('courses_completed',models.TextField(default=b'',help_text="On each line, put the number of completed courses to award a badge for, a comma, and the slug of a badge class you have created with the issuing component 'edx__course'. For example: 3,course-v1:edx/Demo/DemoX",blank=True)),
('courses_enrolled',models.TextField(default=b'',help_text="On each line, put the number of enrolled courses to award a badge for, a comma, and the slug of a badge class you have created with the issuing component 'edx__course'. For example: 3,course-v1:edx/Demo/DemoX",blank=True)),
('course_groups',models.TextField(default=b'',help_text="On each line, put the slug of a badge class you have created with the issuing component 'edx__course' to award, a comma, and a comma separated list of course keys that the user will need to complete to get this badge. For example: slug_for_compsci_courses_group_badge,course-v1:CompSci+Course+First,course-v1:CompsSci+Course+Second",blank=True)),
('courses_completed',models.TextField(default=b'',help_text="On each line, put the number of completed courses to award a badge for, a comma, and the slug of a badge class you have created with the issuing component 'edx__course'. For example: 3,enrolled_3_courses",blank=True)),
('courses_enrolled',models.TextField(default=b'',help_text="On each line, put the number of enrolled courses to award a badge for, a comma, and the slug of a badge class you have created with the issuing component 'edx__course'. For example: 3,enrolled_3_courses",blank=True)),
('course_groups',models.TextField(default=b'',help_text="Each line is a comma-separated list. The first item in each line is the slug of a badge class to award, with an issuing component of 'edx__course'. The remaining items in each line are the course keys the user will need to complete to be awarded the badge. For example: slug_for_compsci_courses_group_badge,course-v1:CompSci+Course+First,course-v1:CompsSci+Course+Second",blank=True)),