Commit 99957168 by Ibrahim

Exclude hidden programs from white label course and homepage

parent c03cd599
......@@ -216,7 +216,7 @@ def index(request, extra_context=None, user=AnonymousUser()):
# Do not add programs to the context if there are no program types enabled for the site.
if program_types:
programs_list = get_programs_with_type(program_types)
programs_list = get_programs_with_type(program_types, include_hidden=False)
context["programs_list"] = programs_list
......@@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ def courses(request):
# Do not add programs to the context if there are no program types enabled for the site.
if program_types:
programs_list = get_programs_with_type(program_types)
programs_list = get_programs_with_type(program_types, include_hidden=False)
return render_to_response(
......@@ -125,6 +125,7 @@ class ProgramFactory(DictFactoryBase):
title = factory.Faker('catch_phrase')
type = factory.Faker('word')
uuid = factory.Faker('uuid4')
hidden = False
class ProgramTypeFactory(DictFactoryBase):
......@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
import copy
import uuid
import ddt
import mock
from django.contrib.auth import get_user_model
from django.core.cache import cache
......@@ -13,15 +14,14 @@ from openedx.core.djangoapps.catalog.models import CatalogIntegration
from openedx.core.djangoapps.catalog.tests.factories import CourseRunFactory, ProgramFactory, ProgramTypeFactory
from openedx.core.djangoapps.catalog.tests.mixins import CatalogIntegrationMixin
from openedx.core.djangoapps.catalog.utils import (
from openedx.core.djangolib.testing.utils import CacheIsolationTestCase, skip_unless_lms
from student.tests.factories import UserFactory
UTILS_MODULE = 'openedx.core.djangoapps.catalog.utils'
User = get_user_model() # pylint: disable=invalid-name
......@@ -154,6 +154,58 @@ class TestGetPrograms(CacheIsolationTestCase):
class TestGetProgramsWithType(TestCase):
@mock.patch(UTILS_MODULE + '.get_programs')
@mock.patch(UTILS_MODULE + '.get_program_types')
def test_get_programs_with_type(self, mock_get_program_types, mock_get_programs):
"""Verify get_programs_with_type returns the expected list of programs."""
programs_with_program_type = []
programs = ProgramFactory.create_batch(2)
program_types = []
for program in programs:
program_type = ProgramTypeFactory(name=program['type'])
program_with_type = copy.deepcopy(program)
program_with_type['type'] = program_type
mock_get_programs.return_value = programs
mock_get_program_types.return_value = program_types
actual = get_programs_with_type()
self.assertEqual(actual, programs_with_program_type), True)
@mock.patch(UTILS_MODULE + '.get_programs')
@mock.patch(UTILS_MODULE + '.get_program_types')
def test_get_programs_with_type_include_hidden(self, include_hidden, mock_get_program_types, mock_get_programs):
"""Verify get_programs_with_type returns the expected list of programs with include_hidden parameter."""
programs_with_program_type = []
programs = [ProgramFactory(hidden=False), ProgramFactory(hidden=True)]
program_types = []
for program in programs:
if program['hidden'] and not include_hidden:
program_type = ProgramTypeFactory(name=program['type'])
program_with_type = copy.deepcopy(program)
program_with_type['type'] = program_type
mock_get_programs.return_value = programs
mock_get_program_types.return_value = program_types
actual = get_programs_with_type(include_hidden=include_hidden)
self.assertEqual(actual, programs_with_program_type)
@mock.patch(UTILS_MODULE + '.get_edx_api_data')
class TestGetProgramTypes(CatalogIntegrationMixin, TestCase):
"""Tests covering retrieval of program types from the catalog service."""
......@@ -109,15 +109,17 @@ def get_program_types(name=None):
return []
def get_programs_with_type(types=None):
def get_programs_with_type(types=None, include_hidden=True):
Return the list of programs. You can filter the types of programs returned using the optional
types parameter. If no filter is provided, all programs of all types will be returned.
types parameter. If no filter is provided, all programs of all types will be returned. In addition,
you can specify whether to include hidden programs using the optional include_hidden parameter.
The program dict is updated with the fully serialized program type.
Keyword Arguments:
types (list): List of program type slugs to filter by.
include_hidden (bool): whether to include hidden programs
list of dict, representing the active programs.
......@@ -136,6 +138,9 @@ def get_programs_with_type(types=None):
if types and program['type'] not in types:
if program['hidden'] and not include_hidden:
# deepcopy the program dict here so we are not adding
# the type to the cached object
program_with_type = copy.deepcopy(program)
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