Commit 9899d1cc by Mark Hoeber

04/09/2014 Release Notes

parent f2dd6eac
April 9, 2014
The following information reflects what is new in the edX Platform as of April
9, 2014. See previous pages in this document for a history of changes.
edX Documentation
You can access the public edX `roadmap <https://edx->`_ for
details about the currently planned product direction.
The following documentation is available:
* `Building and Running an edX Course.
<>`_ You can also download
the guide as a PDF from the edX Studio user interface.
Recent changes include:
* Expanded the `Course Data <>`_, `Enrollment <>`_, and `Staffing <>`_ sections.
* Updated `Working with HTML Components <>`_ to reflect the new HTML editor.
* `edX Data Documentation
Recent changes include:
* `edX Platform Developer Documentation
Recent changes include:
* Added the `Custom JavaScript Display and Grading <http://edx.readthedocs.or
edX Studio
* **HTML Editor Upgrade**
The HTML editor you use for HTML components, as well as Pages, was upgraded to improve usability.
.. image:: images/HTMLEditor.png
:alt: Image of the new HTML Editor
For instructions on using the new editor to add text, images, and links, see `Working with HTML Components <>`_.
edX Learning Management System
* A problem that prevented course staff from deleting the student's state for an XBlock in the Beta Instructor Dashboard is now resolved. (LMS-2491)
* (LMS-2474)
* Video transcripts are now displayed in their source language. (BLD-935)
* (BLD-958)
edX Discussions
* (FOR-542)
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