2. Start up the django server separately in a shell
rake lms[acceptance]
3. Then in another shell, run the tests in different ways as below. Lettuce comes with a new django-admin command called _harvest_. See the [lettuce django docs](http://lettuce.it/recipes/django-lxml.html) for more details.
* All tests in a specified feature folder: `django-admin.py harvest --no-server --settings=lms.envs.acceptance --pythonpath=. lms/djangoapps/portal/features/`
* Only the specified feature's scenarios: `django-admin.py harvest --no-server --settings=lms.envs.acceptance --pythonpath=. lms/djangoapps/courseware/features/high-level-tabs.feature`
4. Troubleshooting
* If you get an error msg that says something about harvest not being a command, you probably are missing a requirement. Pip install (test-requirements.txt) and/or brew install as needed.