Commit 912e89ee by Piotr Mitros Committed by pmitros

Moved grading code from init to to fix existing scripts

parent e7e922da
Course settings module. The settings are based of django.conf. All settings in
courseware.global_course_settings are first applied, and then any settings
in the settings.DATA_DIR/ are applied. A setting must be
Settings are used by calling
from courseware import course_settings
Note that courseware.course_settings is not a module -- it's an object. So
importing individual settings is not possible:
from courseware.course_settings import GRADER # This won't work.
import imp
import logging
import sys
import types
from django.conf import settings
from courseware import global_course_settings
from courseware import graders
_log = logging.getLogger("mitx.courseware")
class Settings(object):
def __init__(self):
# update this dict from global settings (but only for ALL_CAPS settings)
for setting in dir(global_course_settings):
if setting == setting.upper():
setattr(self, setting, getattr(global_course_settings, setting))
data_dir = settings.DATA_DIR
fp = None
fp, pathname, description = imp.find_module("course_settings", [data_dir])
mod = imp.load_module("course_settings", fp, pathname, description)
except Exception as e:
_log.exception("Unable to import course settings file from " + data_dir + ". Error: " + str(e))
mod = types.ModuleType('course_settings')
if fp:
for setting in dir(mod):
if setting == setting.upper():
setting_value = getattr(mod, setting)
setattr(self, setting, setting_value)
# Here is where we should parse any configurations, so that we can fail early
self.GRADER = graders.grader_from_conf(self.GRADER)
course_settings = Settings()
\ No newline at end of file
Course settings module. The settings are based of django.conf. All settings in
courseware.global_course_settings are first applied, and then any settings
in the settings.DATA_DIR/ are applied. A setting must be
Settings are used by calling
from courseware import course_settings
Note that courseware.course_settings is not a module -- it's an object. So
importing individual settings is not possible:
from courseware.course_settings import GRADER # This won't work.
from lxml import etree
import random
import imp
import logging
import sys
import types
from django.conf import settings
from courseware import course_settings
import courseware.content_parser as content_parser
from courseware import global_course_settings
from courseware import graders
from courseware.graders import Score
import courseware.modules
from models import StudentModule
import courseware.content_parser as content_parser
import courseware.modules
_log = logging.getLogger("mitx.courseware")
class Settings(object):
def __init__(self):
# update this dict from global settings (but only for ALL_CAPS settings)
for setting in dir(global_course_settings):
if setting == setting.upper():
setattr(self, setting, getattr(global_course_settings, setting))
data_dir = settings.DATA_DIR
fp = None
fp, pathname, description = imp.find_module("course_settings", [data_dir])
mod = imp.load_module("course_settings", fp, pathname, description)
except Exception as e:
_log.exception("Unable to import course settings file from " + data_dir + ". Error: " + str(e))
mod = types.ModuleType('course_settings')
if fp:
for setting in dir(mod):
if setting == setting.upper():
setting_value = getattr(mod, setting)
setattr(self, setting, setting_value)
# Here is where we should parse any configurations, so that we can fail early
self.GRADER = graders.grader_from_conf(self.GRADER)
course_settings = Settings()
def grade_sheet(student):
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