Commit 9201699b by Brian Wilson Committed by Carol Tong

update docs from master

parent 2e585470
Xml format of conditional module [xmodule]
.. module:: conditional_module
Format description
The main tag of Conditional module input is:
.. code-block:: xml
<conditional> ... </conditional>
``conditional`` can include any number of any xmodule tags (``html``, ``video``, ``poll``, etc.) or ``show`` tags.
conditional tag
The main container for a single instance of Conditional module. The following attributes can
be specified for this tag::
sources - location id of required modules, separated by ';'
[message | ""] - message for case, where one or more are not passed. Here you can use variable {link}, which generate link to required module.
[completed] - map to `is_completed` module method
[attempted] - map to `is_attempted` module method
[poll_answer] - map to `poll_answer` module attribute
[voted] - map to `voted` module attribute
show tag
Symlink to some set of xmodules. The following attributes can
be specified for this tag::
sources - location id of modules, separated by ';'
Examples of conditional depends on poll
.. code-block:: xml
<conditional sources="i4x://MITx/0.000x/poll_question/first_real_poll_seq_with_reset" poll_answer="man"
message="{link} must be answered for this to become visible.">
<h2>You see this, cause your vote value for "First question" was "man"</h2>
Examples of conditional depends on poll (use <show> tag)
.. code-block:: xml
<conditional sources="i4x://MITx/0.000x/poll_question/first_real_poll_seq_with_reset" poll_answer="man"
message="{link} must be answered for this to become visible.">
<show sources="i4x://MITx/0.000x/problem/test_1; i4x://MITx/0.000x/Video/Avi_resources; i4x://MITx/0.000x/problem/test_1"/>
Examples of conditional depends on problem
.. code-block:: xml
<conditional sources="i4x://MITx/0.000x/problem/Conditional:lec27_Q1" attempted="True">
<html display_name="HTML for attempted problem">You see this, cause "lec27_Q1" is attempted.</html>
<conditional sources="i4x://MITx/0.000x/problem/Conditional:lec27_Q1" attempted="False">
<html display_name="HTML for not attempted problem">You see this, cause "lec27_Q1" is not attempted.</html>
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CustomResponse XML and Python Script
This document explains how to write a CustomResponse problem. CustomResponse
problems execute Python script to check student answers and provide hints.
There are two general ways to create a CustomResponse problem:
Answer tag format
One format puts the Python code in an ``<answer>`` tag:
.. code-block:: xml
<p>What is the sum of 2 and 3?</p>
<customresponse expect="5">
<textline math="1" />
# Python script goes here
The Python script interacts with these variables in the global context:
* ``answers``: An ordered list of answers the student provided.
For example, if the student answered ``6``, then ``answers[0]`` would
equal ``6``.
* ``expect``: The value of the ``expect`` attribute of ``<customresponse>``
(if provided).
* ``correct``: An ordered list of strings indicating whether the
student answered the question correctly. Valid values are
``"correct"``, ``"incorrect"``, and ``"unknown"``. You can set these
values in the script.
* ``messages``: An ordered list of message strings that will be displayed
beneath each input. You can use this to provide hints to users.
For example ``messages[0] = "The capital of California is Sacramento"``
would display that message beneath the first input of the response.
* ``overall_message``: A string that will be displayed beneath the
entire problem. You can use this to provide a hint that applies
to the entire problem rather than a particular input.
Example of a checking script:
.. code-block:: python
if answers[0] == expect:
correct[0] = 'correct'
overall_message = 'Good job!'
correct[0] = 'incorrect'
messages[0] = 'This answer is incorrect'
overall_message = 'Please try again'
**Important**: Python is picky about indentation. Within the ``<answer>`` tag,
you must begin your script with no indentation.
Script tag format
The other way to create a CustomResponse is to put a "checking function"
in a ``<script>`` tag, then use the ``cfn`` attribute of the
``<customresponse>`` tag:
.. code-block:: xml
<p>What is the sum of 2 and 3?</p>
<customresponse cfn="check_func" expect="5">
<textline math="1" />
<script type="loncapa/python">
def check_func(expect, ans):
# Python script goes here
**Important**: Python is picky about indentation. Within the ``<script>`` tag,
the ``def check_func(expect, ans):`` line must have no indentation.
The check function accepts two arguments:
* ``expect`` is the value of the ``expect`` attribute of ``<customresponse>``
(if provided)
* ``answer`` is either:
* The value of the answer the student provided, if there is only one input.
* An ordered list of answers the student provided, if there
are multiple inputs.
There are several ways that the check function can indicate whether the student
succeeded. The check function can return any of the following:
* ``True``: Indicates that the student answered correctly for all inputs.
* ``False``: Indicates that the student answered incorrectly.
All inputs will be marked incorrect.
* A dictionary of the form: ``{ 'ok': True, 'msg': 'Message' }``
If the dictionary's value for ``ok`` is set to ``True``, all inputs are
marked correct; if it is set to ``False``, all inputs are marked incorrect.
The ``msg`` is displayed beneath all inputs, and it may contain
XHTML markup.
* A dictionary of the form
.. code-block:: xml
{ 'overall_message': 'Overall message',
'input_list': [
{ 'ok': True, 'msg': 'Feedback for input 1'},
{ 'ok': False, 'msg': 'Feedback for input 2'},
... ] }
The last form is useful for responses that contain multiple inputs.
It allows you to provide feedback for each input individually,
as well as a message that applies to the entire response.
Example of a checking function:
.. code-block:: python
def check_func(expect, answer_given):
check1 = (int(answer_given[0]) == 1)
check2 = (int(answer_given[1]) == 2)
check3 = (int(answer_given[2]) == 3)
return {'overall_message': 'Overall message',
'input_list': [
{ 'ok': check1, 'msg': 'Feedback 1'},
{ 'ok': check2, 'msg': 'Feedback 2'},
{ 'ok': check3, 'msg': 'Feedback 3'} ] }
The function checks that the user entered ``1`` for the first input,
``2`` for the second input, and ``3`` for the third input.
It provides feedback messages for each individual input, as well
as a message displayed beneath the entire problem.
...@@ -83,9 +83,58 @@ the slider. ...@@ -83,9 +83,58 @@ the slider.
If no targets are provided, then a draggable can be dragged and placed anywhere If no targets are provided, then a draggable can be dragged and placed anywhere
on the base image. on the base image.
correct answer format Targets on draggables
--------------------- ---------------------
Sometimes it is not enough to have targets only on the base image, and all of the
draggables on these targets. If a complex problem exists where a draggable must
become itself a target (or many targets), then the following extended syntax
can be used: ::
<draggable {attribute list}>
<target {attribute list} />
<target {attribute list} />
<target {attribute list} />
The attribute list in the tags above ('draggable' and 'target') is the same as for
normal 'draggable' and 'target' tags. The only difference is when you will be
specifying inner target position coordinates. Using the 'x' and 'y' attributes you
are setting the offset of the inner target from the upper-left corner of the
parent draggable (that contains the inner target).
Limitations of targets on draggables
1.) Currently there is a limitation to the level of nesting of targets.
Even though you can pile up a large number of draggables on targets that themselves
are on draggables, the Drag and Drop instance will be graded only in the case if
there is a maximum of two levels of targets. The first level are the "base" targets.
They are attached to the base image. The second level are the targets defined on
2.) Another limitation is that the target bounds are not checked against
other targets.
For now, it is the responsibility of the person who is constructing the course
material to make sure that there is no overlapping of targets. It is also preferable
that targets on draggables are smaller than the actual parent draggable. Technically
this is not necessary, but from the usability perspective it is desirable.
3.) You can have targets on draggables only in the case when there are base targets
defined (base targets are attached to the base image).
If you do not have base targets, then you can only have a single level of nesting
(draggables on the base image). In this case the client side will be reporting (x,y)
positions of each draggables on the base image.
Correct answer format
(NOTE: For specifying answers for targets on draggables please see next section.)
There are two correct answer formats: short and long There are two correct answer formats: short and long
If short from correct answer is mapping of 'draggable_id' to 'target_id':: If short from correct answer is mapping of 'draggable_id' to 'target_id'::
...@@ -180,7 +229,7 @@ Rules are: exact, anyof, unordered_equal, anyof+number, unordered_equal+number ...@@ -180,7 +229,7 @@ Rules are: exact, anyof, unordered_equal, anyof+number, unordered_equal+number
'rule': 'unordered_equal' 'rule': 'unordered_equal'
}] }]
- And sometimes you want to allow drag only two 'b' draggables, in these case you sould use 'anyof+number' of 'unordered_equal+number' rule:: - And sometimes you want to allow drag only two 'b' draggables, in these case you should use 'anyof+number' of 'unordered_equal+number' rule::
correct_answer = [ correct_answer = [
{ {
...@@ -204,6 +253,54 @@ for same number of draggables, anyof is equal to unordered_equal ...@@ -204,6 +253,54 @@ for same number of draggables, anyof is equal to unordered_equal
If we have can_reuse=true, than one must use only long form of correct answer. If we have can_reuse=true, than one must use only long form of correct answer.
Answer format for targets on draggables
As with the cases described above, an answer must provide precise positioning for
each draggable (on which targets it must reside). In the case when a draggable must
be placed on a target that itself is on a draggable, then the answer must contain
the chain of target-draggable-target. It is best to understand this on an example.
Suppose we have three draggables - 'up', 's', and 'p'. Draggables 's', and 'p' have targets
on themselves. More specifically, 'p' has three targets - '1', '2', and '3'. The first
requirement is that 's', and 'p' are positioned on specific targets on the base image.
The second requirement is that draggable 'up' is positioned on specific targets of
draggable 'p'. Below is an excerpt from a problem.::
<draggable id="up" icon="/static/images/images_list/lcao-mo/up.png" can_reuse="true" />
<draggable id="s" icon="/static/images/images_list/lcao-mo/orbital_single.png" label="s orbital" can_reuse="true" >
<target id="1" x="0" y="0" w="32" h="32"/>
<draggable id="p" icon="/static/images/images_list/lcao-mo/orbital_triple.png" can_reuse="true" label="p orbital" >
<target id="1" x="0" y="0" w="32" h="32"/>
<target id="2" x="34" y="0" w="32" h="32"/>
<target id="3" x="68" y="0" w="32" h="32"/>
correct_answer = [
'draggables': ['p'],
'targets': ['p-left-target', 'p-right-target'],
'rule': 'unordered_equal'
'draggables': ['s'],
'targets': ['s-left-target', 's-right-target'],
'rule': 'unordered_equal'
'draggables': ['up'],
'targets': ['p-left-target[p][1]', 'p-left-target[p][2]', 'p-right-target[p][2]', 'p-right-target[p][3]',],
'rule': 'unordered_equal'
Note that it is a requirement to specify rules for all draggables, even if some draggable gets included
in more than one chain.
Grading logic Grading logic
------------- -------------
...@@ -321,3 +418,8 @@ Draggables can be reused ...@@ -321,3 +418,8 @@ Draggables can be reused
------------------------ ------------------------
.. literalinclude:: drag-n-drop-demo2.xml .. literalinclude:: drag-n-drop-demo2.xml
Examples of targets on draggables
.. literalinclude:: drag-n-drop-demo3.xml
Xml format of poll module [xmodule]
.. module:: poll_module
Format description
The main tag of Poll module input is:
.. code-block:: xml
<poll_question> ... </poll_question>
``poll_question`` can include any number of the following tags:
any xml and ``answer`` tag. All inner xml, except for ``answer`` tags, we call "question".
poll_question tag
Xmodule for creating poll functionality - voting system. The following attributes can
be specified for this tag::
name - Name of xmodule.
[display_name| AUTOGENERATE] - Display name of xmodule. When this attribute is not defined - display name autogenerate with some hash.
[reset | False] - Can reset/revote many time (value = True/False)
answer tag
Define one of the possible answer for poll module. The following attributes can
be specified for this tag::
id - unique identifier (using to identify the different answers)
Inner text - Display text for answer choice.
Examples of poll
.. code-block:: xml
<poll_question name="second_question" display_name="Second question">
<p>How old are you?</p>
<answer id="less18">&lt; 18</answer>
<answer id="10_25">from 10 to 25</answer>
<answer id="more25">&gt; 25</answer>
Examples of poll with unable reset functionality
.. code-block:: xml
<poll_question name="first_question_with_reset" display_name="First question with reset"
<h3>Your gender</h3>
<p>You are man or woman?</p>
<answer id="man">Man</answer>
<answer id="woman">Woman</answer>
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Symbolic Response
This document plans to document features that the current symbolic response
supports. In general it allows the input and validation of math expressions,
up to commutativity and some identities.
This is a partial list of features, to be revised as we go along:
* sub and superscripts: an expression following the ``^`` character
indicates exponentiation. To use superscripts in variables, the syntax
is ``b_x__d`` for the variable ``b`` with subscript ``x`` and super
An example of a problem::
<symbolicresponse expect="a_b^c + b_x__d" size="30">
<textline math="1"
It's a bit of a pain to enter that.
* The script-style math variant. What would be outputted in latex if you
entered ``\mathcal{N}``. This is used in some variables.
An example::
<symbolicresponse expect="scriptN_B + x" size="30">
<textline math="1"/>
There is no fancy preprocessing needed, but if you had superscripts or
something, you would need to include that part.
...@@ -24,6 +24,9 @@ Specific Problem Types ...@@ -24,6 +24,9 @@ Specific Problem Types
course_data_formats/drag_and_drop/drag_and_drop_input.rst course_data_formats/drag_and_drop/drag_and_drop_input.rst
course_data_formats/graphical_slider_tool/graphical_slider_tool.rst course_data_formats/graphical_slider_tool/graphical_slider_tool.rst
Internal Data Formats Internal Data Formats
...@@ -313,14 +313,18 @@ There is an important split in demographic data gathered for the students who si ...@@ -313,14 +313,18 @@ There is an important split in demographic data gathered for the students who si
- This student signed up before this information was collected - This student signed up before this information was collected
* - `''` (blank) * - `''` (blank)
- User did not specify level of education. - User did not specify level of education.
* - `'p'`
- Doctorate
* - `'p_se'` * - `'p_se'`
- Doctorate in science or engineering - Doctorate in science or engineering (no longer used)
* - `'p_oth'` * - `'p_oth'`
- Doctorate in another field - Doctorate in another field (no longer used)
* - `'m'` * - `'m'`
- Master's or professional degree - Master's or professional degree
* - `'b'` * - `'b'`
- Bachelor's degree - Bachelor's degree
* - `'a'`
- Associate's degree
* - `'hs'` * - `'hs'`
- Secondary/high school - Secondary/high school
* - `'jhs'` * - `'jhs'`
...@@ -624,4 +628,4 @@ The generatedcertificate table tracks certificate state for students who have be ...@@ -624,4 +628,4 @@ The generatedcertificate table tracks certificate state for students who have be
`grade` `grade`
------- -------
The grade of the student recorded at the time the certificate was generated. This may be different than the current grade since grading is only done once for a course when it ends. The grade of the student recorded at the time the certificate was generated. This may be different than the current grade since grading is only done once for a course when it ends.
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<h1>Symbolic Response<a class="headerlink" href="#symbolic-response" title="Permalink to this headline"></a></h1>
<p>This document plans to document features that the current symbolic response
supports. In general it allows the input and validation of math expressions,
up to commutativity and some identities.</p>
<div class="section" id="features">
<h2>Features<a class="headerlink" href="#features" title="Permalink to this headline"></a></h2>
<dl class="docutils">
<dt>This is a partial list of features, to be revised as we go along:</dt>
<dd><ul class="first last">
<li><p class="first">sub and superscripts: an expression following the <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">^</span></tt> character
indicates exponentiation. To use superscripts in variables, the syntax
is <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">b_x__d</span></tt> for the variable <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">b</span></tt> with subscript <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">x</span></tt> and super
<tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">d</span></tt>.</p>
<p>An example of a problem:</p>
<div class="highlight-python"><pre>&lt;symbolicresponse expect="a_b^c + b_x__d" size="30"&gt;</pre>
<div><dl class="docutils">
<dt>&lt;textline math=&#8221;1&#8221;</dt>
<dd><p class="first last">preprocessorClassName=&#8221;SymbolicMathjaxPreprocessor&#8221;
<p>It&#8217;s a bit of a pain to enter that.</p>
<li><p class="first">The script-style math variant. What would be outputted in latex if you
entered <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">\mathcal{N}</span></tt>. This is used in some variables.</p>
<p>An example:</p>
<div class="highlight-python"><pre>&lt;symbolicresponse expect="scriptN_B + x" size="30"&gt;
&lt;textline math="1"/&gt;
<p>There is no fancy preprocessing needed, but if you had superscripts or
something, you would need to include that part.</p>
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<h2 id="C">C</h2>
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<td style="width: 33%" valign="top"><dl>
<dt><a href="course_data_formats/conditional_module/conditional_module.html#module-conditional_module">conditional_module (module)</a>
<h2 id="D">D</h2> <h2 id="D">D</h2>
<table style="width: 100%" class="indextable genindextable"><tr> <table style="width: 100%" class="indextable genindextable"><tr>
<td style="width: 33%" valign="top"><dl> <td style="width: 33%" valign="top"><dl>
...@@ -87,6 +99,16 @@ ...@@ -87,6 +99,16 @@
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<h2 id="P">P</h2>
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<li class="toctree-l1"><a class="reference internal" href="course_data_formats/drag_and_drop/drag_and_drop_input.html">XML format of drag and drop input [inputtypes]</a></li> <li class="toctree-l1"><a class="reference internal" href="course_data_formats/drag_and_drop/drag_and_drop_input.html">XML format of drag and drop input [inputtypes]</a></li>
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<tr class="row-odd"><td><cite>&#8216;&#8217;</cite> (blank)</td> <tr class="row-odd"><td><cite>&#8216;&#8217;</cite> (blank)</td>
<td>User did not specify level of education.</td> <td>User did not specify level of education.</td>
</tr> </tr>
<tr class="row-even"><td><cite>&#8216;p_se&#8217;</cite></td> <tr class="row-even"><td><cite>&#8216;p&#8217;</cite></td>
<td>Doctorate in science or engineering</td> <td>Doctorate</td>
</tr> </tr>
<tr class="row-odd"><td><cite>&#8216;p_oth&#8217;</cite></td> <tr class="row-odd"><td><cite>&#8216;p_se&#8217;</cite></td>
<td>Doctorate in another field</td> <td>Doctorate in science or engineering (no longer used)</td>
</tr> </tr>
<tr class="row-even"><td><cite>&#8216;m&#8217;</cite></td> <tr class="row-even"><td><cite>&#8216;p_oth&#8217;</cite></td>
<td>Doctorate in another field (no longer used)</td>
<tr class="row-odd"><td><cite>&#8216;m&#8217;</cite></td>
<td>Master&#8217;s or professional degree</td> <td>Master&#8217;s or professional degree</td>
</tr> </tr>
<tr class="row-odd"><td><cite>&#8216;b&#8217;</cite></td> <tr class="row-even"><td><cite>&#8216;b&#8217;</cite></td>
<td>Bachelor&#8217;s degree</td> <td>Bachelor&#8217;s degree</td>
</tr> </tr>
<tr class="row-odd"><td><cite>&#8216;a&#8217;</cite></td>
<td>Associate&#8217;s degree</td>
<tr class="row-even"><td><cite>&#8216;hs&#8217;</cite></td> <tr class="row-even"><td><cite>&#8216;hs&#8217;</cite></td>
<td>Secondary/high school</td> <td>Secondary/high school</td>
</tr> </tr>
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<tr class="cap" id="cap-c"><td></td><td>
<a href="course_data_formats/conditional_module/conditional_module.html#module-conditional_module"><tt class="xref">conditional_module</tt></a></td><td>
<tr class="pcap"><td></td><td>&nbsp;</td><td></td></tr>
<tr class="cap" id="cap-d"><td></td><td> <tr class="cap" id="cap-d"><td></td><td>
<strong>d</strong></td><td></td></tr> <strong>d</strong></td><td></td></tr>
<tr> <tr>
...@@ -89,6 +99,14 @@ ...@@ -89,6 +99,14 @@
<a href="course_data_formats/drag_and_drop/drag_and_drop_input.html#module-drag_and_drop_input"><tt class="xref">drag_and_drop_input</tt></a></td><td> <a href="course_data_formats/drag_and_drop/drag_and_drop_input.html#module-drag_and_drop_input"><tt class="xref">drag_and_drop_input</tt></a></td><td>
<em></em></td></tr> <em></em></td></tr>
<tr class="pcap"><td></td><td>&nbsp;</td><td></td></tr> <tr class="pcap"><td></td><td>&nbsp;</td><td></td></tr>
<tr class="cap" id="cap-p"><td></td><td>
<a href="course_data_formats/poll_module/poll_module.html#module-poll_module"><tt class="xref">poll_module</tt></a></td><td>
<tr class="pcap"><td></td><td>&nbsp;</td><td></td></tr>
<tr class="cap" id="cap-x"><td></td><td> <tr class="cap" id="cap-x"><td></td><td>
<strong>x</strong></td><td></td></tr> <strong>x</strong></td><td></td></tr>
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