid_html_filter = ('mako-invalid-html-filter', 'The expression is using an invalid filter in an HTML context.')
......@@ -398,23 +399,37 @@ class MakoTemplateLinter(object):
results: A file results objects to which violations will be added.
has_page_default = self._has_page_default(mako_template, results)
if not has_page_default:
has_page_default = False
if self._has_multiple_page_tags(mako_template):
has_page_default = self._has_page_default(mako_template)
if not has_page_default:
self._check_mako_expressions(mako_template, has_page_default, results)
def _has_page_default(self, mako_template, results):
def _has_multiple_page_tags(self, mako_template):
Checks if the Mako template contains more than one page expression.
mako_template: The contents of the Mako template.
count = len(re.findall('<%page ', mako_template, re.IGNORECASE))
return count > 1
def _has_page_default(self, mako_template):
Checks if the Mako template contains the page expression marking it as
safe by default.
mako_template: The contents of the Mako template.
results: A list of results into which violations will be added.
page_h_filter_regex = re.compile('<%page expression_filter=(?:"h"|\'h\')\s*/>')
page_h_filter_regex = re.compile('<%page[^>]*expression_filter=(?:"h"|\'h\')[^>]*/>')
page_match =
return page_match
......@@ -31,32 +31,54 @@ class TestMakoTemplateLinter(TestCase):
self.assertEqual(linter._is_mako_directory(data['directory']), data['expected'])
def test_check_page_default_with_default_provided(self):
Test _check_mako_file_is_safe with default causes no violation
linter = MakoTemplateLinter()
results = FileResults('')
mako_template = """
<%page expression_filter="h"/>
linter._check_mako_file_is_safe(mako_template, results)
self.assertEqual(len(results.violations), 0)
def test_check_page_default_with_no_default_provided(self):
'template': '\n <%page expression_filter="h"/>',
'violations': 0,
'rule': None
'\n <%page args="section_data" expression_filter="h" /> ',
'violations': 0,
'rule': None
'\n <%page expression_filter="h" /> '
'\n <%page args="section_data"/>',
'violations': 1,
'rule': Rules.mako_multiple_page_tags
'template': '\n <%page args="section_data" /> ',
'violations': 1,
'rule': Rules.mako_missing_default
'\n <%page args="section_data"/> <some-other-tag expression_filter="h" /> ',
'violations': 1,
'rule': Rules.mako_missing_default
'template': '\n',
'violations': 1,
'rule': Rules.mako_missing_default
def test_check_page_default(self, data):
Test _check_mako_file_is_safe with no default causes violation
Test _check_mako_file_is_safe with different page defaults
linter = MakoTemplateLinter()
results = FileResults('')
mako_template = ""
linter._check_mako_file_is_safe(mako_template, results)
linter._check_mako_file_is_safe(data['template'], results)
self.assertEqual(len(results.violations), 1)
self.assertEqual(results.violations[0].rule, Rules.mako_missing_default)
self.assertEqual(len(results.violations), data['violations'])
if data['violations'] > 0:
self.assertEqual(results.violations[0].rule, data['rule'])
def test_check_mako_expressions_in_html(self):
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