Commit 9ab35759 by Will Daly

Added wait for problem to re-render when checking or resetting it

Added wait for JS on upload page
Fixed an issue where css_click wasn't waiting for JS to load
parent 9f104eb6
......@@ -44,6 +44,12 @@ REQUIREJS_WAIT = {
re.compile('^My Courses \|'): [
"js/sock", "gettext", "js/base",
"jquery.ui", "coffee/src/main", "underscore"],
# Upload
re.compile(r'^\s*Files & Uploads'): [
'js/base', 'jquery.ui', 'coffee/src/main', 'underscore',
'js/views/assets', 'js/views/asset'
......@@ -389,12 +395,14 @@ def css_find(css, wait_time=30):
def css_click(css_selector, index=0, wait_time=30):
def css_click(css_selector, index=0, wait_time=30, dismiss_alert=False):
Perform a click on a CSS selector, first waiting for the element
to be present and clickable.
This method will return True if the click worked.
If `dismiss_alert` is true, dismiss any alerts that appear.
wait_for_clickable(css_selector, timeout=wait_time)
wait_for_visible(css_selector, index=index, timeout=wait_time)
......@@ -403,10 +411,16 @@ def css_click(css_selector, index=0, wait_time=30):
msg="Element {}[{}] is present but not visible".format(css_selector, index)
result = retry_on_exception(lambda: css_find(css_selector)[index].click())
if result:
return result
retry_on_exception(lambda: css_find(css_selector)[index].click())
# Dismiss any alerts that occur.
# We need to do this before calling `wait_for_js_to_load()`
# to avoid getting an unexpected alert exception
if dismiss_alert:
return True
......@@ -107,6 +107,9 @@ def check_problem(step):
# Wait for the problem to finish re-rendering
@step(u'The "([^"]*)" problem displays a "([^"]*)" answer')
def assert_problem_has_answer(step, problem_type, answer_class):
......@@ -127,6 +130,9 @@ def assert_problem_has_answer(step, problem_type, answer_class):
def reset_problem(_step):
# Wait for the problem to finish re-rendering
@step(u'I press the button with the label "([^"]*)"$')
def press_the_button_with_label(_step, buttonname):
......@@ -172,7 +178,6 @@ def assert_answer_mark(_step, problem_type, isnt_marked, correctness):
*problem_type* is a string identifying the type of problem (e.g. 'drop down')
*correctness* is in ['correct', 'incorrect', 'unanswered']
# Determine which selector(s) to look for based on correctness
assert(correctness in ['correct', 'incorrect', 'unanswered'])
assert(problem_type in PROBLEM_DICT)
......@@ -115,10 +115,7 @@ def when_i_send_an_email(step, recipient):
editor.fill('test message')
# Click send
# Confirm the alert
world.css_click('input[name="send"]', dismiss_alert=True)
# Expect to see a message that the email was sent
expected_msg = "Your email was successfully queued for sending."
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