Commit 94696786 by cahrens

Merge in Don's change.

parent f616aecd
......@@ -70,9 +70,17 @@ class @MarkdownEditingDescriptor extends XModule.Descriptor
save: ->
$'click', '.editor-tabs .tab', @changeEditor)
$'click', '.editor-bar a', @onToolbarButton);
$'click', '.cheatsheet-toggle', @toggleCheatsheet);
data: @xml_editor.getValue()
$'click', '.editor-bar a', @onToolbarButton)
$'click', '.cheatsheet-toggle', @toggleCheatsheet)
# TODO when logic is in place to remove the markdown if xml is edited, ensure this doesn't overwrite that
if @current_editor == @markdown_editor
data: MarkdownEditingDescriptor.markdownToXml(@markdown_editor.getValue())
markdown: @markdown_editor.getValue()
data: @xml_editor.getValue()
@insertMultipleChoice: (selectedText) ->
return MarkdownEditingDescriptor.insertGenericChoice(selectedText, '(', ')', MarkdownEditingDescriptor.multipleChoiceTemplate)
Markdown is supported
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