Commit 911308cb by Will Daly

Changed check for unanswered problems so that it now looks for

an "unanswered" div or span.  This is much faster than
asserting that correct/incorrect is NOT present.
parent f69778b3
......@@ -214,72 +214,63 @@ def reset_problem(step):
# Dictionaries that map problem types to the css selectors
# for correct/incorrect marks.
# The elements are lists of selectors because a particular problem type
# might be marked in multiple ways.
# For example, multiple choice is marked incorrect differently
# depending on whether the user selects an incorrect
# item or submits without selecting any item)
'correct': {'drop down': ['span.correct'],
'multiple choice': ['label.choicegroup_correct'],
'checkbox': ['span.correct'],
'string': ['div.correct'],
'numerical': ['div.correct'],
'formula': ['div.correct'],
'script': ['div.correct'], },
'incorrect': {'drop down': ['span.incorrect'],
'multiple choice': ['label.choicegroup_incorrect',
'checkbox': ['span.incorrect'],
'string': ['div.incorrect'],
'numerical': ['div.incorrect'],
'formula': ['div.incorrect'],
'script': ['div.incorrect']},
'unanswered': {'drop down': ['span.unanswered'],
'multiple choice': ['span.unanswered'],
'checkbox': ['span.unanswered'],
'string': ['div.unanswered'],
'numerical': ['div.unanswered'],
'formula': ['div.unanswered'],
'script': ['div.unanswered']}}
@step(u'My "([^"]*)" answer is marked "([^"]*)"')
def assert_answer_mark(step, problem_type, correctness):
""" Assert that the expected answer mark is visible for a given problem type.
*problem_type* is a string identifying the type of problem (e.g. 'drop down')
*correctness* is in ['correct', 'incorrect', 'unanswered']
# Determine which selector(s) to look for based on correctness
assert(correctness in CORRECTNESS_SELECTORS)
selector_dict = CORRECTNESS_SELECTORS[correctness]
assert(problem_type in selector_dict)
# At least one of the correct selectors should be present
for sel in selector_dict[problem_type]:
has_expected = world.browser.is_element_present_by_css(sel, wait_time=4)
# As soon as we find the selector, break out of the loop
if has_expected:
Asserting that a problem is marked 'unanswered' means that
the problem is NOT marked correct and NOT marked incorrect.
This can occur, for example, if the user has reset the problem. """
# Dictionaries that map problem types to the css selectors
# for correct/incorrect marks.
# The elements are lists of selectors because a particular problem type
# might be marked in multiple ways.
# For example, multiple choice is marked incorrect differently
# depending on whether the user selects an incorrect
# item or submits without selecting any item)
correct_selectors = {'drop down': ['span.correct'],
'multiple choice': ['label.choicegroup_correct'],
'checkbox': ['span.correct'],
'string': ['div.correct'],
'numerical': ['div.correct'],
'formula': ['div.correct'],
'script': ['div.correct'],
'code': ['span.correct'], }
incorrect_selectors = {'drop down': ['span.incorrect'],
'multiple choice': ['label.choicegroup_incorrect',
'checkbox': ['span.incorrect'],
'string': ['div.incorrect'],
'numerical': ['div.incorrect'],
'formula': ['div.incorrect'],
'script': ['div.incorrect'],
'code': ['span.incorrect'], }
assert(correctness in ['correct', 'incorrect', 'unanswered'])
assert(problem_type in correct_selectors and problem_type in incorrect_selectors)
# Assert that the question has the expected mark
# (either correct or incorrect)
if correctness in ["correct", "incorrect"]:
selector_dict = correct_selectors if correctness == "correct" else incorrect_selectors
# At least one of the correct selectors should be present
for sel in selector_dict[problem_type]:
has_expected_mark = world.browser.is_element_present_by_css(sel, wait_time=4)
# As soon as we find the selector, break out of the loop
if has_expected_mark:
# Expect that we found the right mark (correct or incorrect)
# Assert that the question has neither correct nor incorrect
# because it is unanswered (possibly reset)
# Get all the correct/incorrect selectors for this problem type
selector_list = correct_selectors[problem_type] + incorrect_selectors[problem_type]
# Assert that none of the correct/incorrect selectors are present
for sel in selector_list:
assert(world.browser.is_element_not_present_by_css(sel, wait_time=4))
# Expect that we found the expected selector
def inputfield(problem_type, choice=None, input_num=1):
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