Commit 8e54991b by Calen Pennington

Clean out cruft from rake file

parent 4a835433
......@@ -10,12 +10,9 @@ require 'tempfile'
REPO_ROOT = File.dirname(__FILE__)
BUILD_DIR = File.join(REPO_ROOT, "build")
REPORT_DIR = File.join(REPO_ROOT, "reports")
LMS_REPORT_DIR = File.join(REPORT_DIR, "lms")
# Packaging constants
DEPLOY_DIR = "/opt/wwc"
PACKAGE_NAME = "edx-platform"
COMMIT = (ENV["GIT_COMMIT"] || `git rev-parse HEAD`).chomp()[0, 10]
BRANCH = (ENV["GIT_BRANCH"] || `git symbolic-ref -q HEAD`).chomp().gsub('refs/heads/', '').gsub('origin/', '')
BUILD_NUMBER = (ENV["BUILD_NUMBER"] || "dev").chomp()
......@@ -552,7 +549,7 @@ namespace :i18n do
task :transifex_config do
config_file = "#{Dir.home}/.transifexrc"
if !File.file?(config_file) or File.size(config_file)==0
msg ="Cannot connect to Transifex, config file is missing or empty: #{config_file}\n"
msg ="Cannot connect to Transifex, config file is missing or empty: #{config_file}\n"
msg += "See"
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