Commit 910c5b88 by PaulWattenberger Committed by GitHub

Merge pull request #13266 from edx/pwattenberger/ECOM-5297

Handle vars: None in Sailthru user record in unenroll list update
parents 38fe6e6d 9add24e4
......@@ -315,7 +315,8 @@ def _update_unenrolled_list(sailthru_client, email, course_url, unenroll):
response_json = sailthru_response.json
unenroll_list = []
if response_json and "vars" in response_json and "unenrolled" in response_json["vars"]:
if response_json and "vars" in response_json and response_json["vars"] \
and "unenrolled" in response_json["vars"]:
unenroll_list = response_json["vars"]["unenrolled"]
changed = False
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