Commit 9f6d0594 by Jay Zoldak

Merge pull request #3835 from edx/zoldak/skip-brittle-test

Skip brittle HTML editor lettuce test
parents 72cb5ec9 7db6e639
......@@ -105,26 +105,28 @@ Feature: CMS.HTML Editor
Scenario: Can switch from Visual Editor to Raw
Given I have created a Blank HTML Page
When I edit the component and select the Raw Editor
And I save the page
When I edit the page
And type "fancy html" into the Raw Editor
And I save the page
Then the page text contains:
fancy html
# Skipping in master due to brittleness JZ 05/22/2014
# Scenario: Can switch from Visual Editor to Raw
# Given I have created a Blank HTML Page
# When I edit the component and select the Raw Editor
# And I save the page
# When I edit the page
# And type "fancy html" into the Raw Editor
# And I save the page
# Then the page text contains:
# """
# fancy html
# """
Scenario: Can switch from Raw Editor to Visual
Given I have created a raw HTML component
And I edit the component and select the Visual Editor
And I save the page
When I edit the page
And type "less fancy html" in the code editor and press OK
And I save the page
Then the page text contains:
less fancy html
# Skipping in master due to brittleness JZ 05/22/2014
# Scenario: Can switch from Raw Editor to Visual
# Given I have created a raw HTML component
# And I edit the component and select the Visual Editor
# And I save the page
# When I edit the page
# And type "less fancy html" in the code editor and press OK
# And I save the page
# Then the page text contains:
# """
# less fancy html
# """
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