Commit 9d5b5658 by Ned Batchelder

Merge pull request #8552 from edx/ned/smarter-mako-caching

Make edxmako cache properly with changing lookup paths
parents 10c9912b 5d39b0ce
Set up lookup paths for mako templates.
import hashlib
import os
import pkg_resources
......@@ -15,6 +17,10 @@ class DynamicTemplateLookup(TemplateLookup):
A specialization of the standard mako `TemplateLookup` class which allows
for adding directories progressively.
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(DynamicTemplateLookup, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.__original_module_directory = self.template_args['module_directory']
def add_directory(self, directory, prepend=False):
Add a new directory to the template lookup path.
......@@ -24,6 +30,18 @@ class DynamicTemplateLookup(TemplateLookup):
# Since the lookup path has changed, the compiled modules might be
# wrong because now "foo.html" might be a completely different template,
# and "" in the module directory has no way to know that.
# Update the module_directory argument to point to a directory
# specifically for this lookup path.
unique = hashlib.md5(":".join(str(d) for d in self.directories)).hexdigest()
self.template_args['module_directory'] = os.path.join(self.__original_module_directory, unique)
# Also clear the internal caches. Ick.
def clear_lookups(namespace):
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