Commit 91b3a220 by Christina Roberts

Merge pull request #1367 from MITx/fix/cdodge/static-tab-reordering

support reordering of static tabs in studio
parents 8720d1ac 7f32aae4
......@@ -350,6 +350,33 @@ class ContentStoreTest(TestCase):
def test_edit_unit_full(self):
def test_static_tab_reordering(self):
import_from_xml(modulestore(), 'common/test/data/', ['full'])
ms = modulestore('direct')
course = ms.get_item(Location(['i4x','edX','full','course','6.002_Spring_2012', None]))
# reverse the ordering
reverse_tabs = []
for tab in course.tabs:
if tab['type'] == 'static_tab':
reverse_tabs.insert(0, 'i4x://edX/full/static_tab/{0}'.format(tab['url_slug']))
resp ='reorder_static_tabs'), json.dumps({'tabs':reverse_tabs}), "application/json")
course = ms.get_item(Location(['i4x','edX','full','course','6.002_Spring_2012', None]))
# compare to make sure that the tabs information is in the expected order after the server call
course_tabs = []
for tab in course.tabs:
if tab['type'] == 'static_tab':
self.assertEqual(reverse_tabs, course_tabs)
def test_about_overrides(self):
This test case verifies that a course can use specialized override for about data, e.g. /about/Fall_2012/effort.html
......@@ -903,6 +903,52 @@ def static_pages(request, org, course, coursename):
def edit_static(request, org, course, coursename):
return render_to_response('edit-static-page.html', {})
def reorder_static_tabs(request):
tabs = request.POST['tabs']
course = get_course_for_item(tabs[0])
if not has_access(request.user, course.location):
raise PermissionDenied()
# get list of existing static tabs in course
# make sure they are the same lengths (i.e. the number of passed in tabs equals the number
# that we know about) otherwise we can drop some!
existing_static_tabs = [t for t in course.tabs if t['type'] == 'static_tab']
if len(existing_static_tabs) != len(tabs):
return HttpResponseBadRequest()
# load all reference tabs, return BadRequest if we can't find any of them
tab_items =[]
for tab in tabs:
item = modulestore('direct').get_item(Location(tab))
if item is None:
return HttpResponseBadRequest()
# now just go through the existing course_tabs and re-order the static tabs
reordered_tabs = []
static_tab_idx = 0
for tab in course.tabs:
if tab['type'] == 'static_tab':
reordered_tabs.append({'type': 'static_tab',
'name' : tab_items[static_tab_idx].metadata.get('display_name'),
'url_slug' : tab_items[static_tab_idx]})
static_tab_idx += 1
# OK, re-assemble the static tabs in the new order
course.tabs = reordered_tabs
modulestore('direct').update_metadata(course.location, course.metadata)
return HttpResponse()
def edit_tabs(request, org, course, coursename):
......@@ -914,12 +960,19 @@ def edit_tabs(request, org, course, coursename):
if not has_access(request.user, location):
raise PermissionDenied()
static_tabs = modulestore('direct').get_items(static_tabs_loc)
# see tabs have been uninitialized (e.g. supporing courses created before tab support in studio)
if course_item.tabs is None or len(course_item.tabs) == 0:
# first get all static tabs from the tabs list
# we do this because this is also the order in which items are displayed in the LMS
static_tabs_refs = [t for t in course_item.tabs if t['type'] == 'static_tab']
static_tabs = []
for static_tab_ref in static_tabs_refs:
static_tab_loc = Location(location)._replace(category='static_tab', name=static_tab_ref['url_slug'])
components = [
for static_tab
......@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ class CMS.Views.TabsEdit extends Backbone.View
handle: '.drag-handle'
update: (event, ui) => alert 'not yet implemented!'
update: @tabMoved
helper: 'clone'
opacity: '0.5'
placeholder: 'component-placeholder'
......@@ -24,6 +24,20 @@ class CMS.Views.TabsEdit extends Backbone.View
items: '> .component'
tabMoved: (event, ui) =>
tabs = []
@$('.component').each((idx, element) =>
url: '/reorder_static_tabs',
data: JSON.stringify({
tabs : tabs
contentType: 'application/json'
addNewTab: (event) =>
......@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ urlpatterns = ('',
url(r'^publish_draft$', 'contentstore.views.publish_draft', name='publish_draft'),
url(r'^unpublish_unit$', 'contentstore.views.unpublish_unit', name='unpublish_unit'),
url(r'^create_new_course', 'contentstore.views.create_new_course', name='create_new_course'),
url(r'^reorder_static_tabs', 'contentstore.views.reorder_static_tabs', name='reorder_static_tabs'),
'contentstore.views.course_index', name='course_index'),
......@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
{"type": "courseware"},
{"type": "course_info", "name": "Course Info"},
{"type": "static_tab", "url_slug": "syllabus", "name": "Syllabus"},
{"type": "static_tab", "url_slug": "resources", "name": "Resources"},
{"type": "discussion", "name": "Discussion"},
{"type": "wiki", "name": "Wiki"},
{"type": "progress", "name": "Progress"}
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