Commit 9d6ae576 by Sarina Canelake

Remove combined_open_ended XModule JS code (ORA1)

parent f6892716
# This is a simple class that just hides the error container
# and message container when they are empty
# Can (and should be) expanded upon when our problem list
# becomes more sophisticated
class @PeerGrading
peer_grading_sel: '.peer-grading'
peer_grading_container_sel: '.peer-grading-container'
error_container_sel: '.error-container'
message_container_sel: '.message-container'
problem_button_sel: '.problem-button'
problem_list_sel: '.problem-list'
progress_bar_sel: '.progress-bar'
constructor: (element) ->
@el = element
@peer_grading_container = @$(@peer_grading_sel)
@use_single_location ='use-single-location')
@peer_grading_outer_container = @$(@peer_grading_container_sel)
@ajax_url ='ajax-url')
if @use_single_location.toLowerCase() == "true"
#If the peer grading element is linked to a single location, then activate the backend for that location
#Otherwise, activate the panel view.
@error_container = @$(@error_container_sel)
@message_container = @$(@message_container_sel)
@problem_button = @$(@problem_button_sel) @show_results
@problem_list = @$(@problem_list_sel)
# locally scoped jquery.
$: (selector) ->
$(selector, @el)
construct_progress_bar: () =>
problems = @problem_list.find('tr').next()
problems.each( (index, element) =>
problem = $(element)
progress_bar = problem.find(@progress_bar_sel)
bar_value = parseInt('graded'))
bar_max = parseInt('required')) + bar_value
progress_bar.progressbar({value: bar_value, max: bar_max})
show_results: (event) =>
location_to_fetch = $('location')
data = {'location' : location_to_fetch}
$.postWithPrefix "#{@ajax_url}problem", data, (response) =>
if response.success
backend = new PeerGradingProblemBackend(@ajax_url, false)
new PeerGradingProblem(backend, @el)
@gentle_alert response.error
activate_problem: () =>
backend = new PeerGradingProblemBackend(@ajax_url, false)
new PeerGradingProblem(backend, @el)
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