Commit 91eb7239 by stv

Remove obsolete management command

While this may have served a purpose at one point, it's now been broken
for more than 2 years [1]; a critical code path makes a call to a
function which is no longer imported.

[1] commit 84cb0ce9
    Date:   Fri Dec 21 13:15:37 2012 -0500
parent 971713d0
A script to walk a course xml tree, generate a dictionary of all the metadata,
and print it out as a json dict.
import sys
import json
from collections import OrderedDict
from path import path
from import BaseCommand
from xmodule.modulestore.xml import XMLModuleStore
from xmodule.x_module import policy_key
def import_course(course_dir, verbose=True):
course_dir = path(course_dir)
data_dir = course_dir.dirname()
course_dirs = [course_dir.basename()]
# No default class--want to complain if it doesn't find plugins for any
# module.
modulestore = XMLModuleStore(
def str_of_err(tpl):
(msg, exc_str) = tpl
return '{msg}\n{exc}'.format(msg=msg, exc=exc_str)
courses = modulestore.get_courses()
n = len(courses)
if n != 1:
sys.stderr.write('ERROR: Expect exactly 1 course. Loaded {n}: {lst}\n'.format(
n=n, lst=courses))
return None
course = courses[0]
errors = modulestore.get_course_errors(
if len(errors) != 0:
sys.stderr.write('ERRORs during import: {0}\n'.format('\n'.join(map(str_of_err, errors))))
return course
def node_metadata(node):
# make a copy
to_export = ('format', 'display_name',
'graceperiod', 'showanswer', 'rerandomize',
'start', 'due', 'graded', 'hide_from_toc',
'ispublic', 'xqa_key')
orig = own_metadata(node)
d = {k: orig[k] for k in to_export if k in orig}
return d
def get_metadata(course):
d = OrderedDict({})
queue = [course]
while len(queue) > 0:
node = queue.pop()
d[policy_key(node.location)] = node_metadata(node)
# want to print first children first, so put them at the end
# (we're popping from the end)
return d
def print_metadata(course_dir, output):
course = import_course(course_dir)
if course:
meta = get_metadata(course)
result = json.dumps(meta, indent=4)
if output:
with file(output, 'w') as f:
print result
class Command(BaseCommand):
help = """Imports specified course.xml and prints its
metadata as a json dict.
Usage: metadata_to_json PATH-TO-COURSE-DIR OUTPUT-PATH
if OUTPUT-PATH isn't given, print to stdout.
def handle(self, *args, **options):
n = len(args)
if n < 1 or n > 2:
output_path = args[1] if n > 1 else None
print_metadata(args[0], output_path)
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