Commit 9acc5922 by Vik Paruchuri

Comments for hotkeys

parent 358482c5
......@@ -365,12 +365,14 @@ class @CombinedOpenEnded
keydown_handler: (event) =>
#Previously, responses were submitted when hitting enter. Add in a modifier that ensures that ctrl+enter is needed.
if event.which == 17 && @is_ctrl==false
else if @is_ctrl==true && event.which == 13 && @child_state == 'assessing' && Rubric.check_complete()
keyup_handler: (event) =>
#Handle keyup event when ctrl key is released
if event.which == 17 && @is_ctrl==true
......@@ -361,6 +361,7 @@ class @PeerGradingProblem
@grade = Rubric.get_total_score()
keydown_handler: (event) =>
#Previously, responses were submitted when hitting enter. Add in a modifier that ensures that ctrl+enter is needed.
if event.which == 17 && @is_ctrl==false
else if event.which == 13 &&':visible') && @is_ctrl==true
......@@ -370,6 +371,7 @@ class @PeerGradingProblem
keyup_handler: (event) =>
#Handle keyup event when ctrl key is released
if event.which == 17 && @is_ctrl==true
......@@ -234,12 +234,14 @@ class @StaffGrading
keydown_handler: (event) =>
#Previously, responses were submitted when hitting enter. Add in a modifier that ensures that ctrl+enter is needed.
if event.which == 17 && @is_ctrl==false
else if @is_ctrl==true && event.which == 13 && !@list_view && Rubric.check_complete()
keyup_handler: (event) =>
#Handle keyup event when ctrl key is released
if event.which == 17 && @is_ctrl==true
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