Commit 90892450 by Your Name Committed by Jay Zoldak

failed jasmine tests still failing

parent cc2cc469
......@@ -36,13 +36,12 @@ describe 'All Content', ->
expect(@content.get 'voted').toEqual true
expect(@content.get 'subscribed').toEqual true
xdescribe 'can be flagged and unflagged', ->
beforeEach ->
spyOn @content, 'trigger'
it 'can be flagged for abuse', ->
expect(@content.get 'abuse_flaggers').toEqual ['123', '567']
it 'can be flagged for abuse', ->
#temp_array = @content.get("abuse_flaggers")
expect(@content.get 'abuse_flaggers').toEqual ['123', '567']
describe 'Comments', ->
beforeEach ->
......@@ -49,8 +49,5 @@ describe 'ResponseCommentShowView', ->
it 'produces the correct HTML', ->
expect(@view.el.innerHTML).toContainHtml """
<div class="response-body">this is a response</div>
<div class="discussion-flag-abuse notflagged"
data-role="thread-flag" data-tooltip="report misuse">
<i class="icon"></i><span class="flag-label"></span></div>
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