Commit 9330ef65 by Sarina Canelake

Enable Pending Tasks section on new dash

Add Pending Tasks section to the following tabs:
* Course Info
* Student Email
* Data Download
* Email

parent eb1b9260
......@@ -52,17 +52,17 @@ def instructor_dashboard_2(request, course_id):
# Gate access to course email by feature flag & by course-specific authorization
is_studio_course and CourseAuthorization.instructor_email_enabled(course_id):
sections.append(_section_send_email(course_id, access, course))
enrollment_count = sections[0]['enrollment_count']
disable_buttons = False
max_enrollment_for_buttons = settings.MITX_FEATURES.get("MAX_ENROLLMENT_INSTR_BUTTONS")
if max_enrollment_for_buttons is not None:
disable_buttons = enrollment_count > max_enrollment_for_buttons
# Gate access by feature flag & by course-specific authorization
is_studio_course and CourseAuthorization.instructor_email_enabled(course_id):
sections.append(_section_send_email(course_id, access, course))
context = {
'course': course,
'old_dashboard_url': reverse('instructor_dashboard', kwargs={'course_id': course_id}),
......@@ -156,6 +156,7 @@ def _section_data_download(course_id):
'get_grading_config_url': reverse('get_grading_config', kwargs={'course_id': course_id}),
'get_students_features_url': reverse('get_students_features', kwargs={'course_id': course_id}),
'get_anon_ids_url': reverse('get_anon_ids', kwargs={'course_id': course_id}),
'list_instructor_tasks_url': reverse('list_instructor_tasks', kwargs={'course_id': course_id}),
return section_data
......@@ -171,7 +172,8 @@ def _section_send_email(course_id, access, course):
'section_display_name': _('Email'),
'access': access,
'send_email': reverse('send_email', kwargs={'course_id': course_id}),
'editor': email_editor
'editor': email_editor,
'list_instructor_tasks_url': reverse('list_instructor_tasks', kwargs={'course_id': course_id}),
return section_data
......@@ -29,7 +29,8 @@ MITX_FEATURES['ENABLE_MANUAL_GIT_RELOAD'] = True
MITX_FEATURES['ENABLE_PSYCHOMETRICS'] = False # real-time psychometrics (eg item response theory analysis in instructor dashboard)
MITX_FEATURES['ENABLE_INSTRUCTOR_EMAIL'] = True # Enable email for all Studio courses
MITX_FEATURES['REQUIRE_COURSE_EMAIL_AUTH'] = False # Give all courses email (don't require django-admin perms)
Course Info Section
This is the implementation of the simplest section
of the instructor dashboard.
imports from other modules.
wrap in (-> ... apply) to defer evaluation
such that the value can be defined later than this assignment (file load order).
# Load utilities
plantTimeout = -> window.InstructorDashboard.util.plantTimeout.apply this, arguments
std_ajax_err = -> window.InstructorDashboard.util.std_ajax_err.apply this, arguments
load_IntervalManager = -> window.InstructorDashboard.util.IntervalManager
create_task_list_table = -> window.InstructorDashboard.util.create_task_list_table.apply this, arguments
# A typical section object.
# constructed with $section, a jquery object
......@@ -37,6 +39,29 @@ class CourseInfo
@$course_errors_wrapper.addClass 'open'
### Pending Instructor Tasks Section ####
# Currently running tasks
@$table_running_tasks = @$section.find ".running-tasks-table"
# start polling for task list
# if the list is in the DOM
if @$table_running_tasks.length > 0
# reload every 20 seconds.
@task_poller = new (load_IntervalManager()) TASK_LIST_POLL_INTERVAL, =>
# Populate the running tasks list
reload_running_tasks_list: =>
list_endpoint = @$ 'endpoint'
dataType: 'json'
url: list_endpoint
success: (data) => create_task_list_table @$table_running_tasks, data.tasks
error: std_ajax_err => console.warn "error listing all instructor tasks"
### /Pending Instructor Tasks Section ####
# export for use
# create parent namespaces if they do not already exist.
......@@ -8,7 +8,8 @@ such that the value can be defined later than this assignment (file load order).
plantTimeout = -> window.InstructorDashboard.util.plantTimeout.apply this, arguments
std_ajax_err = -> window.InstructorDashboard.util.std_ajax_err.apply this, arguments
load_IntervalManager = -> window.InstructorDashboard.util.IntervalManager
create_task_list_table = -> window.InstructorDashboard.util.create_task_list_table.apply this, arguments
# Data Download Section
class DataDownload
......@@ -81,6 +82,29 @@ class DataDownload
@$display_text.html data['grading_config_summary']
### Pending Instructor Tasks Section ####
# Currently running tasks
@$table_running_tasks = @$section.find ".running-tasks-table"
# start polling for task list
# if the list is in the DOM
if @$table_running_tasks.length > 0
# reload every 20 seconds.
@task_poller = new (load_IntervalManager()) TASK_LIST_POLL_INTERVAL, =>
# Populate the running tasks list
reload_running_tasks_list: =>
list_endpoint = @$ 'endpoint'
dataType: 'json'
url: list_endpoint
success: (data) => create_task_list_table @$table_running_tasks, data.tasks
error: std_ajax_err => console.warn "error listing all instructor tasks"
### /Pending Instructor Tasks Section ####
clear_display: ->
......@@ -6,8 +6,11 @@ wrap in (-> ... apply) to defer evaluation
such that the value can be defined later than this assignment (file load order).
# Load utilities
plantTimeout = -> window.InstructorDashboard.util.plantTimeout.apply this, arguments
std_ajax_err = -> window.InstructorDashboard.util.std_ajax_err.apply this, arguments
load_IntervalManager = -> window.InstructorDashboard.util.IntervalManager
create_task_list_table = -> window.InstructorDashboard.util.create_task_list_table.apply this, arguments
class SendEmail
constructor: (@$container) ->
......@@ -87,6 +90,29 @@ class Email
# isolate # initialize SendEmail subsection
plantTimeout 0, => new SendEmail @$section.find '.send-email'
### Pending Instructor Tasks Section ####
# Currently running tasks
@$table_running_tasks = @$section.find ".running-tasks-table"
# start polling for task list
# if the list is in the DOM
if @$table_running_tasks.length > 0
# reload every 20 seconds.
@task_poller = new (load_IntervalManager()) TASK_LIST_POLL_INTERVAL, =>
# Populate the running tasks list
reload_running_tasks_list: =>
list_endpoint = @$ 'endpoint'
dataType: 'json'
url: list_endpoint
success: (data) => create_task_list_table @$table_running_tasks, data.tasks
error: std_ajax_err => console.warn "error listing all instructor tasks"
### /Pending Instructor Tasks Section ####
# handler for when the section title is clicked.
onClickTitle: ->
......@@ -6,10 +6,12 @@ wrap in (-> ... apply) to defer evaluation
such that the value can be defined later than this assignment (file load order).
# Load utilities
plantTimeout = -> window.InstructorDashboard.util.plantTimeout.apply this, arguments
plantInterval = -> window.InstructorDashboard.util.plantInterval.apply this, arguments
std_ajax_err = -> window.InstructorDashboard.util.std_ajax_err.apply this, arguments
load_IntervalManager = -> window.InstructorDashboard.util.IntervalManager
create_task_list_table = -> window.InstructorDashboard.util.create_task_list_table.apply this, arguments
# get jquery element and assert its existance
......@@ -21,54 +23,6 @@ find_and_assert = ($root, selector) ->
# render a task list table to the DOM
# `$table_tasks` the $element in which to put the table
# `tasks_data`
create_task_list_table = ($table_tasks, tasks_data) ->
options =
enableCellNavigation: true
enableColumnReorder: false
autoHeight: true
rowHeight: 60
forceFitColumns: true
columns = [
id: 'task_type'
field: 'task_type'
name: 'Task Type'
id: 'requester'
field: 'requester'
name: 'Requester'
width: 30
id: 'task_input'
field: 'task_input'
name: 'Input'
id: 'task_state'
field: 'task_state'
name: 'State'
width: 30
id: 'task_id'
field: 'task_id'
name: 'Task ID'
width: 50
id: 'created'
field: 'created'
name: 'Created'
table_data = tasks_data
$table_placeholder = $ '<div/>', class: 'slickgrid'
$table_tasks.append $table_placeholder
grid = new Slick.Grid($table_placeholder, table_data, columns, options)
class StudentAdmin
constructor: (@$section) ->
......@@ -100,15 +54,6 @@ class StudentAdmin
@$request_response_error_grade = find_and_assert @$section, ".student-grade-container .request-response-error"
@$request_response_error_all = @$section.find ".course-specific-container .request-response-error"
# start polling for task list
# if the list is in the DOM
if @$table_running_tasks.length > 0
# reload every 20 seconds.
@task_poller = new (load_IntervalManager()) TASK_LIST_POLL_INTERVAL, =>
# attach click handlers
# go to student progress page
......@@ -294,6 +239,16 @@ class StudentAdmin
create_task_list_table @$table_task_history_all, data.tasks
error: std_ajax_err => @$request_response_error_all.text gettext("Error listing task history for this student and problem.")
# start polling for task list
# if the list is in the DOM
if @$table_running_tasks.length > 0
# reload every 20 seconds.
@task_poller = new (load_IntervalManager()) TASK_LIST_POLL_INTERVAL, =>
# Populate the running tasks list
reload_running_tasks_list: =>
list_endpoint = @$ 'endpoint'
......@@ -17,6 +17,54 @@ std_ajax_err = (handler) -> (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) ->
handler.apply this, arguments
# render a task list table to the DOM
# `$table_tasks` the $element in which to put the table
# `tasks_data`
create_task_list_table = ($table_tasks, tasks_data) ->
options =
enableCellNavigation: true
enableColumnReorder: false
autoHeight: true
rowHeight: 60
forceFitColumns: true
columns = [
id: 'task_type'
field: 'task_type'
name: 'Task Type'
id: 'requester'
field: 'requester'
name: 'Requester'
width: 30
id: 'task_input'
field: 'task_input'
name: 'Input'
id: 'task_state'
field: 'task_state'
name: 'State'
width: 30
id: 'task_id'
field: 'task_id'
name: 'Task ID'
width: 50
id: 'created'
field: 'created'
name: 'Created'
table_data = tasks_data
$table_placeholder = $ '<div/>', class: 'slickgrid'
$table_tasks.append $table_placeholder
grid = new Slick.Grid($table_placeholder, table_data, columns, options)
# Helper class for managing the execution of interval tasks.
# Handles pausing and restarting.
class IntervalManager
......@@ -47,3 +95,4 @@ if _?
plantInterval: plantInterval
std_ajax_err: std_ajax_err
IntervalManager: IntervalManager
create_task_list_table: create_task_list_table
......@@ -43,6 +43,7 @@
<h2> ${_("Pending Instructor Tasks")} </h2>
<p>${_("The status for any active tasks appears in a table below.")} </p>
<br />
<div class="running-tasks-table" data-endpoint="${ section_data['list_instructor_tasks_url'] }"></div>
......@@ -19,4 +19,16 @@
<div class="data-display-text"></div>
<div class="data-display-table"></div>
<div class="request-response-error"></div>
<div class="running-tasks-container action-type-container">
<h2> ${_("Pending Instructor Tasks")} </h2>
<p>${_("The status for any active tasks appears in a table below.")} </p>
<br />
<div class="running-tasks-table" data-endpoint="${ section_data['list_instructor_tasks_url'] }"></div>
......@@ -54,4 +54,16 @@
<br />
<input type="button" name="send" value="${_("Send Email")}" data-endpoint="${ section_data['send_email'] }" >
<div class="request-response-error"></div>
<div class="running-tasks-container action-type-container">
<h2> ${_("Pending Instructor Tasks")} </h2>
<p>${_("The status for any active tasks appears in a table below.")} </p>
<br />
<div class="running-tasks-table" data-endpoint="${ section_data['list_instructor_tasks_url'] }"></div>
......@@ -109,3 +109,15 @@
<div class="running-tasks-container action-type-container">
<h2> ${_("Pending Instructor Tasks")} </h2>
<p>${_("The status for any active tasks appears in a table below.")} </p>
<br />
<div class="running-tasks-table" data-endpoint="${ section_data['list_instructor_tasks_url'] }"></div>
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