Commit 9e673e8a by Vik Paruchuri

Remove wrapper p tags

parent fde370bd
......@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ import os
import sys
import hashlib
import capa.xqueue_interface as xqueue_interface
import re
from pkg_resources import resource_string
......@@ -133,8 +134,12 @@ class OpenEndedChild(object):
def sanitize_html(answer):
cleaner = Cleaner(style=True, links=True, add_nofollow=True, page_structure=True, safe_attrs_only=True)
clean_html = cleaner.clean_html(answer)
cleaner = Cleaner(style=True, links=True, add_nofollow=True, page_structure=True, safe_attrs_only=True)
clean_html = cleaner.clean_html(answer)
clean_html = re.sub(r'</p>$', '', re.sub(r'^<p>', '', clean_html))
clean_html = answer
return clean_html
def new_history_entry(self, answer):
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