Commit 9fda43f6 by Piotr Mitros

Support for sections outside of course.xml

parents 0cb7d620 5bab44e4
import hashlib
import json
import logging
import os
import re
from datetime import timedelta
......@@ -141,23 +142,50 @@ def propogate_downward_tag(element, attribute_name, parent_attribute = None):
#to its children later.
def user_groups(user):
# TODO: Rewrite in Django
return [ for u in UserTestGroup.objects.raw("select * from auth_user, student_usertestgroup, student_usertestgroup_users where = student_usertestgroup_users.user_id and student_usertestgroup_users.usertestgroup_id = and = %s", [])]
def course_xml_process(tree):
''' Do basic pre-processing of an XML tree. Assign IDs to all
items without. Propagate due dates, grace periods, etc. to child
propogate_downward_tag(tree, "due")
propogate_downward_tag(tree, "graded")
propogate_downward_tag(tree, "graceperiod")
def course_file(user):
''' Given a user, return course.xml
# TODO: Cache.
filename = UserProfile.objects.get(user=user).courseware
# TODO: Rewrite in Django
groups = [ for u in UserTestGroup.objects.raw("select * from auth_user, student_usertestgroup, student_usertestgroup_users where = student_usertestgroup_users.user_id and student_usertestgroup_users.usertestgroup_id = and = %s", [])]
groups = user_groups(user)
options = {'dev_content':settings.DEV_CONTENT,
'groups' : groups}
tree = etree.XML(render_to_string(filename, options, namespace = 'course'))
propogate_downward_tag(tree, "due")
propogate_downward_tag(tree, "graded")
propogate_downward_tag(tree, "graceperiod")
tree = course_xml_process(etree.XML(render_to_string(filename, options, namespace = 'course')))
return tree
def section_file(user, section):
''' Given a user and the name of a section, return that section
filename = section+".xml"
if filename not in os.listdir(settings.DATA_DIR + '/sections/'):
print filename+" not in "+str(os.listdir(settings.DATA_DIR + '/sections/'))
return None
options = {'dev_content':settings.DEV_CONTENT,
'groups' : user_groups(user)}
tree = course_xml_process(etree.XML(render_to_string(filename, options, namespace = 'sections')))
return tree
def module_xml(coursefile, module, id_tag, module_id):
''' Get XML for a module based on module and module_id. Assumes
module occurs once in courseware XML file.. '''
......@@ -71,8 +71,8 @@ def profile(request):
response = response_by_id[id]
if response.grade!=None:
total=courseware.modules.capa_module.Module(etree.tostring(p), "id").max_score() # TODO: Add state. Not useful now, but maybe someday problems will have randomized max scores?
# TODO: Add state. Not useful now, but maybe someday problems will have randomized max scores?
total=courseware.modules.capa_module.Module(etree.tostring(p), "id").max_score()
scores.append((int(correct),total, graded ))
......@@ -248,6 +248,40 @@ def render_accordion(request,course,chapter,section):
@cache_control(no_cache=True, no_store=True, must_revalidate=True)
def render_section(request, section):
''' TODO: Consolidate with index
user = request.user
if not settings.COURSEWARE_ENABLED or not user.is_authenticated():
return redirect('/')
# try:
dom = content_parser.section_file(user, section)
# raise Http404
accordion=render_accordion(request, '', '', '')
module_ids = dom.xpath("//@id")
module_object_preload = list(StudentModule.objects.filter(student=user,
module=render_module(user, request, dom, module_object_preload)
if 'init_js' not in module:
result = render_to_response('courseware.html', context)
return result
@cache_control(no_cache=True, no_store=True, must_revalidate=True)
def index(request, course="6.002 Spring 2012", chapter="Using the System", section="Hints"):
''' Displays courseware accordion, and any associated content.
......@@ -40,6 +40,7 @@ if settings.COURSEWARE_ENABLED:
url(r'^courseware/(?P<course>[^/]*)/(?P<chapter>[^/]*)/(?P<section>[^/]*)/$', 'courseware.views.index', name="courseware_section"),
url(r'^courseware/(?P<course>[^/]*)/(?P<chapter>[^/]*)/$', 'courseware.views.index', name="courseware_chapter"),
url(r'^courseware/(?P<course>[^/]*)/$', 'courseware.views.index', name="courseware_course"),
url(r'^section/(?P<section>[^/]*)/$', 'courseware.views.render_section'),
url(r'^modx/(?P<module>[^/]*)/(?P<id>[^/]*)/(?P<dispatch>[^/]*)$', 'courseware.views.modx_dispatch'), #reset_problem'),
url(r'^profile$', 'courseware.views.profile'),
url(r'^change_setting$', 'student.views.change_setting'),
......@@ -63,3 +64,4 @@ if settings.ASKBOT_ENABLED:
urlpatterns = patterns(*urlpatterns)
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