Commit 9c959b9d by Brian Jacobel

Add back JSHint tests

parent af762733
Tests for paver quality tasks
import unittest
from mock import patch
import pavelib.quality
from paver.easy import BuildFailure
# @TODO Deprecated, remove in favor of ESLint
class TestPaverJsHint(unittest.TestCase):
For testing run_jshint
def setUp(self):
super(TestPaverJsHint, self).setUp()
# Mock the paver @needs decorator
self._mock_paver_needs = patch.object(pavelib.quality.run_jshint, 'needs').start()
self._mock_paver_needs.return_value = 0
# Mock shell commands
patcher = patch('')
self._mock_paver_sh = patcher.start()
# Cleanup mocks
@patch.object(pavelib.quality, '_write_metric')
@patch.object(pavelib.quality, '_prepare_report_dir')
@patch.object(pavelib.quality, '_get_count_from_last_line')
def test_jshint_violation_number_not_found(self, mock_count, mock_report_dir, mock_write_metric): # pylint: disable=unused-argument
run_jshint encounters an error parsing the jshint output log
mock_count.return_value = None
with self.assertRaises(BuildFailure):
@patch.object(pavelib.quality, '_write_metric')
@patch.object(pavelib.quality, '_prepare_report_dir')
@patch.object(pavelib.quality, '_get_count_from_last_line')
def test_jshint_vanilla(self, mock_count, mock_report_dir, mock_write_metric): # pylint: disable=unused-argument
jshint finds violations, but a limit was not set
mock_count.return_value = 1
......@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ class TestPaverQualityViolations(unittest.TestCase):
class TestPaverReportViolationsCounts(unittest.TestCase):
For testing utility functions for getting counts from reports for
run_eslint, run_complexity, run_safelint, and run_safecommit_report.
run_jshint, run_eslint, run_complexity, run_safelint, and run_safecommit_report.
def setUp(self):
......@@ -79,19 +79,41 @@ class TestPaverReportViolationsCounts(unittest.TestCase):
# @TODO: Deprecated, remove in favor of ESLint
def test_get_jshint_violations_count(self):
with open(, 'w') as f:
f.write("3000 violations found")
actual_count = pavelib.quality._get_count_from_last_line(, "jshint") # pylint: disable=protected-access
self.assertEqual(actual_count, 3000)
def test_get_jshint_violations_no_number_found(self):
with open(, 'w') as f:
f.write("Not expected string regex")
actual_count = pavelib.quality._get_count_from_last_line(, "jshint") # pylint: disable=protected-access
self.assertEqual(actual_count, None)
def test_get_jshint_violations_count_truncated_report(self):
A truncated report (i.e. last line is just a violation)
with open(, 'w') as f:
f.write("foo/bar/js/fizzbuzz.js: line 45, col 59, Missing semicolon.")
actual_count = pavelib.quality._get_count_from_last_line(, "jshint") # pylint: disable=protected-access
self.assertEqual(actual_count, None)
def test_get_eslint_violations_count(self):
with open(, 'w') as f:
f.write("3000 violations found")
actual_count = pavelib.quality._get_count_from_last_line(, "eslint") # pylint: disable=protected-access
self.assertEqual(actual_count, 3000)
def test_get_violations_no_number_found(self):
def test_get_eslint_violations_no_number_found(self):
with open(, 'w') as f:
f.write("Not expected string regex")
actual_count = pavelib.quality._get_count_from_last_line(, "eslint") # pylint: disable=protected-access
self.assertEqual(actual_count, None)
def test_get_violations_count_truncated_report(self):
def test_get_eslint_violations_count_truncated_report(self):
A truncated report (i.e. last line is just a violation)
......@@ -284,10 +306,10 @@ class TestPaverRunQuality(unittest.TestCase):
with self.assertRaises(SystemExit):
# Test that pep8, pylint, and eslint were called by counting the calls to
# Test that pep8, pylint, jshint and eslint were called (@TODO remove JSHint) by counting the calls to
# _get_pep8_violations (for pep8) and sh (for diff-quality pylint & eslint)
self.assertEqual(_mock_pep8_violations.call_count, 1)
self.assertEqual(self._mock_paver_sh.call_count, 2)
self.assertEqual(self._mock_paver_sh.call_count, 3)
@patch('', mock_open())
def test_failure_on_diffquality_pylint(self):
......@@ -305,9 +327,29 @@ class TestPaverRunQuality(unittest.TestCase):
# Test that both pep8 and pylint were called by counting the calls
# Assert that _get_pep8_violations (which calls "pep8") is called once
self.assertEqual(_mock_pep8_violations.call_count, 1)
# And assert that sh was called twice (for the calls to pylint & eslint). This means that even in
# the event of a diff-quality pylint failure, eslint is still called.
self.assertEqual(self._mock_paver_sh.call_count, 2)
# And assert that sh was called 3x (for the calls to pylint & jshint & eslint). (@TODO remove JSHint)
# This means that even in the event of a diff-quality pylint failure, eslint is still called.
self.assertEqual(self._mock_paver_sh.call_count, 3)
# @TODO: Deprecated, remove in favor of ESLint
@patch('', mock_open())
def test_failure_on_diffquality_jshint(self):
If diff-quality fails on jshint, the paver task should also fail
# Underlying sh call must fail when it is running the jshint diff-quality task
self._mock_paver_sh.side_effect = CustomShMock().fail_on_jshint
_mock_pep8_violations = MagicMock(return_value=(0, []))
with patch('pavelib.quality._get_pep8_violations', _mock_pep8_violations):
with self.assertRaises(SystemExit):
# Test that both pep8 and pylint were called by counting the calls
# Assert that _get_pep8_violations (which calls "pep8") is called once
self.assertEqual(_mock_pep8_violations.call_count, 1)
# And assert that sh was called 3x (for the calls to pep8 , jshint and pylint) @TODO remove this test
self.assertEqual(self._mock_paver_sh.call_count, 3)
@patch('', mock_open())
def test_failure_on_diffquality_eslint(self):
......@@ -325,8 +367,8 @@ class TestPaverRunQuality(unittest.TestCase):
# Test that both pep8 and pylint were called by counting the calls
# Assert that _get_pep8_violations (which calls "pep8") is called once
self.assertEqual(_mock_pep8_violations.call_count, 1)
# And assert that sh was called twice (for the calls to pep8 and pylint)
self.assertEqual(self._mock_paver_sh.call_count, 2)
# And assert that sh was called 3x (for the calls to pep8, jshint and pylint) @TODO, remove jshint and decrement
self.assertEqual(self._mock_paver_sh.call_count, 3)
@patch('', mock_open())
def test_other_exception(self):
......@@ -349,8 +391,8 @@ class TestPaverRunQuality(unittest.TestCase):
# Assert that _get_pep8_violations (which calls "pep8") is called once
self.assertEqual(_mock_pep8_violations.call_count, 1)
# And assert that sh was called twice (for the call to "pylint" & "eslint")
self.assertEqual(self._mock_paver_sh.call_count, 2)
# And assert that sh was called 3x (for the call to "pylint" & "jshint" & "eslint") (@TODO, remove jshint)
self.assertEqual(self._mock_paver_sh.call_count, 3)
class CustomShMock(object):
......@@ -370,6 +412,18 @@ class CustomShMock(object):
# @TODO: Deprecated, remove in favor of ESLint
def fail_on_jshint(self, arg):
For our tests, we need the call for diff-quality running pep8 reports to fail, since that is what
is going to fail when we pass in a percentage ("p") requirement.
if "jshint" in arg:
# Essentially mock diff-quality exiting with 1"exit 1")
def fail_on_eslint(self, arg):
For our tests, we need the call for diff-quality running pep8 reports to fail, since that is what
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