Commit 8c2a922c by Mark Hoeber

Updated Course End Date info

parent 3f2a6d1e
...@@ -170,27 +170,42 @@ yet started: ...@@ -170,27 +170,42 @@ yet started:
The Course End Date The Course End Date
*********************************** ***********************************
When your course is completed, students see the course end date on their The course end date is the date after which students can no longer earn credit
dashboards. toward certificates. Students who have earned certificates can view them after
the course end date.
.. note:: For courses on edX.org_, you must communicate the course end date to .. important::
If you do not set a course end date, students will not be able to access
earned certificates.
.. note::
For courses on edX.org_, you must communicate the course end date to
your edX Program Manager, to ensure the date is accurate on the course your edX Program Manager, to ensure the date is accurate on the course
summary page. summary page.
If grades and certificates are not yet issued, or if students enroll in an After grades and certificates are finalized, students see the course end date
archived course after it has ended, the course appears in the dashboard as in on their personal dashboards, as shown in the following examples.
the following example:
* If grades and certificates are not yet finalized, students can see the course
end date and a message:
.. image:: ../Images/dashboard-wrapping-course.png .. image:: ../Images/dashboard-wrapping-course.png
:alt: Image of a course on the student dashboard that has ended, but not been :alt: Image of a course on the student dashboard that has ended, but not
graded been graded
* When grades and certificates are finalized, students who have not earned a
certificate see their score and the score required to earn a certificate:
.. image:: ../Images/dashboard-no-cert-course.png
:alt: Image of a course on the student dashboard that has ended, but not
been graded
If grades are complete and certificates are issued, students see the course, the * Students whose final score is equal to or higher than the required score can
end date, and the message as in the following example: click **Download Certificate** to get their certificates as PDFs:
.. image:: ../Images/dashboard-completed-course.png .. image:: ../Images/dashboard-completed-course.png
:alt: Image of a course on the student dashboard that has ended, but not been :alt: Image of a course on the student dashboard that has ended, but not
graded been graded
.. _Describe Your Course: .. _Describe Your Course:
...@@ -2,6 +2,23 @@ ...@@ -2,6 +2,23 @@
Change Log Change Log
############ ############
July, 2014
.. list-table::
:widths: 10 70
:header-rows: 1
* - Date
- Change
* - 07/01/14
- Updated :ref:`The Course End Date` to specify when students can earn and
access certificates.
*********** ***********
June, 2014 June, 2014
*********** ***********
...@@ -13,7 +30,8 @@ June, 2014 ...@@ -13,7 +30,8 @@ June, 2014
* - Date * - Date
- Change - Change
* - 06/20/14 * - 06/20/14
- Added a :ref:`Preface` with resources for course teams, developers, researchers, and students. - Added a :ref:`Preface` with resources for course teams, developers,
researchers, and students.
* - 06/18/14 * - 06/18/14
- In the :ref:`View and download student data` section, updated the - In the :ref:`View and download student data` section, updated the
example report to include the new User ID column. example report to include the new User ID column.
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