Commit 8e945bf3 by ichuang

dogfood.views: for edx4edx problems about edX problems

parent 2753bf43
......@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ df_capa_problem: accepts an XML file for a problem, and renders it.
import logging
import datetime
import re
import os # FIXME - use OSFS instead
from fs.osfs import OSFS
......@@ -37,6 +38,26 @@ log = logging.getLogger("mitx.courseware")
etree.set_default_parser(etree.XMLParser(dtd_validation=False, load_dtd=False,
remove_comments = True))
DOGFOOD_COURSENAME = 'edx_dogfood' # FIXME - should not be here; maybe in settings
def update_problem(pfn,pxml,coursename=None,overwrite=True,filestore=None):
update problem with filename pfn, and content (xml) pxml.
if not filestore:
if not coursename: coursename = DOGFOOD_COURSENAME
xp = multicourse_settings.get_course_xmlpath(coursename) # path to XML for the course
pfn2 = settings.DATA_DIR + xp + 'problems/%s.xml' % pfn
fp = open(pfn2,'w')
pfn2 = 'problems/%s.xml' % pfn
fp =,'w')
if os.path.exists(pfn2) and not overwrite: return # don't overwrite if already exists and overwrite=False
pxmls = pxml if type(pxml) in [str,unicode] else etree.tostring(pxml,pretty_print=True)
def df_capa_problem(request, id=None):
dogfood capa problem.
......@@ -49,9 +70,11 @@ def df_capa_problem(request, id=None):
print "We need a setting to disable for production where there is"
print "a load balanacer"
coursename = 'edx_dogfood' # FIXME - should not be hardcoded
if not 'coursename' in request.session:
coursename = request.session['coursename']
request.session['coursename'] = coursename
xp = multicourse_settings.get_course_xmlpath(coursename) # path to XML for the course
# Grab the XML corresponding to the request from course.xml
......@@ -60,6 +83,7 @@ def df_capa_problem(request, id=None):
xml = content_parser.module_xml(request.user, module, 'id', id, coursename)
# if problem of given ID does not exist, then create it
# do this only if course.xml has a section named "DogfoodProblems"
if not xml:
m = re.match('filename([A-Za-z0-9_]+)$',id) # extract problem filename from ID given
if not m:
......@@ -70,7 +94,9 @@ def df_capa_problem(request, id=None):
# add problem to course.xml
fn = settings.DATA_DIR + xp + 'course.xml'
xml = etree.parse(fn)
seq = xml.find('chapter/section/sequential') # assumes simplistic course.xml structure!
seq = xml.find('chapter/section[@name="DogfoodProblems"]/sequential') # assumes simplistic course.xml structure!
if not seq:
raise Exception,"[lib.dogfood.views.df_capa_problem] missing DogfoodProblems section in course.xml!"
newprob = etree.Element('problem')
......@@ -84,10 +110,7 @@ def df_capa_problem(request, id=None):
# now create new problem file
pfn2 = settings.DATA_DIR + xp + 'problems/%s.xml' % pfn
fp = open(pfn2,'w')
fp.write('<problem>\n<text>\nThis is a new problem\n</text>\n</problem>\n')
update_problem(pfn,'<problem>\n<text>\nThis is a new problem\n</text>\n</problem>\n',coursename,overwrite=False)
# flush cache entry
user = request.user
......@@ -99,4 +122,4 @@ def df_capa_problem(request, id=None):
# hand over to quickedit to do the rest
return quickedit(request,id)
return quickedit(request,id=id,qetemplate='dogfood.html',coursename=coursename)
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