Commit 9e00e2b3 by Braden MacDonald Committed by Clinton Blackburn

Allow previewing cohorted content when masquerading

parent 849ad8df
......@@ -33,6 +33,19 @@ class StaffPage(CoursewarePage):
self.q(css=self.VIEW_MODE_OPTIONS_CSS).filter(lambda el: el.text == view_mode)
def set_staff_view_mode_specific_student(self, username_or_email):
Set the current preview mode to "Specific Student" with the given username or email
required_mode = "Specific student"
if self.staff_view_mode != required_mode:
self.q(css=self.VIEW_MODE_OPTIONS_CSS).filter(lambda el: el.text == required_mode)
# Use a script here because .clear() + .send_keys() triggers unwanted behavior if a username is already set
def open_staff_debug_info(self):
Open the staff debug window
......@@ -6,8 +6,10 @@ Tests the "preview" selector in the LMS that allows changing between Staff, Stud
from ..helpers import UniqueCourseTest, create_user_partition_json
from import AutoAuthPage
from ...pages.lms.courseware import CoursewarePage
from ...pages.lms.instructor_dashboard import InstructorDashboardPage
from ...pages.lms.staff_view import StaffPage
from ...fixtures.course import CourseFixture, XBlockFixtureDesc
from bok_choy.promise import EmptyPromise
from xmodule.partitions.partitions import Group
from textwrap import dedent
......@@ -335,6 +337,44 @@ class CourseWithContentGroupsTest(StaffViewTest):
course_page.set_staff_view_mode('Student in beta')
verify_expected_problem_visibility(self, course_page, [self.beta_text, self.everyone_text])
def create_cohorts_and_assign_students(self, student_a_username, student_b_username):
Adds 2 manual cohorts, linked to content groups, to the course.
Each cohort is assigned one student.
instructor_dashboard_page = InstructorDashboardPage(self.browser, self.course_id)
cohort_management_page = instructor_dashboard_page.select_cohort_management()
cohort_management_page.is_cohorted = True
def add_cohort_with_student(cohort_name, content_group, student):
""" Create cohort and assign student to it. """
cohort_management_page.add_cohort(cohort_name, content_group=content_group)
# After adding the cohort, it should automatically be selected
lambda: cohort_name == cohort_management_page.get_selected_cohort(), "Waiting for new cohort"
add_cohort_with_student("Cohort Alpha", "alpha", student_a_username)
add_cohort_with_student("Cohort Beta", "beta", student_b_username)
def test_as_specific_student(self):
student_a_username = 'tass_student_a'
student_b_username = 'tass_student_b'
AutoAuthPage(self.browser, username=student_a_username, course_id=self.course_id, no_login=True).visit()
AutoAuthPage(self.browser, username=student_b_username, course_id=self.course_id, no_login=True).visit()
self.create_cohorts_and_assign_students(student_a_username, student_b_username)
# Masquerade as student in alpha cohort:
course_page = self._goto_staff_page()
verify_expected_problem_visibility(self, course_page, [self.alpha_text, self.everyone_text])
# Masquerade as student in beta cohort:
verify_expected_problem_visibility(self, course_page, [self.beta_text, self.everyone_text])
def verify_expected_problem_visibility(test, courseware_page, expected_problems):
......@@ -54,8 +54,8 @@ def handle_ajax(request, course_key_string):
masquerade_settings = request.session.get(MASQUERADE_SETTINGS_KEY, {})
request_json = request.json
role = request_json.get('role', 'student')
user_partition_id = request_json.get('user_partition_id', None)
group_id = request_json.get('group_id', None)
user_partition_id = request_json.get('user_partition_id', None) if group_id is not None else None
user_name = request_json.get('user_name', None)
if user_name:
users_in_course = CourseEnrollment.objects.users_enrolled_in(course_key)
......@@ -4,7 +4,11 @@ Provides a UserPartition driver for cohorts.
import logging
from courseware import courses
from courseware.masquerade import get_masquerading_group_info
from courseware.masquerade import ( # pylint: disable=import-error
from xmodule.partitions.partitions import NoSuchUserPartitionGroupError
from .cohorts import get_cohort, get_group_info_for_cohort
......@@ -36,16 +40,19 @@ class CohortPartitionScheme(object):
If the user has no cohort mapping, or there is no (valid) cohort ->
partition group mapping found, the function returns None.
# If the current user is masquerading as being in a group
# belonging to the specified user partition, return the
# masquerading group or None if the group can't be found.
group_id, user_partition_id = get_masquerading_group_info(user, course_key)
if user_partition_id ==
if group_id is not None:
# First, check if we have to deal with masquerading.
# If the current user is masquerading as a specific student, use the
# same logic as normal to return that student's group. If the current
# user is masquerading as a generic student in a specific group, then
# return that group.
if get_course_masquerade(user, course_key) and not is_masquerading_as_specific_student(user, course_key):
group_id, user_partition_id = get_masquerading_group_info(user, course_key)
if user_partition_id == and group_id is not None:
return user_partition.get_group(group_id)
except NoSuchUserPartitionGroupError:
return None
# The user is masquerading as a generic student. We can't show any particular group.
return None
cohort = get_cohort(user, course_key, use_cached=use_cached)
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