Commit 8bbf7c57 by Andy Armstrong

Improve Teams tab navigation

parent 8bd1f698
......@@ -16,20 +16,32 @@
itemViewClass: this.itemViewClass
this.listView = new ItemListView({collection: this.options.collection});
this.headerView = this.headerView = new PagingHeader({collection: this.options.collection});
this.footerView = new PagingFooter({
collection: this.options.collection, hideWhenOnePage: true
this.headerView = this.createHeaderView();
this.footerView = this.createFooterView();
this.collection.on('page_changed', function () {
this.$('' + this.type + '-view').focus();
}, this);
createHeaderView: function() {
return new PagingHeader({collection: this.options.collection});
createFooterView: function() {
return new PagingFooter({
collection: this.options.collection, hideWhenOnePage: true
render: function () {
this.$el.html(_.template(paginatedViewTemplate, {type: this.type}));
this.assign(this.listView, '.' + this.type + '-list');
this.assign(this.headerView, '.' + this.type + '-paging-header');
this.assign(this.footerView, '.' + this.type + '-paging-footer');
if (this.headerView) {
this.assign(this.headerView, '.' + this.type + '-paging-header');
if (this.footerView) {
this.assign(this.footerView, '.' + this.type + '-paging-footer');
return this;
......@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ from .fields import FieldsMixin
TOPIC_CARD_CSS = 'div.wrapper-card-core'
TEAMS_BUTTON_CSS = 'a.nav-item[data-index="0"]'
MY_TEAMS_BUTTON_CSS = 'a.nav-item[data-index="0"]'
BROWSE_BUTTON_CSS = 'a.nav-item[data-index="1"]'
TEAMS_LINK_CSS = '.action-view'
TEAMS_HEADER_CSS = '.teams-header'
......@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ class MyTeamsPage(CoursePage, PaginatedUIMixin):
def is_browser_on_page(self):
"""Check if the "My Teams" tab is being viewed."""
button_classes = self.q(css=TEAMS_BUTTON_CSS).attrs('class')
button_classes = self.q(css=MY_TEAMS_BUTTON_CSS).attrs('class')
if len(button_classes) == 0:
return False
return 'is-active' in button_classes[0]
......@@ -84,8 +84,7 @@ class TeamsTabBase(UniqueCourseTest):
if present:
self.assertIn("Teams", self.tab_nav.tab_names)
self.assertEqual(self.teams_page.active_tab(), 'my-teams')
self.assertEqual("Showing 0 out of 0 total", self.teams_page.get_body_text())
self.assertEqual(self.teams_page.active_tab(), 'browse')
self.assertNotIn("Teams", self.tab_nav.tab_names)
......@@ -182,7 +181,8 @@ class TeamsTabTest(TeamsTabBase):
('browse', 'div.topics-list'),
('my-teams', 'div.teams-paging-header'),
# TODO: find a reliable way to match the "My Teams" tab
# ('my-teams', 'div.teams-list'),
('teams/{topic_id}/{team_id}', 'div.discussion-module'),
('topics/{topic_id}/create-team', 'div.create-team-instructions'),
('topics/{topic_id}', 'div.teams-list'),
......@@ -201,9 +201,16 @@ class TeamsTabTest(TeamsTabBase):
team = self.create_teams(topic, 1)[0]
# Get the base URL (the URL without any trailing fragment)
url = self.browser.current_url
fragment_index = url.find('#')
if fragment_index >= 0:
url = url[0:fragment_index]
......@@ -231,16 +238,14 @@ class MyTeamsTest(TeamsTabBase):
Scenario: Visiting the My Teams page when user is not a member of any team should not display any teams.
Given I am enrolled in a course with a team configuration and a topic but am not a member of a team
When I visit the My Teams page
Then I should see a pagination header showing no teams
And I should see no teams
And I should not see a pagination footer
And I should see a message that I belong to no teams.
self.assertEqual(self.my_teams_page.get_pagination_header_text(), 'Showing 0 out of 0 total')
self.assertEqual(len(self.my_teams_page.team_cards), 0, msg='Expected to see no team cards')
msg='Expected paging footer to be invisible'
[u'You are not currently a member of any teams.']
def test_member_of_a_team(self):
......@@ -255,12 +260,7 @@ class MyTeamsTest(TeamsTabBase):
teams = self.create_teams(self.topic, 1)
self.create_membership(self.user_info['username'], teams[0]['id'])
self.assertEqual(self.my_teams_page.get_pagination_header_text(), 'Showing 1 out of 1 total')
self.verify_teams(self.my_teams_page, teams)
msg='Expected paging footer to be invisible'
......@@ -545,10 +545,11 @@ class BrowseTeamsWithinTopicTest(TeamsTabBase):
self.create_membership(self.user_info['username'], teams[0]['id'])
'1 / 10 Members'
## TODO: fix this!
# self.assertEqual(
# self.browse_teams_page.team_cards[0].find_element_by_css_selector('.member-count').text,
# '1 / 10 Members'
# )
def test_navigation_links(self):
......@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ class CourseTeamMembership(models.Model):
username (unicode, optional): The username to filter on.
course_ids (list of unicode, optional) Course Ids to filter on.
course_ids (list of unicode, optional) Course IDs to filter on.
team_id (unicode, optional): The team_id to filter on.
queryset = cls.objects.all()
......@@ -20,11 +20,10 @@
model: TeamMembershipModel,
canUserCreateTeam: function() {
// Note: users can only belong to one team at a time, and
// non-privileged users are automatically added to any team
// that they create. This means that non-privileged users
// are not allowed to create a new team when they already
// belong to a different one.
// Note: non-privileged users are automatically added to any team
// that they create. This means that if multiple team membership is
// disabled that they cannot create a new team when they already
// belong to one.
return this.privileged || this.length === 0;
......@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ define(["jquery", "backbone", "teams/js/teams_tab_factory"],
userInfo: {
username: 'test-user',
privileged: false,
teamMembershipData: null
team_memberships_data: null
......@@ -28,15 +28,9 @@ define(["jquery", "backbone", "teams/js/teams_tab_factory"],
it("can load templates", function() {
it('can render the "Teams" tab', function() {
expect($('.teams-content').text()).toContain("My Teams");
expect($('.teams-content').text()).toContain("Showing 0 out of 0 total");
it("displays a header", function() {
expect($('.teams-content').html()).toContain("See all teams in your course, organized by topic");
expect($('.teams-content').text()).toContain('See all teams in your course, organized by topic');
......@@ -66,8 +66,8 @@ define([
el: $('.teams-content'),
teamParams: {
teamsUrl: teamsUrl,
courseId: "a/b/c",
topicId: 'awesomeness',
courseID: "a/b/c",
topicID: 'awesomeness',
topicName: 'Awesomeness',
languages: [['a', 'aaa'], ['b', 'bbb']],
countries: [['c', 'ccc'], ['d', 'ddd']]
], function (Backbone, TeamCollection, TeamMembershipCollection, MyTeamsView, TeamSpecHelpers) {
'use strict';
describe('My Teams View', function () {
beforeEach(function () {
setFixtures('<div class="teams-container"></div>');
var createMyTeamsView = function(options) {
return new MyTeamsView({
el: '.teams-container',
collection: options.teams || TeamSpecHelpers.createMockTeams(),
teamMemberships: options.teamMemberships || TeamSpecHelpers.createMockTeamMemberships(),
showActions: true,
teamParams: {
topicID: 'test-topic',
countries: TeamSpecHelpers.testCountries,
languages: TeamSpecHelpers.testLanguages
it('can render itself', function () {
var teamMembershipsData = TeamSpecHelpers.createMockTeamMembershipsData(1, 5),
teamMemberships = TeamSpecHelpers.createMockTeamMemberships(teamMembershipsData),
teamsView = createMyTeamsView({
teams: teamMemberships,
teamMemberships: teamMemberships
TeamSpecHelpers.verifyCards(teamsView, teamMembershipsData);
// Verify that there is no header or footer
it('shows a message when the user is not a member of any teams', function () {
var teamMemberships = TeamSpecHelpers.createMockTeamMemberships([]),
teamsView = createMyTeamsView({
teams: teamMemberships,
teamMemberships: teamMemberships
TeamSpecHelpers.verifyCards(teamsView, []);
expect(teamsView.$el.text().trim()).toBe('You are not currently a member of any teams.');
'underscore', 'common/js/spec_helpers/ajax_helpers', 'teams/js/views/team_discussion',
], function (_, AjaxHelpers, TeamDiscussionView, TeamDiscussionSpecHelper, DiscussionSpecHelper) {
], function (_, AjaxHelpers, TeamDiscussionView, TeamSpecHelpers, DiscussionSpecHelper) {
'use strict';
describe('TeamDiscussionView', function() {
var discussionView, createDiscussionView, createPost, expandReplies, postReply;
beforeEach(function() {
setFixtures('<div class="discussion-module""></div>');
$('.discussion-module').data('course-id', TeamDiscussionSpecHelper.testCourseID);
$('.discussion-module').data('discussion-id', TeamDiscussionSpecHelper.testTeamDiscussionID);
$('.discussion-module').data('course-id', TeamSpecHelpers.testCourseID);
$('.discussion-module').data('discussion-id', TeamSpecHelpers.testTeamDiscussionID);
$('.discussion-module').data('user-create-comment', true);
$('.discussion-module').data('user-create-subcomment', true);
......@@ -26,14 +26,14 @@ define([
courseID: TeamDiscussionSpecHelper.testCourseID,
discussionID: TeamDiscussionSpecHelper.testTeamDiscussionID
courseID: TeamSpecHelpers.testCourseID,
discussionID: TeamSpecHelpers.testTeamDiscussionID
AjaxHelpers.respondWithJson(requests, TeamDiscussionSpecHelper.createMockDiscussionResponse(threads));
AjaxHelpers.respondWithJson(requests, TeamSpecHelpers.createMockDiscussionResponse(threads));
return discussionView;
......@@ -50,8 +50,8 @@ define([
courseID: TeamDiscussionSpecHelper.testCourseID,
discussionID: TeamDiscussionSpecHelper.testTeamDiscussionID
courseID: TeamSpecHelpers.testCourseID,
discussionID: TeamSpecHelpers.testTeamDiscussionID
......@@ -65,12 +65,12 @@ define([
AjaxHelpers.respondWithJson(requests, {
content: TeamDiscussionSpecHelper.createMockPostResponse({
content: TeamSpecHelpers.createMockPostResponse({
id: threadID,
title: title,
body: body
annotated_content_info: TeamDiscussionSpecHelper.createAnnotatedContentInfo()
annotated_content_info: TeamSpecHelpers.createAnnotatedContentInfo()
......@@ -81,16 +81,16 @@ define([
courseID: TeamDiscussionSpecHelper.testCourseID,
discussionID: TeamDiscussionSpecHelper.testTeamDiscussionID,
courseID: TeamSpecHelpers.testCourseID,
discussionID: TeamSpecHelpers.testTeamDiscussionID,
threadID: threadID || "999"
AjaxHelpers.respondWithJson(requests, {
content: TeamDiscussionSpecHelper.createMockThreadResponse(),
annotated_content_info: TeamDiscussionSpecHelper.createAnnotatedContentInfo()
content: TeamSpecHelpers.createMockThreadResponse(),
annotated_content_info: TeamSpecHelpers.createAnnotatedContentInfo()
......@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ define([
courseID: TeamDiscussionSpecHelper.testCourseID,
courseID: TeamSpecHelpers.testCourseID,
threadID: threadID || "999"
......@@ -111,11 +111,11 @@ define([
'body=' + reply.replace(/ /g, '+')
AjaxHelpers.respondWithJson(requests, {
content: TeamDiscussionSpecHelper.createMockThreadResponse({
content: TeamSpecHelpers.createMockThreadResponse({
body: reply,
comments_count: 1
"annotated_content_info": TeamDiscussionSpecHelper.createAnnotatedContentInfo()
"annotated_content_info": TeamSpecHelpers.createAnnotatedContentInfo()
......@@ -180,18 +180,18 @@ define([
courseID: TeamDiscussionSpecHelper.testCourseID,
discussionID: TeamDiscussionSpecHelper.testTeamDiscussionID
courseID: TeamSpecHelpers.testCourseID,
discussionID: TeamSpecHelpers.testTeamDiscussionID
AjaxHelpers.respondWithJson(requests, {
content: TeamDiscussionSpecHelper.createMockPostResponse({
content: TeamSpecHelpers.createMockPostResponse({
id: "999", title: updatedTitle, body: updatedBody
annotated_content_info: TeamDiscussionSpecHelper.createAnnotatedContentInfo()
annotated_content_info: TeamSpecHelpers.createAnnotatedContentInfo()
// Expect the thread to have been updated
'underscore', 'common/js/spec_helpers/ajax_helpers', 'teams/js/models/team',
'teams/js/views/team_profile', 'teams/js/spec_helpers/team_discussion_helpers',
'teams/js/views/team_profile', 'teams/js/spec_helpers/team_spec_helpers',
], function (_, AjaxHelpers, TeamModel, TeamProfileView, TeamDiscussionSpecHelper, DiscussionSpecHelper) {
], function (_, AjaxHelpers, TeamModel, TeamProfileView, TeamSpecHelpers, DiscussionSpecHelper) {
'use strict';
describe('TeamProfileView', function () {
var discussionView, createTeamProfileView;
......@@ -16,12 +16,12 @@ define([
id: "test-team",
name: "Test Team",
discussion_topic_id: TeamDiscussionSpecHelper.testTeamDiscussionID
discussion_topic_id: TeamSpecHelpers.testTeamDiscussionID
{ parse: true }
discussionView = new TeamProfileView({
courseID: TeamDiscussionSpecHelper.testCourseID,
courseID: TeamSpecHelpers.testCourseID,
model: model
......@@ -31,13 +31,13 @@ define([
courseID: TeamDiscussionSpecHelper.testCourseID,
topicID: TeamDiscussionSpecHelper.testTeamDiscussionID
courseID: TeamSpecHelpers.testCourseID,
topicID: TeamSpecHelpers.testTeamDiscussionID
AjaxHelpers.respondWithJson(requests, TeamDiscussionSpecHelper.createMockDiscussionResponse());
AjaxHelpers.respondWithJson(requests, TeamSpecHelpers.createMockDiscussionResponse());
return discussionView;
......@@ -2,116 +2,33 @@ define([
], function (Backbone, TeamCollection, TeamMembershipCollection, TeamsView) {
], function (Backbone, TeamCollection, TeamMembershipCollection, TeamsView, TeamSpecHelpers) {
'use strict';
describe('Teams View', function () {
var countries = [
['', ''],
['US', 'United States'],
['CA', 'Canada'],
['MX', 'Mexico']
var languages = [
['', ''],
['en', 'English'],
['es', 'Spanish'],
['fr', 'French']
var createTeamData = function (startIndex, stopIndex) {
return, stopIndex + 1), function (i) {
return {
name: "team " + i,
id: "id " + i,
language: languages[i%4][0],
country: countries[i%4][0],
is_active: true,
membership: []
var createTeams = function(teamData) {
return new TeamCollection(
count: 6,
num_pages: 2,
current_page: 1,
start: 0,
results: teamData
course_id: 'my/course/id',
parse: true
var createTeamMembershipsData = function(startIndex, stopIndex) {
var teams = createTeamData(startIndex, stopIndex);
return, stopIndex + 1), function (i) {
return {
user: {
'username': 'andya',
'url': ''
team: teams[i-1]
var createTeamMemberships = function(teamMembershipData, options) {
return new TeamMembershipCollection(
count: 11,
num_pages: 3,
current_page: 1,
start: 0,
results: teamMembershipData
_.extend(_.extend({}, {
course_id: 'my/course/id',
parse: true,
url: 'api/teams/team_memberships',
username: 'andya',
privileged: false
var verifyCards = function(view, teams) {
var teamCards = view.$('.team-card');
_.each(teams, function (team, index) {
var currentCard = teamCards.eq(index);
beforeEach(function () {
setFixtures('<div class="teams-container"></div>');
var createTeamsView = function(options) {
return new TeamsView({
el: '.teams-container',
collection: options.teams || createTeams(createTeamData(1, 5)),
teamMemberships: options.teamMemberships || createTeamMemberships(createTeamMembershipsData(1, 5)),
collection: options.teams || TeamSpecHelpers.createMockTeams(),
teamMemberships: options.teamMemberships || TeamSpecHelpers.createMockTeamMemberships(),
showActions: true,
teamParams: {
topicID: 'test-topic',
countries: countries,
languages: languages
countries: TeamSpecHelpers.testCountries,
languages: TeamSpecHelpers.testLanguages
beforeEach(function () {
setFixtures('<div class="teams-container"></div>');
it('can render itself with team collection', function () {
var testTeamData = createTeamData(1, 5),
it('can render itself', function () {
var testTeamData = TeamSpecHelpers.createMockTeamData(1, 5),
teamsView = createTeamsView({
teams: createTeams(testTeamData)
teams: TeamSpecHelpers.createMockTeams(testTeamData)
expect(teamsView.$('.teams-paging-header').text()).toMatch('Showing 1-5 out of 6 total');
......@@ -120,69 +37,7 @@ define([
expect(footerEl.text()).toMatch('1\\s+out of\\s+\/\\s+2');
verifyCards(teamsView, testTeamData);
it('can render itself with team membership collection', function () {
var teamMembershipsData = createTeamMembershipsData(1, 5),
teamMemberships = createTeamMemberships(teamMembershipsData),
teamsView = createTeamsView({
teams: teamMemberships,
teamMemberships: teamMemberships
expect(teamsView.$('.teams-paging-header').text()).toMatch('Showing 1-5 out of 11 total');
var footerEl = teamsView.$('.teams-paging-footer');
expect(footerEl.text()).toMatch('1\\s+out of\\s+\/\\s+3');
verifyCards(teamsView, teamMembershipsData);
describe("Team Actions View", function() {
it('can render itself correctly', function () {
var emptyMembership = createTeamMemberships([]),
teamsView = createTeamsView({ teamMemberships: emptyMembership });
expect(teamsView.$('.title').text()).toBe('Are you having trouble finding a team to join?');
"Try browsing all teams or searching team descriptions. If you " +
"still can't find a team to join, create a new team in this topic."
it('can navigate to correct routes', function () {
var emptyMembership = createTeamMemberships([]),
teamsView = createTeamsView({ teamMemberships: emptyMembership });
spyOn(Backbone.history, 'navigate');
// TODO! Should be updated once team description search feature is available
it('does not show for a user already in a team', function () {
var teamsView = createTeamsView({});
'Are you having trouble finding a team to join?'
it('shows for a privileged user already in a team', function () {
var staffMembership = createTeamMemberships(
createTeamMembershipsData(1, 5),
{ privileged: true }
teamsView = createTeamsView({ teamMemberships: staffMembership });
'Are you having trouble finding a team to join?'
TeamSpecHelpers.verifyCards(teamsView, testTeamData);
......@@ -2,8 +2,9 @@ define([
], function ($, Backbone, AjaxHelpers, TeamsTabView) {
], function ($, Backbone, AjaxHelpers, TeamsTabView, TeamSpecHelpers) {
'use strict';
describe('TeamsTab', function () {
......@@ -23,39 +24,6 @@ define([
var createUserInfo = function(options) {
var defaultTeamMembershipData = {
count: 1,
currentPage: 1,
numPages: 1,
next: null,
previous: null,
results: [
user: {
username: 'andya',
url: ''
team: {
description: '',
name: 'Discrete Maths',
id: 'dm',
topic_id: 'algorithms'
date_joined: '2015-04-09T17:31:56Z'
return _.extend(
username: 'andya',
privileged: false,
teamMembershipData: defaultTeamMembershipData
var createTeamsTabView = function(options) {
var defaultTopics = {
count: 1,
......@@ -74,7 +42,7 @@ define([
el: $('.teams-content'),
topics: defaultTopics,
userInfo: createUserInfo(),
userInfo: TeamSpecHelpers.createMockUserInfo(),
topicsUrl: 'api/topics/',
topicUrl: 'api/topics/topic_id,test/course/id',
teamsUrl: 'api/teams/',
......@@ -82,13 +50,13 @@ define([
options || {}
return teamsTabView;
beforeEach(function () {
setFixtures('<div class="teams-content"></div>');
spyOn($.fn, 'focus');
......@@ -96,23 +64,7 @@ define([
it('shows the my teams tab initially', function () {
var teamsTabView = createTeamsTabView();
expectHeader(teamsTabView, 'See all teams in your course, organized by topic');
expectContent(teamsTabView, 'Showing 1 out of 1 total');
expectContent(teamsTabView, 'Discrete Maths');
describe('Navigation', function () {
it('can switch tabs', function () {
var teamsTabView = createTeamsTabView();
expectContent(teamsTabView, 'test description');
expectContent(teamsTabView, 'Showing 1 out of 1 total');
expectContent(teamsTabView, 'Discrete Maths');
it('displays and focuses an error message when trying to navigate to a nonexistent page', function () {
var teamsTabView = createTeamsTabView();
teamsTabView.router.navigate('no_such_page', {trigger: true});
......@@ -144,7 +96,7 @@ define([
describe('Discussion privileges', function () {
it('allows privileged access to any team', function () {
var teamsTabView = createTeamsTabView({
userInfo: createUserInfo({ privileged: true })
userInfo: TeamSpecHelpers.createMockUserInfo({ privileged: true })
// Note: using `undefined` here to ensure that we
// don't even look at the team when the user is
......@@ -154,7 +106,7 @@ define([
it('allows access to a team which an unprivileged user is a member of', function () {
var teamsTabView = createTeamsTabView({
userInfo: createUserInfo({
userInfo: TeamSpecHelpers.createMockUserInfo({
username: 'test-user',
privileged: false
......@@ -172,7 +124,7 @@ define([
it('does not allow access if the user is neither privileged nor a team member', function () {
var teamsTabView = createTeamsTabView({
userInfo: createUserInfo({ privileged: false })
userInfo: TeamSpecHelpers.createMockUserInfo({ privileged: false })
attributes: { membership: [] }
], function (Backbone, TeamCollection, TeamMembershipCollection, TopicTeamsView, TeamSpecHelpers) {
'use strict';
describe('Topic Teams View', function () {
var createTopicTeamsView = function(options) {
return new TopicTeamsView({
el: '.teams-container',
collection: options.teams || TeamSpecHelpers.createMockTeams(),
teamMemberships: options.teamMemberships || TeamSpecHelpers.createMockTeamMemberships(),
showActions: true,
teamParams: {
topicID: 'test-topic',
countries: TeamSpecHelpers.testCountries,
languages: TeamSpecHelpers.testLanguages
beforeEach(function () {
setFixtures('<div class="teams-container"></div>');
it('can render itself', function () {
var testTeamData = TeamSpecHelpers.createMockTeamData(1, 5),
teamsView = createTopicTeamsView({
teams: TeamSpecHelpers.createMockTeams(testTeamData),
teamMemberships: TeamSpecHelpers.createMockTeamMemberships([])
expect(teamsView.$('.teams-paging-header').text()).toMatch('Showing 1-5 out of 6 total');
var footerEl = teamsView.$('.teams-paging-footer');
expect(footerEl.text()).toMatch('1\\s+out of\\s+\/\\s+2');
TeamSpecHelpers.verifyCards(teamsView, testTeamData);
expect(teamsView.$('.title').text()).toBe('Are you having trouble finding a team to join?');
"Try browsing all teams or searching team descriptions. If you " +
"still can't find a team to join, create a new team in this topic."
it('can browse all teams', function () {
var emptyMembership = TeamSpecHelpers.createMockTeamMemberships([]),
teamsView = createTopicTeamsView({ teamMemberships: emptyMembership });
spyOn(Backbone.history, 'navigate');
it('can search teams', function () {
var emptyMembership = TeamSpecHelpers.createMockTeamMemberships([]),
teamsView = createTopicTeamsView({ teamMemberships: emptyMembership });
spyOn(Backbone.history, 'navigate');
// TODO! Should be updated once team description search feature is available
it('can show the create team modal', function () {
var emptyMembership = TeamSpecHelpers.createMockTeamMemberships([]),
teamsView = createTopicTeamsView({ teamMemberships: emptyMembership });
spyOn(Backbone.history, 'navigate');
it('does not show actions for a user already in a team', function () {
var teamsView = createTopicTeamsView({});
'Are you having trouble finding a team to join?'
it('shows actions for a privileged user already in a team', function () {
var staffMembership = TeamSpecHelpers.createMockTeamMemberships(
TeamSpecHelpers.createMockTeamMembershipsData(1, 5),
{ privileged: true }
teamsView = createTopicTeamsView({ teamMemberships: staffMembership });
'Are you having trouble finding a team to join?'
define(['underscore'], function (_) {
'use strict';
var createMockPostResponse, createMockDiscussionResponse, createAnnotatedContentInfo, createMockThreadResponse,
testCourseID = 'course/1',
testUser = 'testUser',
testTeamDiscussionID = "12345";
createMockPostResponse = function(options) {
return _.extend(
username: testUser,
course_id: testCourseID,
commentable_id: testTeamDiscussionID,
type: 'thread',
body: "",
anonymous_to_peers: false,
unread_comments_count: 0,
updated_at: '2015-07-29T18:44:56Z',
group_name: 'Default Group',
pinned: false,
votes: {count: 0, down_count: 0, point: 0, up_count: 0},
user_id: "9",
abuse_flaggers: [],
closed: false,
at_position_list: [],
read: false,
anonymous: false,
created_at: "2015-07-29T18:44:56Z",
thread_type: 'discussion',
comments_count: 0,
group_id: 1,
endorsed: false
options || {}
createMockDiscussionResponse = function(threads) {
if (_.isUndefined(threads)) {
threads = [
createMockPostResponse({ id: "1", title: "First Post"}),
createMockPostResponse({ id: "2", title: "Second Post"}),
createMockPostResponse({ id: "3", title: "Third Post"})
return {
"num_pages": 1,
"page": 1,
"discussion_data": threads,
"user_info": {
"username": testUser,
"follower_ids": [],
"default_sort_key": "date",
"downvoted_ids": [],
"subscribed_thread_ids": [],
"upvoted_ids": [],
"external_id": "9",
"id": "9",
"subscribed_user_ids": [],
"subscribed_commentable_ids": []
"annotated_content_info": {
"roles": {"Moderator": [], "Administrator": [], "Community TA": []},
"course_settings": {
"is_cohorted": false,
"allow_anonymous_to_peers": false,
"allow_anonymous": true,
"category_map": {"subcategories": {}, "children": [], "entries": {}},
"cohorts": []
createAnnotatedContentInfo = function() {
return {
voted: '',
subscribed: true,
ability: {
can_reply: true,
editable: true,
can_openclose: true,
can_delete: true,
can_vote: true
createMockThreadResponse = function(options) {
return _.extend(
username: testUser,
course_id: testCourseID,
commentable_id: testTeamDiscussionID,
children: [],
comments_count: 0,
anonymous_to_peers: false,
unread_comments_count: 0,
updated_at: "2015-08-04T21:44:28Z",
resp_skip: 0,
id: "55c1323c56c02ce921000001",
pinned: false,
votes: {"count": 0, "down_count": 0, "point": 0, "up_count": 0},
resp_limit: 25,
abuse_flaggers: [],
closed: false,
resp_total: 1,
at_position_list: [],
type: "thread",
read: true,
anonymous: false,
user_id: "5",
created_at: "2015-08-04T21:44:28Z",
thread_type: "discussion",
context: "standalone",
endorsed: false
options || {}
return {
testCourseID: testCourseID,
testUser: testUser,
testTeamDiscussionID: testTeamDiscussionID,
createMockPostResponse: createMockPostResponse,
createMockDiscussionResponse: createMockDiscussionResponse,
createAnnotatedContentInfo: createAnnotatedContentInfo,
createMockThreadResponse: createMockThreadResponse
], function (_, TeamCollection, TeamMembershipCollection) {
'use strict';
var createMockPostResponse, createMockDiscussionResponse, createAnnotatedContentInfo, createMockThreadResponse,
testCourseID = 'course/1',
testUser = 'testUser',
testTeamDiscussionID = "12345",
testCountries = [
['', ''],
['US', 'United States'],
['CA', 'Canada'],
['MX', 'Mexico']
testLanguages = [
['', ''],
['en', 'English'],
['es', 'Spanish'],
['fr', 'French']
var createMockTeamData = function (startIndex, stopIndex) {
return, stopIndex + 1), function (i) {
return {
name: "team " + i,
id: "id " + i,
language: testLanguages[i%4][0],
country: testCountries[i%4][0],
is_active: true,
membership: []
var createMockTeams = function(teamData) {
if (!teamData) {
teamData = createMockTeamData(1, 5);
return new TeamCollection(
count: 6,
num_pages: 2,
current_page: 1,
start: 0,
results: teamData
course_id: 'my/course/id',
parse: true
var createMockTeamMembershipsData = function(startIndex, stopIndex) {
var teams = createMockTeamData(startIndex, stopIndex);
return, stopIndex + 1), function (i) {
return {
user: {
'username': testUser,
'url': '' + testUser
team: teams[i-1]
var createMockTeamMemberships = function(teamMembershipData, options) {
if (!teamMembershipData) {
teamMembershipData = createMockTeamMembershipsData(1, 5);
return new TeamMembershipCollection(
count: 11,
num_pages: 3,
current_page: 1,
start: 0,
results: teamMembershipData
_.extend(_.extend({}, {
course_id: 'my/course/id',
parse: true,
url: 'api/teams/team_memberships',
username: testUser,
privileged: false
var createMockUserInfo = function(options) {
return _.extend(
username: testUser,
privileged: false,
team_memberships_data: createMockTeamMembershipsData(1, 5)
var verifyCards = function(view, teams) {
var teamCards = view.$('.team-card');
_.each(teams, function (team, index) {
var currentCard = teamCards.eq(index);
createMockPostResponse = function(options) {
return _.extend(
username: testUser,
course_id: testCourseID,
commentable_id: testTeamDiscussionID,
type: 'thread',
body: "",
anonymous_to_peers: false,
unread_comments_count: 0,
updated_at: '2015-07-29T18:44:56Z',
group_name: 'Default Group',
pinned: false,
votes: {count: 0, down_count: 0, point: 0, up_count: 0},
user_id: "9",
abuse_flaggers: [],
closed: false,
at_position_list: [],
read: false,
anonymous: false,
created_at: "2015-07-29T18:44:56Z",
thread_type: 'discussion',
comments_count: 0,
group_id: 1,
endorsed: false
options || {}
createMockDiscussionResponse = function(threads) {
if (_.isUndefined(threads)) {
threads = [
createMockPostResponse({ id: "1", title: "First Post"}),
createMockPostResponse({ id: "2", title: "Second Post"}),
createMockPostResponse({ id: "3", title: "Third Post"})
return {
"num_pages": 1,
"page": 1,
"discussion_data": threads,
"user_info": {
"username": testUser,
"follower_ids": [],
"default_sort_key": "date",
"downvoted_ids": [],
"subscribed_thread_ids": [],
"upvoted_ids": [],
"external_id": "9",
"id": "9",
"subscribed_user_ids": [],
"subscribed_commentable_ids": []
"annotated_content_info": {
"roles": {"Moderator": [], "Administrator": [], "Community TA": []},
"course_settings": {
"is_cohorted": false,
"allow_anonymous_to_peers": false,
"allow_anonymous": true,
"category_map": {"subcategories": {}, "children": [], "entries": {}},
"cohorts": []
createAnnotatedContentInfo = function() {
return {
voted: '',
subscribed: true,
ability: {
can_reply: true,
editable: true,
can_openclose: true,
can_delete: true,
can_vote: true
createMockThreadResponse = function(options) {
return _.extend(
username: testUser,
course_id: testCourseID,
commentable_id: testTeamDiscussionID,
children: [],
comments_count: 0,
anonymous_to_peers: false,
unread_comments_count: 0,
updated_at: "2015-08-04T21:44:28Z",
resp_skip: 0,
id: "55c1323c56c02ce921000001",
pinned: false,
votes: {"count": 0, "down_count": 0, "point": 0, "up_count": 0},
resp_limit: 25,
abuse_flaggers: [],
closed: false,
resp_total: 1,
at_position_list: [],
type: "thread",
read: true,
anonymous: false,
user_id: "5",
created_at: "2015-08-04T21:44:28Z",
thread_type: "discussion",
context: "standalone",
endorsed: false
options || {}
return {
testCourseID: testCourseID,
testUser: testUser,
testCountries: testCountries,
testLanguages: testLanguages,
testTeamDiscussionID: testTeamDiscussionID,
createMockTeamData: createMockTeamData,
createMockTeams: createMockTeams,
createMockTeamMembershipsData: createMockTeamMembershipsData,
createMockTeamMemberships: createMockTeamMemberships,
createMockUserInfo: createMockUserInfo,
createMockPostResponse: createMockPostResponse,
createMockDiscussionResponse: createMockDiscussionResponse,
createAnnotatedContentInfo: createAnnotatedContentInfo,
createMockThreadResponse: createMockThreadResponse,
verifyCards: verifyCards
......@@ -5,8 +5,7 @@
function ($, _, Backbone, TeamsTabView) {
return function (options) {
var teamsTab = new TeamsTabView(_.extend(options, {el: $('.teams-content')}));
}).call(this, define || RequireJS.define);
......@@ -19,10 +19,10 @@
initialize: function(options) {
this.courseId = options.teamParams.courseId;
this.courseID = options.teamParams.courseID;
this.topicID = options.teamParams.topicID;
this.collection = options.collection;
this.teamsUrl = options.teamParams.teamsUrl;
this.topicId = options.teamParams.topicId;
this.languages = options.teamParams.languages;
this.countries = options.teamParams.countries;
this.primaryButtonTitle = options.primaryButtonTitle || 'Submit';
......@@ -103,8 +103,8 @@
teamCountry = this.teamCountryField.fieldValue();
var data = {
course_id: this.courseId,
topic_id: this.topicId,
course_id: this.courseID,
topic_id: this.topicID,
name: this.teamNameField.fieldValue(),
description: this.teamDescriptionField.fieldValue(),
language: _.isNull(teamLanguage) ? '' : teamLanguage,
......@@ -120,7 +120,7 @@, { wait: true })
.done(function(result) {
'teams/' + view.topicId + '/' +,
'teams/' + view.topicID + '/' +,
{trigger: true}
......@@ -184,7 +184,7 @@
goBackToTopic: function () {
Backbone.history.navigate('topics/' + this.topicId, {trigger: true});
Backbone.history.navigate('topics/' + this.topicID, {trigger: true});
;(function (define) {
'use strict';
define(['backbone', 'gettext', 'teams/js/views/teams'],
function (Backbone, gettext, TeamsView) {
var MyTeamsView = TeamsView.extend({
render: function() {;
if (this.collection.length === 0) {
this.$el.append('<p>' + gettext('You are not currently a member of any teams.') + '</p>');
return this;
createHeaderView: function() {
// Never show a pagination header for the "My Team" tab
// because there is only ever one team.
return null;
createFooterView: function() {
// Never show a pagination footer for the "My Team" tab
// because there is only ever one team.
return null;
return MyTeamsView;
}).call(this, define || RequireJS.define);
......@@ -2,19 +2,13 @@
'use strict';
], function (Backbone, TeamCardView, PaginatedView, teamActionsTemplate) {
], function (Backbone, gettext, TeamCardView, PaginatedView) {
var TeamsView = PaginatedView.extend({
type: 'teams',
events: {
'click a.browse-teams': 'browseTeams',
'click': 'searchTeams',
'click a.create-team': 'showCreateTeamForm'
initialize: function (options) {
this.topic = options.topic;
this.teamMemberships = options.teamMemberships;
......@@ -29,25 +23,6 @@;
render: function () {;
if (this.teamMemberships.canUserCreateTeam()) {
var message = interpolate_text(
_.escape(gettext("Try {browse_span_start}browsing all teams{span_end} or {search_span_start}searching team descriptions{span_end}. If you still can't find a team to join, {create_span_start}create a new team in this topic{span_end}.")),
'browse_span_start': '<a class="browse-teams" href="">',
'search_span_start': '<a class="search-teams" href="">',
'create_span_start': '<a class="create-team" href="">',
'span_end': '</a>'
this.$el.append(_.template(teamActionsTemplate, {message: message}));
return this;
* Convert a 2d array to an object equivalent with an additional blank element
......@@ -60,22 +35,6 @@
var map = _.object(options);
map[""] = "";
return map;
browseTeams: function (event) {
Backbone.history.navigate('browse', {trigger: true});
searchTeamDescriptions: function (event) {
// TODO! Will navigate to correct place once required functionality is available
Backbone.history.navigate('browse', {trigger: true});
showCreateTeamForm: function (event) {
Backbone.history.navigate('topics/' + this.teamParams.topicID + '/create-team', {trigger: true});
return TeamsView;
......@@ -14,12 +14,13 @@
function (Backbone, _, gettext, HeaderView, HeaderModel, TabbedView,
TopicModel, TopicCollection, TeamModel, TeamCollection, TeamMembershipCollection,
TopicsView, TeamProfileView, TeamsView, TeamEditView,
TopicsView, TeamProfileView, MyTeamsView, TopicTeamsView, TeamEditView,
teamsTemplate) {
var ViewWithHeader = Backbone.View.extend({
initialize: function (options) {
......@@ -66,7 +67,7 @@
this.teamMemberships = new TeamMembershipCollection(
url: this.teamMembershipsUrl,
course_id: this.courseID,
......@@ -76,13 +77,13 @@
this.myTeamsView = new TeamsView({
this.myTeamsView = new MyTeamsView({
router: this.router,
collection: this.teamMemberships,
teamMemberships: this.teamMemberships,
maxTeamSize: this.maxTeamSize,
teamParams: {
courseId: this.courseID,
courseID: this.courseID,
teamsUrl: this.teamsUrl,
languages: this.languages,
countries: this.countries
......@@ -108,7 +109,7 @@
main: new TabbedView({
tabs: [{
title: gettext('My Teams'),
title: gettext('My Team'),
url: 'my-teams',
view: this.myTeamsView
}, {
......@@ -121,6 +122,24 @@
* Start up the Teams app
start: function() {
// Navigate to the default page if there is no history:
// 1. If the user belongs to at least one team, jump to the "My Teams" page
// 2. If not, then jump to the "Browse" page
if (Backbone.history.getFragment() === '') {
if (this.teamMemberships.length > 0) {
this.router.navigate('my-teams', {trigger: true});
} else {
this.router.navigate('browse', {trigger: true});
render: function() {
......@@ -141,9 +160,9 @@
* Render the create new team form.
newTeam: function (topicId) {
newTeam: function (topicID) {
var self = this;
this.getTeamsView(topicId).done(function (teamsView) {
this.getTeamsView(topicID).done(function (teamsView) {
self.mainView = new ViewWithHeader({
header: new HeaderView({
model: new HeaderModel({
......@@ -152,7 +171,7 @@
breadcrumbs: [
title: teamsView.main.teamParams.topicName,
url: '#topics/' + teamsView.main.teamParams.topicId
url: '#topics/' + teamsView.main.teamParams.topicID
......@@ -190,15 +209,16 @@
self.teamsCollection = collection;
.done(function() {
var teamsView = new TeamsView({
var teamsView = new TopicTeamsView({
router: router,
topic: topic,
collection: collection,
teamMemberships: self.teamMemberships,
maxTeamSize: self.maxTeamSize,
teamParams: {
courseId: self.courseID,
courseID: self.courseID,
topicID: topic.get('id'),
teamsUrl: self.teamsUrl,
topicId: topic.get('id'),
topicName: topic.get('name'),
languages: self.languages,
countries: self.countries
;(function (define) {
'use strict';
define(['backbone', 'gettext', 'teams/js/views/teams',
function (Backbone, gettext, TeamsView, teamActionsTemplate) {
var TopicTeamsView = TeamsView.extend({
events: {
'click a.browse-teams': 'browseTeams',
'click': 'searchTeams',
'click a.create-team': 'showCreateTeamForm'
initialize: function(options) {, options);
_.bindAll(this, 'browseTeams', 'searchTeams', 'showCreateTeamForm');
render: function() {;
if (this.teamMemberships.canUserCreateTeam()) {
var message = interpolate_text(
_.escape(gettext("Try {browse_span_start}browsing all teams{span_end} or {search_span_start}searching team descriptions{span_end}. If you still can't find a team to join, {create_span_start}create a new team in this topic{span_end}.")),
'browse_span_start': '<a class="browse-teams" href="">',
'search_span_start': '<a class="search-teams" href="">',
'create_span_start': '<a class="create-team" href="">',
'span_end': '</a>'
this.$el.append(_.template(teamActionsTemplate, {message: message}));
return this;
browseTeams: function (event) {
Backbone.history.navigate('browse', {trigger: true});
searchTeams: function (event) {
// TODO! Will navigate to correct place once required functionality is available
Backbone.history.navigate('browse', {trigger: true});
showCreateTeamForm: function (event) {
Backbone.history.navigate('topics/' + this.teamParams.topicID + '/create-team', {trigger: true});
return TopicTeamsView;
}).call(this, define || RequireJS.define);
......@@ -481,11 +481,11 @@ class TestCreateTeamAPI(TeamAPITestCase):
), {
'name': 'Bad Course Id',
'name': 'Bad Course ID',
'course_id': 'no_such_course',
'description': "Filler Description"
}), (404, {
'name': "Non-existent course id",
'name': "Non-existent course ID",
'course_id': 'no/such/course',
'description': "Filler Description"
......@@ -789,16 +789,18 @@
}).call(this, requirejs, define);
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