Commit 9a0798b6 by Ibrahim Awwal

Remove old backbone views (the last place they were being used was the profile page).

parent b4828db1
......@@ -37,172 +37,3 @@ if Backbone?
thread1_count = parseInt(thread1.get("comments_count"))
thread2_count = parseInt(thread2.get("comments_count"))
thread2_count - thread1_count
class @DiscussionView extends Backbone.View
$: (selector) ->
initLocal: ->
@$local = @$el.children(".local")
@$delegateElement = @$local
initialize: ->
@initLocal() = @$el.attr("_id")
@model.view = @
@$el.children(".threads").children(".thread").each (index, elem) =>
threadView = new ThreadView el: elem, model: @model.find $(elem).attr("_id")
if @$el.hasClass("forum-discussion")
.unbind('click').click $.proxy @newPost, @
else if @$el.hasClass("inline-discussion")
reload: ($elem, url) ->
if not url then return
$elem: $elem
$loading: $elem
loadingCallback: ->
$(this).parent().append("<span class='discussion-loading'></span>")
loadedCallback: ->
url: url
type: "GET"
success: (response, textStatus) =>
$parent = @$el.parent()
$discussion = $parent.find("section.discussion")
@model.reset(response.discussion_data, { silent: false })
view = new DiscussionView el: $discussion[0], model: @model
$("html, body").animate({ scrollTop: 0 }, 0)
loadSimilarPost: (event) ->
console.log "loading similar"
$title = @$(".new-post-title")
$wrapper = @$(".new-post-similar-posts-wrapper")
$similarPosts = @$(".new-post-similar-posts")
prevText = $title.attr("prev-text")
text = $title.val()
if text == prevText
if @$(".similar-post").length
else if $.trim(text).length
$elem = $(
url = DiscussionUtil.urlFor 'search_similar_threads',
data = { text: @$(".new-post-title").val() }
$elem: $elem
url: url
data: data
dataType: 'json'
success: (response, textStatus) =>
if $wrapper.find(".similar-post").length
$wrapper.find(".hide-similar-posts").click =>
$title.attr("prev-text", text)
newPost: ->
if not @$(".wmd-panel").length
view = { discussion_id: }
@$el.children(".discussion-non-content").append Mustache.render DiscussionUtil.getTemplate("_new_post"), view
$newPostBody = @$(".new-post-body")
DiscussionUtil.makeWmdEditor @$el, $.proxy(@$, @), "new-post-body"
$input = DiscussionUtil.getWmdInput @$el, $.proxy(@$, @), "new-post-body"
$input.attr("placeholder", "post a new topic...")
if @$el.hasClass("inline-discussion")
$input.bind 'focus', (e) =>
else if @$el.hasClass("forum-discussion")
@$(".new-post-tags").tagsInput DiscussionUtil.tagsInputOptions()
@$(".new-post-title").blur $.proxy(@loadSimilarPost, @)
@$(".hide-similar-posts").click =>
@$(".discussion-submit-post").click $.proxy(@submitNewPost, @)
@$(".discussion-cancel-post").click $.proxy(@cancelNewPost, @)
submitNewPost: (event) ->
title = @$(".new-post-title").val()
body = DiscussionUtil.getWmdContent @$el, $.proxy(@$, @), "new-post-body"
tags = @$(".new-post-tags").val()
anonymous = false || @$(".discussion-post-anonymously").is(":checked")
autowatch = false || @$(".discussion-auto-watch").is(":checked")
url = DiscussionUtil.urlFor('create_thread',
$elem: $(
$loading: $( if event
url: url
type: "POST"
dataType: 'json'
title: title
body: body
tags: tags
anonymous: anonymous
auto_subscribe: autowatch
error: DiscussionUtil.formErrorHandler(@$(".new-post-form-errors"))
success: (response, textStatus) =>
$thread = $(response.html)
@$(".new-post-title").val("").attr("prev-text", "")
DiscussionUtil.setWmdContent @$el, $.proxy(@$, @), "new-post-body", ""
thread = @model.addThread response.content
threadView = new ThreadView el: $thread[0], model: thread
thread.updateInfo response.annotated_content_info
cancelNewPost: (event) ->
if @$el.hasClass("inline-discussion")
else if @$el.hasClass("forum-discussion")
search: (event) ->
$elem = $(
url = URI($elem.attr("action")).addSearch({text: @$(".search-input").val()})
@reload($elem, url)
sort: (event) ->
$elem = $(
url = $elem.attr("sort-url")
@reload($elem, url)
page: (event) ->
$elem = $(
url = $elem.attr("page-url")
@reload($elem, url)
"submit .search-wrapper>.discussion-search-form": "search"
"click .discussion-search-link": "search"
"click .discussion-sort-link": "sort"
"click .discussion-page-link": "page"
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