Commit 90ad5743 by Diana Huang

Fix up acceptance tests for upsell.

parent 23762a15
......@@ -6,6 +6,8 @@ from lettuce.django import django_url
from course_modes.models import CourseMode
from import assert_equal
UPSELL_LINK_CSS = '.message-upsell a.action-upgrade[href*="edx/999/Certificates"]'
def create_cert_course():
org = 'edx'
......@@ -249,19 +251,20 @@ def see_the_course_on_my_dashboard(step):
@step(u'I see the upsell link on my dashboard')
def see_upsell_link_on_my_dashboard(step):
course_link_css = 'div.verified-upsell a[href*="edx/999/Certificates"'
course_link_css = UPSELL_LINK_CSS
assert world.is_css_present(course_link_css)
@step(u'I do not see the upsell link on my dashboard')
def see_upsell_link_on_my_dashboard(step):
course_link_css = 'div.verified-upsell a[href*="edx/999/Certificates"'
course_link_css = UPSELL_LINK_CSS
assert not world.is_css_present(course_link_css)
@step(u'I select the upsell link on my dashboard')
def see_upsell_link_on_my_dashboard(step):
world.css_click('div.verified-upsell a[href*="edx/999/Certificates"')
course_link_css = UPSELL_LINK_CSS
@step(u'I see that I am on the verified track')
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