Commit 90969147 by Jay Zoldak

Move terrain module from lms to common.

parent 821e2d06
from lettuce import world, step
@step('I register for the course numbered "([^"]*)"$')
def i_register_for_the_course(step, course):
courses_section = world.browser.find_by_css('')
course_link_css = 'article[id*="%s"] a' % course
course_link_css = 'article[id*="%s"] > div' % course
course_link = courses_section.find_by_css(course_link_css).first
......@@ -14,14 +13,13 @@ def i_register_for_the_course(step, course):
assert world.browser.is_element_present_by_css('section.container.dashboard')
@step(u'I should see the course numbered "([^"]*)" in my dashboard$')
def i_should_see_that_course_in_my_dashboard(step, course):
course_link_css = ' a[href*="%s"]' % course
assert world.browser.is_element_present_by_css(course_link_css)
@step(u'I press the "([^"]*)" button in the Unenroll dialog')
def i_press_the_button_in_the_unenroll_dialog(step, value):
button_css = 'section#unenroll-modal input[value="%s"]' % value
assert world.browser.is_element_present_by_css('section.container.dashboard')
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