Commit 99ecc784 by Vik Paruchuri

Fix skin tone check

parent 3389802d
......@@ -74,6 +74,19 @@ class ImageProperties(object):
too_many_colors = (color_count <= MAX_COLORS)
return too_many_colors
def check_if_rgb_is_skin(self, rgb):
Checks if a given input rgb tuple/list is a skin tone
@param rgb: RGB tuple
@return: Boolean true false
r,g,b = rgb
check_r = (r > 60)
check_b = (r * 0.4) < b < (r * 0.85)
check_g = (r * 0.2) < g < (r * 0.7)
return check_r and check_b and check_g
def get_skin_ratio(self):
Gets the ratio of skin tone colors in an image
......@@ -82,10 +95,9 @@ class ImageProperties(object):
colors = self.image.getcolors(MAX_COLORS_TO_COUNT)
is_okay = True
if colors is not None:
skin = sum([count for count, rgb in colors if
rgb[0] > 60 and rgb[1] < (rgb[0] * 0.85) and rgb[2] < (rgb[0] * 0.7) and rgb[1] > (rgb[0] * 0.4) and
rgb[2] > (rgb[0] * 0.2)])
bad_color_val = float(skin) / len(colors)
skin = sum([count for count, rgb in colors if self.check_if_rgb_is_skin(rgb)])
total_colored_pixels = sum([count for count, rgb in colors])
bad_color_val = float(skin) / total_colored_pixels
if bad_color_val > .4:
is_okay = False
......@@ -101,7 +113,7 @@ class ImageProperties(object):
image_is_okay = self.count_colors() and self.get_skin_ratio() and not self.image_too_large
return image_is_okay
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