Commit 9360c3fa by Will Daly

Added test for StringResponse hints

parent 4ed229e8
......@@ -382,12 +382,19 @@ class StringResponseXMLFactory(ResponseXMLFactory):
Uses **kwargs:
*answer*: The correct answer (a string) [REQUIRED]
*case_sensitive*: Whether the response is case-sensitive (True/False)
*hints*: List of (hint_prompt, hint_name, hint_text) tuples
Where *hint_prompt* is the string for which we show the hint,
*hint_name* is an internal identifier for the hint,
and *hint_text* is the text we show for the hint.
# Retrieve the **kwargs
answer = kwargs.get("answer", None)
case_sensitive = kwargs.get("case_sensitive", True)
hint_list = kwargs.get('hints', None)
# Create the <stringresponse> element
......@@ -399,6 +406,20 @@ class StringResponseXMLFactory(ResponseXMLFactory):
# Set the case sensitivity
response_element.set("type", "cs" if case_sensitive else "ci")
# Add the hints if specified
if hint_list:
hintgroup_element = etree.SubElement(response_element, "hintgroup")
for (hint_prompt, hint_name, hint_text) in hint_list:
stringhint_element = etree.SubElement(hintgroup_element, "stringhint")
stringhint_element.set("answer", str(hint_prompt))
stringhint_element.set("name", str(hint_name))
hintpart_element = etree.SubElement(hintgroup_element, "hintpart")
hintpart_element.set("on", str(hint_name))
hint_text_element = etree.SubElement(hintpart_element, "text")
hint_text_element.text = str(hint_text)
return response_element
def create_input_element(self, **kwargs):
......@@ -309,6 +309,35 @@ class StringResponseWithHintTest(ResponseTest):
# Other strings are not allowed
self.assert_grade(problem, "Other String", "incorrect")
def test_hints(self):
hints = [("wisconsin", "wisc", "The state capital of Wisconsin is Madison"),
("minnesota", "minn", "The state capital of Minnesota is St. Paul")]
problem = self.build_problem(answer="Michigan",
# We should get a hint for Wisconsin
input_dict = {'1_2_1': 'Wisconsin'}
correct_map = problem.grade_answers(input_dict)
"The state capital of Wisconsin is Madison")
# We should get a hint for Minnesota
input_dict = {'1_2_1': 'Minnesota'}
correct_map = problem.grade_answers(input_dict)
"The state capital of Minnesota is St. Paul")
# We should NOT get a hint for Michigan (the correct answer)
input_dict = {'1_2_1': 'Michigan'}
correct_map = problem.grade_answers(input_dict)
self.assertEquals(correct_map.get_hint('1_2_1'), "")
# We should NOT get a hint for any other string
input_dict = {'1_2_1': 'California'}
correct_map = problem.grade_answers(input_dict)
self.assertEquals(correct_map.get_hint('1_2_1'), "")
class CodeResponseTest(unittest.TestCase):
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