Commit 9769f364 by Will Daly

Updated tests to weaken "number" input field requirement, which

isn't supported in Firefox.
parent 0f9d7230
......@@ -113,6 +113,13 @@ describe "Test Metadata Editor", ->
verifyEntry = (index, display_name, type) ->
# Some browsers (e.g. FireFox) do not support the "number"
# input type. We can accept a "text" input instead
# and still get acceptable behavior in the UI.
if type == 'number' and childViews[index].type != 'number'
type = 'text'
verifyEntry(0, 'Display Name', 'text')
......@@ -164,6 +171,13 @@ describe "Test Metadata Editor", ->
assertInputType = (view, expectedType) ->
input = view.$el.find('.setting-input')
# Some browsers (e.g. FireFox) do not support the "number"
# input type. We can accept a "text" input instead
# and still get acceptable behavior in the UI.
if expectedType == 'number' and input[0].type != 'number'
expectedType = 'text'
assertValueInView = (view, expectedValue) ->
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