Commit 9d788275 by Frances Botsford Committed by Brian Talbot

I18N and tip text adjustment on studio course creation

parent d9ac60b0
......@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
<form class="create-course course-info">
<div class="wrap-error">
<div id="course_creation_error" name="course_creation_error" class="message message-status message-status error" role="alert">
<p>Please correct the highlighted fields below.</p>
<p>${_("Please correct the highlighted fields below.")}</p>
......@@ -56,24 +56,24 @@
<li class="field field-inline text required" id="field-course-name">
<label for="new-course-name">${_("Course Name")}</label>
<input class="new-course-name" id="new-course-name" type="text" name="new-course-name" aria-required="true" placeholder="${_('e.g. Introduction to Computer Science')}" />
<span class="tip tip-stacked">${_("The public display name for your course")}</span>
<span class="tip tip-stacked">${_("The public display name for your course.")}</span>
<li class="field field-inline text required" id="field-organization">
<label for="new-course-org">${_("Organization")}</label>
<input class="new-course-org" id="new-course-org" type="text" name="new-course-org" aria-required="true" placeholder="${_('e.g. MITX or IMF')}" />
<span class="tip tip-stacked">${_("The name of the organization sponsoring the course")} - <strong>${_("Note: No spaces or special characters are allowed. Also, this cannot be changed")}</strong></span>
<span class="tip tip-stacked">${_("The name of the organization sponsoring the course")} - <strong>${_("Note: No spaces or special characters are allowed. This cannot be changed.")}</strong></span>
<li class="field field-inline text required" id="field-course-number">
<label for="new-course-number">${_("Course Number")}</label>
<input class="new-course-number" id="new-course-number" type="text" name="new-course-number" aria-required="true" placeholder="${_('e.g. CS101')}" />
<span class="tip tip-stacked">${_("The unique number that identifies your course within your organization")} - <strong>${_("Note: No spaces or special characters are allowed. This cannot be changed")}</strong></span>
<span class="tip tip-stacked">${_("The unique number that identifies your course within your organization")} - <strong>${_("Note: No spaces or special characters are allowed. This cannot be changed.")}</strong></span>
<li class="field field-inline text required" id="field-course-run">
<label for="new-course-run">${_("Course Run")}</label>
<input class="new-course-run" id="new-course-run" type="text" name="new-course-run" aria-required="true"placeholder="${_('e.g. 2013_Spring')}" />
<span class="tip tip-stacked">${_("The term in which your course will run")} - <strong>${_("Note: No spaces or special characters are allowed. Also, this cannot be changed")}</strong></span>
<span class="tip tip-stacked">${_("The term in which your course will run")} - <strong>${_("Note: No spaces or special characters are allowed. This cannot be changed.")}</strong></span>
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