Commit 97f70e85 by JonahStanley

Fixed wording to better reflect BDD specs

parent fc67c2ee
......@@ -6,23 +6,13 @@ Feature: The help module should work
Scenario: I can submit a problem when I am not logged in
Given I visit the homepage
When I click the help modal
When I open the help form
And I report a "problem"
And I fill "name" with "Robot"
And I fill "email" with ""
And I fill "subject" with "Test Issue"
And I fill "details" with "I am having a problem"
And I submit the issue
Then The submit button should be disabled
Then I should see confirmation that the problem was received
Scenario: I can submit a problem when I am logged in
Given I am registered for the course "6.002x"
And I am logged in
And I click on View Courseware
When I click the help modal
And I report a "problem"
And I fill "subject" with "Test Issue"
And I fill "details" with "I am having a problem"
And I submit the issue
Then The submit button should be disabled
Given I am in a course
When I open the help form
And I report a "problem" without saying who I am
Then I should see confirmation that the problem was received
......@@ -3,31 +3,47 @@
from lettuce import world, step
@step(u'I click the help modal')
@step(u'I open the help form')
def open_help_modal(step):
help_css = ''
help_css = ''
@step(u'I report a "([^"]*)"$')
def select_problem_type(step, submission_type):
type_css = '#feedback_link_{}'.format(submission_type)
@step(u'I fill "([^"]*)" with "([^"]*)"$')
def fill_field(step, name, info):
form_css = 'form.feedback_form'
form = world.css_find(form_css)
def submit_problem_type(step, submission_type):
type_css = '#feedback_link_{}'.format(submission_type)
fill_field('name', 'Robot')
fill_field('email', '')
fill_field('subject', 'Test Issue')
fill_field('details', 'I am having a problem')
submit_css = 'div.submit'
@step(u'I report a "([^"]*)" without saying who I am$')
def submit_partial_problem_type(step, submission_type):
type_css = '#feedback_link_{}'.format(submission_type)
fill_field('subject', 'Test Issue')
fill_field('details', 'I am having a problem')
submit_css = 'div.submit'
@step(u'I should see confirmation that the problem was received')
def see_confirmation(step):
assert world.browser.evaluate_script("$('input[value=\"Submit\"]').attr('disabled')") == 'disabled'
@step(u'I submit the issue')
def submit_issue(step):
submit_css = 'div.submit'
@step(u'I am in a course')
def go_into_course(step):
step.given('I am registered for the course "6.002x"')
step.given('And I am logged in')
step.given('And I click on View Courseware')
@step(u'The submit button should be disabled')
def see_confirmation(step):
assert world.browser.evaluate_script("$('input[value=\"Submit\"]').attr('disabled')") == 'disabled'
def fill_field(name, info):
form_css = 'form.feedback_form'
form = world.css_find(form_css)
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