Commit 8d5a0cf9 by Carlos Andrés Rocha

Update Gates Foundation press release thumbnail

parent 0936d2d1
......@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
<h2>First Blended MOOC Course slated for Bunker Hill Community College (BHCC) and MassBay Community College</h2>
<a href="${static.url('images/press/releases/mass-edx-gates-launch_3800x2184.jpg')}"><img src="${static.url('images/press/releases/mass-edx-gates-launch_240x138.jpg')}" /></a>
<a href="${static.url('images/press/releases/mass-edx-gates-launch_3800x2184.jpg')}"><img src="${static.url('images/press/releases/mass-edx-gates-launch_300x172.jpg')}" /></a>
<p>Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick and other dignitaries speak at a press conference hosted by edX, the world’s leading online-learning initiative founded by Harvard University and MIT, on Monday, November 19. EdX announced the first-of-its-kind community college partnership with Bunker Hill and MassBay Community Colleges, bringing an innovative blended teaching model to their classrooms.</p>
<p>Left to Right: Dr. John O’Donnell, president of MassBay Community College; Richard M. Freeland, Massachusetts Commissioner of Higher Education; Anant Agarwal, president of edX; Governor Deval Patrick; Mary L. Fifield, president of Bunker Hill Community College; Paul Reville, Massachusetts Secretary of Education</p>
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