@@ -219,7 +219,7 @@ Python script that you create and embed in the problem. These problems
can be any type. Numerical input and text input problems are the most
popular write-your-own-grader.
.. image:: Images/WriteYourOwnGraderExample.gif
.. image:: Images/CustomPythonExample.png
:alt: Image of a write your own grader problem
Create a Write-Your-Own-Grader Problem
@@ -295,22 +295,53 @@ To create a image mapped input problem:
Math Expression Input
In math expression input problems, students enter text that represents
a mathematical expression, and Studio changes that text to a symbolic
expression that appears below the field where the student is typing.
Unlike numerical input problems, which only allow integers and a few
select constants, math expression problems can include more complicated
symbolic expressions.
In math expression input problems, students enter text that represents a mathematical expression into a field, and the LMS changes that text to a symbolic expression that appears below that field.
When you create a math expression input problem for your students in
Studio, you'll use `MathJax <http://www.mathjax.org>`_ to change your
plain text into "beautiful math." For more information about how to use
MathJax in Studio, see :ref:`MathJax in Studio`.
.. image:: Images/MathExpressionInputExample.gif
:alt: Image of math expression input problem
Unlike numerical input problems, which only allow integers and a few select constants, math expression problems can include unknown variables and more complicated symbolic expressions. The grader uses a numerical sampling to determine whether the student's response matches the instructor-provided math expression, to a specified numerical tolerance. The instructor must specify the allowed variables in the expression as well as the range of values for each variable.
.. warning:: Math expression input problems cannot currently include negative numbers raised to fractional powers, such as (-1)^(1/2). Math expression input problems can include complex numbers raised to fractional powers, or positive non-complex numbers raised to fractional powers.
.. image:: Images/MathExpressionInputExample.gif
:alt: Image of math expression input problem
When you create a math expression input problem in Studio, you'll use `MathJax <http://www.mathjax.org>`_ to change your plain text into "beautiful math." For more information about how to use MathJax in Studio, see :ref:`MathJax in Studio`.
The LMS automatically converts the following Greek letter names into the corresponding Greek characters when a student types them in the answer field:
.. list-table::
:widths: 20 20 20 20
:header-rows: 0
* - alpha
- beta
- gamma
- delta
* - epsilon
- varepsilon
- zeta
- eta
* - theta
- vartheta
- iota
- kappa
* - lambda
- mu
- nu
- xi
* - pi
- rho
- sigma
- tau
* - upsilon
- phi
- varphi
- chi
* - psi
- omega
note:: ``epsilon`` is the lunate version, whereas ``varepsilon`` looks like a backward 3.