Commit 96e14e3f by Andy Armstrong

Fix forums escaping bug

parent f286152f
......@@ -224,6 +224,13 @@ describe "DiscussionThreadListView", ->
checkThreadsOrdering(view, sort_order, type)
expect(view.$el.find(".forum-nav-thread-comments-count:visible").length).toEqual(if type == "votes" then 0 else 4)
expect(view.$el.find(".forum-nav-thread-votes-count:visible").length).toEqual(if type == "votes" then 4 else 0)
if type == "votes"
(element) -> $(element).text().trim()
).toEqual(["+25 votes", "+20 votes", "+42 votes", "+12 votes"])
it "with sort preference date", ->
checkRender(@threads, "date", ["Thread1", "Thread4", "Thread2", "Thread3"])
......@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@
<span class="forum-nav-thread-votes-count">
+<%- interpolate(fmt, {
+<%= interpolate(fmt, {
votes_count: votes['up_count'],
span_start: '<span class="sr">',
span_end: '</span>'
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